FF7 Headcanons and Discussion


Double Growth
I assumed the same thing, regarding the airship mentioned in Case of Barret, and was also not a fan of that stupid revelation.


Rookie Adventurer
I really laughed harder than I should have at that. That was awesome, Blargon.

My headcanon is, that as a child, Cloud had a little toy soldier, or maybe a tub of these guys. Maybe it was a present before his father, assuming his father actually cared about him.


Pro Adventurer
The Girl With A Strong Opinion
When Sephiroth was still sane and relatively good he was very uncomfortable being around needles because when he was younger he was always injected with stuff.

Kingdom Hearts530

Pro Adventurer
Vincent starts to age after the events of DoC as Chaos is gone. (Does this make sense? I’m not 100% sure this makes sense)
Tifa and Cloud adopt the Moggle Girl (because why not).
Kunsel survived Meteor and eventually met the AVALANCHE gang somehow.
Cissnei died shortly after Zack, either defending Gongaga or for helping Zack.
Zack’s family and the rest of Gongaga learn about Zack’s death after the events of FF7 and he’s considered a town hero (YES ZACK YOU BECAME A HERO T_T)
Veld and his daughter settled down in a small town after all the shit they’ve been through and finally got some peace and quiet.


Pro Adventurer
The Girl With A Strong Opinion
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Vincent starts to age after the events of DoC as Chaos is gone. (Does this make sense? I’m not 100% sure this makes sense)

Yes. He deserves to regain some humanity.

Tifa and Cloud adopt the Moggle Girl (because why not).

I can get on board with this, although I feel a bit sorry for poor Tifa, only 24 or whatever age she is, being den mother to a bunch of orphans.

Kunsel survived Meteor and eventually met the AVALANCHE gang somehow.

I had a thought while playing Crisis Core.How is it that Kunsel, a relatively lowly 2nd class who's never in line for promotion, knows everything that goes on in Shinra, and especially stuff about Zack that Zack himself doesn't know? Obviously it's because he's a double agent in the pay of the Turks, and his mission is to mount surveillance over Zack (who is suspect because of his closeness to Angeal) by cultivating his friendship. He's more subtle than Luxiere ("Hey, I have an idea, Zack. Why don't you let me capture you? I'll get promoted and then maybe I can save your life!") but in his own way he's trying to track Zack down and lure him out of hiding at the end of CC.

I think Kunsel is creepy and I don't trust him.

Cissnei died shortly after Zack, either defending Gongaga or for helping Zack.

No, Cissnei settled into an off-again, on-again relationship with Reno in which they're always fighting and cheating on each other.

Zack’s family and the rest of Gongaga learn about Zack’s death after the events of FF7 and he’s considered a town hero (YES ZACK YOU BECAME A HERO T_T)

They heard this from Cissnei, because Cloud never told them.

Veld and his daughter settled down in a small town after all the shit they’ve been through and finally got some peace and quiet.


Kingdom Hearts530

Pro Adventurer
I can get on board with this, although I feel a bit sorry for poor Tifa, only 24 or whatever age she is, being den mother to a bunch of orphans.

Yeah I feel bad for Tifa too. I feel like she doesn't mind though and she really loves the kids a lot.

I had a thought while playing Crisis Core.How is it that Kunsel, a relatively lowly 2nd class who's never in line for promotion, knows everything that goes on in Shinra, and especially stuff about Zack that Zack himself doesn't know? Obviously it's because he's a double agent in the pay of the Turks, and his mission is to mount surveillance over Zack (who is suspect because of his closeness to Angeal) by cultivating his friendship. He's more subtle than Luxiere ("Hey, I have an idea, Zack. Why don't you let me capture you? I'll get promoted and then maybe I can save your life!") but in his own way he's trying to track Zack down and lure him out of hiding at the end of CC.

I think Kunsel is creepy and I don't trust him.

I agree with you a bit. It is really strange. He definitely either has someone who gets him the info or for some reason is trusted with the info,but I honestly don't think Kunsel had any bad intentions or was a double agent or anything like that.

No, Cissnei settled into an off-again, on-again relationship with Reno in which they're always fighting and cheating on each other.

I can definitely get behind this.


Pro Adventurer
The Girl With A Strong Opinion
Argento at first was only interested in bearing the child to get Hojo's protection at first. She however overtime grew attached to the child and had plans on making sure he was out of Hojo's clutches. She was whisked away to Nibelhiem where Hojo could keep an eye on her and her soon to be born child. Silvio just like his father was born in Nibelheim and is currently being raised there in seclusion by his mother. She no longer wears the Tsviet gear but normal civilian attire.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Tifa and Cloud adopt the Moggle Girl (because why not).

I have to quote Seinfeld on this one "Just because your life is ruined, don't ruin someone elses"

Or rather, I'm not convinced Cloud (in particular) and Tifa have got their shit together enough yet even at the end of AC/DoC.

I mean Denzel is fucked but I never liked that kid anyway... :monster:

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
Veld and his daughter settled down in a small town after all the shit they’ve been through and finally got some peace and quiet.
My headcanon is that they settled down in Bone Village and make sure that the only scientists they've met who only care about paleontology don't get messed with by Shin-Ra or the local monster population. To say they got concerned when Cloud and Co. stopped by would be an understatement.

The G'randiest' Daddy

Teh Bunneh of Doom
My headcanon re: Denzel in the post-DoC years is that he grows up to be even more of an ass-kicker than Tifa and Cloud, 'cause he gets taught to fight by both of them. Also I reckon somewhere along the way there's an accident and gets mako-ized (or already was and doesn't know it, check the blue eyes), granting him even more power.


