FF 25th Anniversary Memorial Ultimanias

Selphie Tilmitt

Pro Adventurer
It's Monday! *stalks Hawkeye's post/mail person* :monster:

Thanks for the tip about Amazon JP, my copy should arrive in a few days ^_^

(cute avatar by the way Monterosa ^_^ )

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
My copy literally just arrived at my door. :monster:
No FFVIII sample page makes me sad, while VII gets two... I recently bought the original VIII Ultimania. Once I learn Japanese I'll tell you what it says. :P

We actually have a good bit of VIII translations already, but feel free to do some more if you're interested:


I never did get around to doing the character profiles. :monster:

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Can I just say holy shit? This Ultimania is easily the nicest one I own, and I have a shit-ton of them.

First off, I had no idea how beautiful it would be. I knew it was going to be a hardback, but I didn't know it was going to be the size of an encyclopedia. Most Ultimanias are small -- approximately the size of a standard novel. This book is a coffee table book, and it is stuffed with a fuck-ton of illustrations.

I am seeing so much artwork in here that I have never seen before. We have sketches of tons of characters and monsters from FFVII, VIII and IX, including Shera, Ifalna, Cloud's mom, Tifa's dad, Shiva (FFVII), Bahamut Zero, Sapphire Weapon, Arthur (from Knights of the Round), Kiros, Ward, Cid Kramer, Edea (as Matron), Ultimecia, Raine, Ellione, Julia, General Caraway, Dr. Odine, NORG, Shumi Tribe villagers, the T-Rexaur, the Grendel, the X-ATM092, the Iguions, the Ruby Dragon, Abadon, the Propagators, Adel, the Time Compression witches, Trauma, Tri-Point, Griever, Ultimecia's combined form with Griever (and her final form), all the Guardian Forces, Squall on a chocobo, the dancers from the Deling City parade, the Black Waltzes, Mikoto, the Tantarian, the Four Chaoses (both their shrine guardian designs and their enhanced forms from Memoria), Hades (FFIX), Deathguise, all the Eidolons (the Ark's code name during development was "Blassty"), Death (from FFIX's magic spell), and a lot more (e.g. tons of incidental NPCs).

The main character images in their profiles are ginormous and gorgeous, and several profiles feature early alternate designs -- e.g. the image we saw in previews of Cloud with a Buster Sword that has a pronounced hand guard; Irvine with goggles and Sephiroth bangs instead of a cowboy hat; Dagger in different outfits and with different hair; there's even a design of Sephiroth I don't think I've ever seen before, in which he's wearing an outfit with significant differences from his final design (note the different pauldrons, and that he's wearing a normal SOLDIER shirt under his trench coat).

There is also a lot of art from the games' various locations, including some artwork of the inside of the Mt. Nibel mako reactor that blew my mind. It seriously looked like Katsuhiro Otomo's "Akira" work. There's even a close-up look at the angel construct in Jenova's chamber, with a lot of writing beside it that probably describes what the damn thing is supposed to do.

FFVIII's field map designs are another striking sight, as it looks like they straight up copied most of them right into the game from the background designers' illustrations. Many of these images are exactly as they ended up appearing in the final game.

With the quality of the pages and the art on them, I have to retract my earlier statement that another Ultimania with art from FFX/X-2 would have nothing to offer me. It would probably be well worth it to get even Vol. 3 of this series, and I encourage anyone with a love of Final Fantasy artwork to get at least one of these books. If the other two are comparable to this one, it will be a purchase well made.

For those curious about the same things I was, by the way:

-There's really nothing new about Ultimecia in terms of backstory, but it's nice to have this artwork of her
-There's diddly dick about Necron other than the comment that "When Kuja's havoc comes to an end, his despair draws an unknown 'darkness' near" (クジャの暴走が止まるとき、彼の絶望が未知なる「闇」を引き寄せる; pg. 315)
-As for the LTD of FFVII, well, this stuff right here is probably going to make a few people shit a brick
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get cape. wear cape. fly.
Sounds like an issue I would probably spend my savings to get, as a matter of fact. Thanks again for the presentation.


unsavory tart
That alternative Garnet is awesome (all the images are awesome), thanks for all the info. I'm alternatively thankful and incredibly freaking jealous tho. D:

lol. Norg.
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The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Sorry, my love. You're going to say that you want to fuck me a lot more here in a moment.

I've taken it upon myself to snap a lot of pictures to share with you guys. This isn't nearly all of them (not even a quarter), but these are some that jumped out at me. Enjoy.

