@Makoeyes987 I've already explained it, but you seem to have missed my post. Not going to quote myself, but with each passing post of yours you've been cementing my previous statememts of Americans being too self-centered to care about anything else, no matter if they come in the "America, fuck yeah!" flavour, or the
borderline fanatically puritanical politically correct ones.
You keep wondering how come some people can't see the negative stereotypes and I keep telling you that those stereotypes exist in YOUR part of the world. Money-grubbing? We have plenty of them here in Spain. Hooked nose? That too, thanks to our Middle East and Arab DNA! One of my grandmas had those two characteristics and she was no Jew.
Do you want to know what we see in our minds when we think of Jews? People branded with numbers and loaded in trucks like cattle, dumped in concentration camps, beaten, raped, killed in gas chambers and dumped in mass graves, all because a failed Liberal Arts student had a temper tantrum over the world not being the pristine, pure place he had envisioned. And the, when they thought their troubles were over, they arrive to the blessed USA and find exactly the same vitriol they left in Germany, sans the concentration camps.
We had a large community of jewish citizens back in the day, the Sephardi, who were money lenders to the war effort of the Catholic Monarch's, who, in turn, stripped them from their nationality and exiled them so they didn't have to repay the debt with the interests. Dick move that we, as a nation, understood many centuries after and sought to repair. Even after the diaspora, many families still keep the keys to their ancestral homes as a family heirloom, even knowing that the house is long gone, and still keep teaching Spanish to their kids (in the ancient form from the Reconquista). In 1982 we passed a bill on which all those who could prove their vinculation with Spain could see their citizenship restored. In 2015 this process was simplified, and many descendants of those unjustly exiled have come back to their motherland.
We keep their culture alive, or as much as we can, because they are part of our history. We keep archives with their writen works, we have erected statues to Sephardi eminent figures, the Jewish Quarters are part of our cities and also part of our monuments, their gastronomy is part of our culture, their music is still celebrated. They are remembered as what they were and honored as what they are now: Fellow citizens worthy of respect.
Of course, you have the idiots who shave their heads and wear the Solar Wheel as if they were heirs of the german tiny man, without knowing that they have as much african blood (and probably also jewish) as the rest of us, who like to vandalize anything that has to do with Jews. Then you have the "politically correct" communist parties whose members make jokes about how to fit 4 milions jews in a car, with no consequence from the other "oh so sensitive to cultural nuances" members.