Double Growth
I always assumed Vincent's agelessness were the result of what Hojo did to him that allowed his body to be resilient enough to house Chaos. But that makes some sense as well.

But maybe I just want it to still be that the 500 Years Later scene is Red taking his kids to see Vincent.


Pro Adventurer
I've gotten the impression mako probably had something to do with Vincent's immortality but not completely. I mean Lucrecia probably got a ton of Mako put in her along with the Jenova cells she claims are responsible for her case and Shelke seems to be due to mako. I'd assume the experiments Vincent was put through involved a lot of mako but no Jenova cells and it makes sense something derived from the lifeblood of the planet would at least slow aging. I was also under the impression Chaos was added later in the experimentation, after Vincent was made as tough as he is now. I don't really want to lose Vincent meeting up with Nanaki every year either.
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Headcanon I thought of today.

- Staniv is a trainer of Anti-SOLDIER "Vajradhara" monsters. Ya know,

I just feel that Staniv's in-battle form and brute strength style (albeit through weapons) matches that of the Vajradhara and so it makes sense in my head that Staniv, a member of the mighty Wusheng, would be responsible for training the most fierce of the Vajradhara.

Thusly, in my headcanon, these Anti-SOLDIER monsters were then used against Deepground when they attacked Wutai (an assault that is referenced by Yuffie on the Shera, in Dirge of Cerberus).

EDIT: Gorky represents "Power" and Staniv represents "Weapons". Thematically Gorky too makes sense here as a trainer of Vajradhara, if brute strength is considered. However Vajradhara use a variety of weapons and Staniv is supposedly of a higher level than Gorki, so I still prefer Staniv as the expert Vajradhara trainer.
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Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
^^It's always been my headcanon that the scientist s at Shinra got the idea of playing around with human/non-himan hybrids because Wutai figured out how to do it first. They go about it in very different ways though...
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Clement Rage

Pro Adventurer
Not FF7, but I have an entire headcanon for how the last year of the Galbadia/Esthar war progressed, which I am still playing with years after I last needed it for like one paragraph of a fanfic.

Galbadia had been steadily losing on the Trabian front for years, with little answer to Esthari tech. The Centran front had been a bloody quagmire for years, primarily because the Lunar Cry radically altered the landscape and nobody had accurate maps any more. After Adel's trump card Lunatic Pandora was developed, the Galbadian missile base was built as a counter to it -an effective one, since it's rather difficult to hide the advance of a 3KM high floating fortress. Adel, losing patience, stripped her home garrison and the ODIlabs warehouses and took an army over the horizon bridge, catching Galbadia almost completely flat footed-they had lots of artillery in crates, but not enough soldiers mobilised to meet the threat, especially since nobody was powerful enough to take Adel in direct combat. With Adel bearing down on DC, a squad of G-soldiers pinned behind enemy lines stumbled across her position and one of them successfully stabbed her before she set him on fire. Because he was so close, she took splash damage from her own spell -not badly hurt, but enough that she had to leave the field.

Because there was a huge cult of personality built around Adel, what was perceived as a personal defeat stalled the Esthari army a bit, until one of her generals managed to take command, by which point the Galbadian army had their heavy guns in place, and the missile base was gearing up. The general sent the Odine legion, composed of robots and monsters, forward into the teeth of those guns, partly to give Galbadia a big juicy target to focus on to cover the retreat of the rest of the army and partly because he didn't like the fact that Adel was replacing human soldiers with robots and took the opportunity to be rid of them.

The Esthari army retreated to the end of the horizon bridge, not having been supplied for a long conflict, but Galbadia had bombed it in the meantime, not enough that it couldn't be repaired, but enough that their engineers with have to spend time on repairing it it rather than in building perimeter defenses. Adel and her retainers got across back to Esthar, but the Horizon bridge was too damaged to get the army out or supplies back from Esthar, so it eventually surrendered. The Esthari army occupying Timber, without resupply or reinforcement for a third successive year, with terrorist attacks almost daily, also surrendered shortly afterward.

At home in Esthar, with the garrison stripped and Adel having suffered a personal defeat, civil unrest grew enough that instead of sending replacements to the Trabian front, Adel had to bring serving soldiers home to keep the peace, so the Trabian front collapsed back to Esthar's borders not long afterwards, where the defensive line was impregnable. But losing that many people and resources had hurt Esthar, so it couldn't effectively continue to fight. Its only intact force was the navy, which continued to search for Ellone but couldn't prosecute a war alone.

Yes, I put far too much thought into that, although I don't know how militarily sound it is.

Dragonslayer Ornstein

Pro Adventurer
My headcanon is that Sephiroth became enlightened in the lifestream and turned into less of a bad person, like some reverse Griffith transition. And he wants everyone to be as one as part of a galactic vessel and for people to be truly fulfilled. But we see him as bad because of how it manifests to us.


Pro Adventurer
So basically Sephiroth operates by blue and orange morality. even if that were the case, it still wouldn't make him any less evil, simply viewing things in a way where he thinks he's being decent. Enlightened or not, he definitely learned a few things from being in the lifestream, though probably forgot some as well.

Dragonslayer Ornstein

Pro Adventurer
Pretty much. It's down to an individual if they think being reborn as something better is good or not, taking the choice out of their hands is wrong. But I like thinking of Sephiroth that way. Someone who operates on a level we can't understand or comprehend.


Pro Adventurer
I've been thinking about it and concluded that since Angeal apparently doesn't suffer from degradation but Lazard and that wolf-like Angeal copy do, a way to reconcile that would be if they were made with a sample taken from Angeal's corpse.
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