Showing off the size of the book/pages/character profile images
Early Vincent design (with scythe)
Aerith in her dress from Don Corneo's
Various Tifa designs (cowgirl, little Tifa, dress at the Don's place)
Cloud's mom
Tifa's dad
Priscilla & Mr. Dolphin
Chocobo Sage (he must be an Ancient; this initial sketch of him looks just like the ones from the Temple)
Mako Cannon
Mt. Nibel mako reactor 1
Mt. Nibel mako reactor 2
Jenova's angel construct
Jenova in her tube 1
Jenova in her tube 2
Northern Crater (before Meteor is cast)
Ultima Weapon
Sapphire Weapon
Tiny Bronco (the original Sister Ray!)
Shiva and Leviathan (FFVII)
Bahamut ZERO
Cloud, Tifa, Aerith and Nobuo Uematsu
FFVIII group shot by Amano (don't think I've ever seen it before)
Rinoa sketches (regular outfit and SeeD ball dress)
Cid Kramer and Raine
Ultimecia (and Cid's feet)
General Caraway
Ellone and Julia
Dr. Odine
Lunatic Pandora and the Deep See Research Center
Time Compression Witches
Tri-Point and Krysta
Ulti-Griever and Ultimecia's final form
Alexander, Bahamut, Doomtrain, Eden
Chocobo, MiniMog, Odin (with Sleipnir), Gilgamesh
Squall on a chocobo
Deling City parade dancers
Dagger in a fancy dress
Early Kuja design (VERY DIFFERENT)
Ramuh (FFIX)
Madeen (FFIX)
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unsavory tart
Freakin' amazing Tres thanks.

And holycrap, that Kuja is extremely different. I kind of like him dressed like a noble.


Zetta Member
Just thought I'd pop in to say I've got all three of these and am in the process of scanning and uploading all the new artwork (TONS) to the FFwiki. Those of you who thought it would be a waste of time to get Vol.1 because we've already seen the Amano stuff...welll, too bad for you! Along with a decent sample of the Amano stuff is the long-awaited treasure trove of Nomura FFV/VI concept art which Square has been oh-so stingy with. TONS of monster concept art from FFV and VI (although much more for FFV than FFVI, sadly. FFVI final battles concept art makes up for it though). There's also tons of new monster concept art for FFVII, VIII, IX, X, XII, and XIII as well. The new stuff gets less with each successive game, due to Ultimania over-saturation, but every single game has some new material worth checking out.

All three volumes have buttloads of never-before-seen concept art, but Vol.1 is by far the best for new material. It also has all sorts of pre-release info too (like, did you know moogles were supposed to be in FFII? They have sprites and everything, but they weren't included in the final game). Overall, these Ultimanias are THE best books ever released as far as FF artwork collections go. Absolute must-haves, period. The only art-related book I would consider superior to these is The Sky, because I'm an Amano freak. But I'm also a Nomura freak, and these books deliver on his main series work like no other books before them. And it's about damn TIME. The only thing I would say is lacking in these books is that they strictly stick to the main 14 FF's. Not a peep about anything else, from X-2/XIII-2, to FFIV:TAY, to Tactics, to Dissidia, to Crystal Chronicles to FFVII Compilation.

Here's a fun fact for you FFVII lovers - Nomura gave names to the three gods of the FFVI Warring Triad in his concept art for them. Goddess is Sophia, Demon/Poltergeist is Zurvan, and Fiend/Doom is Sephiroth.

I'll be continuing to upload all the new art to the FFwiki as I work my way through the books in order. I have all FFIII monster concept art and the smattering of new Amano stuff (except for one piece, it's really just higher-quality versions of Amano art I've already seen, but that's no surprise.) already uploaded, as well as the Nomura concept art for the Warring Triad, Final Kefka, and the Tower of Gods (that big thing before Kefka) already uploaded as well. I'd post handy links for stuff here, but I don't have five measly posts yet, so eh.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Thanks for the info, espritduo. Just having Vol. 2 has me convinced that 1 and 3 would be worth the money, but reading your descriptions and high praise makes me feel more certain. I may get them at some point, but probably not anytime soon.

I'm going to check out the art you've been uploading at the FF Wiki as soon as I can. I've gotten viruses on my computer several times going there, so I'm hesitant to do so, but I may navigate over there via my phone. Thanks for doing that!


Zetta Member
I find trying to browse the FFwiki on Internet Explorer to be an unmanageable mess, usually. I strictly surf it using Firefox, and have never had any issues with the site since switching over.

Regarding FFVII stuff, one thing I found interesting while reading about the KOTR blurbs is that the lead knight is officially named Arthur, and his sword is officially called Excalibur. I know we've assumed these things for a while thanks to stuff like Creature Arts calling him Arthur and common sense reference-making to Arthurian legend, but I think that's the first time I've ever actually seen stated in print in an official book.

Selphie Tilmitt

Pro Adventurer
That is freakin adorable. Thanks for sharing Tres. Will probably have more to say when I have more time to look at them all :monster:

N-UE - Aerith is all MINE now mwhahahaha! ALL MINE! :P


Wooow, holy freaking kaboombas @ the size of the thing, that is huge Tres o_o I like the hand for effect! Really can't wait to get the book now! :aah:

Thanks so much for all this again Tres and now you too espritduo!

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Here's some more random stuff: the Memories of FFVII, VIII and IX pages.



It's a random assortment of memorable stuff. A couple bits from the game's opening segments; Cloud as the Don's date; Barret, Tifa and Cloud taking the stairs at Shin-Ra HQ; the parade in Junon; the Aerith date; Aerith's death; Cloud passed out in the snow at the Great Glacier; spending GP to fight at Battle Square; casting Knights of the Round; receiving the Master Command materia; Cloud's' final battle with Sephiroth; and the ending.

Some really good choices! All of those stand out in my memory.


Opening bits; using Draw on a Bite Bug; the boss battle with Elvoret; a SeeD cadet asking Squall if he wants to play cards; playing Triple Triad; finding and reading an issue of "Timber Maniacs"; the beginning of the first Laguna dream sequence; using Scan; Quistis using Bad Breath; Rinoa and Squall together on the Ragnarok as "Eyes On Me" plays; using Selphie's The End Limit Break; solving the painting puzzle in the art gallery in Ultimecia's Castle; screenshots from the ending.

Also all great choices.


Dagger's "kidnapping"; the Festival of the Hunt; the party getting their asses handed to them by Beatrix the first time; looks like using a Tent during battle; deciding whether Eiko should put the oglop in the stew; doing Mognet stuff with one of the moogles; Cid the oglop/frog; doing jump rope with Vivi; answering the Ragtime Mouse's questions; doing Chocograph stuff; fighting Necron; and, of course, the ending.

Once more, all stuff that stands out vividly in one's memory from that game as well.

Here also is Ultimecia's completely uninformative profile (pg. 154), but I thought I would go ahead with translating it and at least know for certain what it had to offer:

A witch from the distant future with hatred for SeeD. She intends to create a world where only she can exist by performing 'Time Compression' and causing the past and future to melt together. In pursuit of the ability harnessed by Ellone to send someone's consciousness into someone in the past, she possesses the bodies of the witches Edea, Rinoa and Adel one after the other.

Japanese text:

Should have more to come soon.


Zetta Member
Hah, I remember that FFVIII Scan memorial bit. I didn't bother to translate it, but I guessed from the image they chose that it might be talking about people trying to see up Selphie's skirt and not being able to rotate her that way. Does the little blurb mention that?

EDIT: I translated the second sentence and that is what it says, lol. "......Hey! Why can't I rotate Selphie vertically?"
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The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Ha, nice. I didn't even think about that until just now, but, yeah, you can't rotate her vertically. It's funny how they know exactly all these things that players will remember fondly from these games.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
I think it's the age she was at the time Hojo captured her (or maybe during Gast's first recorded interview with her). But, yeah, it's probably her age, as Priscilla's sketch plainly says "Age 13."

Also, Cloud's mom's sketch says "33," while Tifa's dad's says "40." I assume that's at time of death for them, though.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Christ I'm almost as old as Cloud's mom was when she died...I remember when I used to think how great it'd be to date Cloud :(


Zetta Member
I would imagine the ages on the concept art are simply the intended age of the concept art, and not anything official or related to the final version of the game. You know, for comparison sake and to help the graphics team get the right "look" in-game. Kinda how a lot of the concept art has little PC's next to the monsters to show the designer how large the enemy is supposed to be. They're not hard official ages, just general "this is around how old my drawing is supposed to look" tags to help the designers out.

Although, along that vein, there is are two images in the FFIX section that have all the major characters of FFIX standing in a row with little lines marking exactly how tall all of them are in cm's. This is the only known source of FFIX character heights I've ever seen, but since none of those little marked heights seem to transfer over to actual character bio stats elsewhere, I wouldn't take them as absolute fact. But boy, I want to! I've been trying to find those heights forever!

Oh, and speaking of FFIX, probably the strangest thing in the whole book are the Qu. They list Quale and Quan under their "full" names - Quina Quale and Quina Quan. What the heck does that mean? Quina's full name is Quina Quen...so does that mean they are all Quina's? It does actually make sense if you realize Qu reproduce asexually, and thus Quina Quan begat Quina Quale begat Quina Quen through some sort of mitosis or perhaps budding. They're all Quina's, with our Quina being the "Quen" version of the primary "Quina" line of Qu. Or something, thinking about Qu makes my head hurt.
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