FFVII Community Playthrough: Prelude


Pro Adventurer

If you've been following this thread, you'll know that there has been discussion about restarting the Final Fantasy VII playthrough, which wasn't finished last time around. The idea is to allow new players to catch up before joining the players who previously got as far as Junon, the last checkpoint before the playthrough stopped.

I've been trying to get the project restarted ever since Mog (Lord Rufus Crabmiser) floated the idea a couple of weeks ago. Finally, some sort of consensus emerged that we should start today, so I decided to personally take the baton and run with it. As I have said before, I don't mean to tread on anyone's toes, and I think others should take over the running of this once we catch up with the last playthrough.

Anyway, on to matters at hand. I'm calling this section of the game, up to Junon, the Prelude, and I'm going to follow Mog's previous chapters as closely as possible. I'd like us to complete two chapters per week, so that we'll reach Junon quickly, in just three weeks. The pace might well slow down after that.

I'll be borrowing some of Mog's discussion ideas too, but I'm mindful of the fact we have at least one person taking part who hasn't played the game before, so I'll try and keep things relatively spoiler-free, or use spoiler tags.

This post will be used to link to the chapters as we progress through them.

Chapter 1: The AVALANCHE of the Slums
Chapter 2: The Flower Girl
Chapter 3A: Walk More Nicely, Cloud
Chapter 3B: Under the Falling Pizza
Chapter 4: The Shinra Building
Chapter 5: Kalm the Fuck Down, it's Only a Detour
Chapter 6: A Chocobo, a Snake, a Condor, a Ninja, a Serpent and a Dolphin
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Pro Adventurer
Our first chapter starts, obviously, from the beginning of the game.

Chapter 1: The AVALANCHE of the Slums
2nd - 6th April 2012


Discussion topics:
  • What are your first impressions of the game? Or, as most of you have played it before, what did you think the first time you played it?
  • The game is fifteen years old now; has it aged well, in your opinion? The thing that always bothers me is the lack of analogue stick control.
  • How did you get on with the first boss? And what about escaping from the reactor?
  • The slums aren't a very bright or joyful place, but they are undoubtedly iconic within the world of Final Fantasy VII. What are your thoughts about them - do you try to get out of Midgar as quickly as possible, or take your time and explore them fully?

The ending point of this first chapter is the Beginner's Hall, upstairs from the Sector 7 weapon's shop, which is only fully accessible after spending the night in Tifa's Seventh Heaven bar. There's a picture below. There is a save point inside, as well as a couple of things to pick up and lots of useful information for new players. Report back here once you've reached the target!

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Anyone who wants to call me on Skype in the next little while is free to do so while playing, but bear with me while I find a nice balance between game music and your voice ^_^.

EDIT: Flint and I have paused the playthrough until someone else joins. Next person gets to be named Tifa!
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Pro Adventurer
EDIT: Flint and I have paused the playthrough until someone else joins. Next person gets to be named Tifa!

I should explain: I came up with the idea that I will name my characters after people joining in with this playthrough. Lex copied me :P


Indeed I did! Thought it was a great idea ^_^. Normally I don't like changing their names but 'tis a special occasion.


Pro Adventurer
That such an amazing idea that I'm gonna steal it too :P Although rather than trying to fit my username in, you can use my rl nickname Kikki :D So I'll have Flint as Cloud (since it was his idea), Lex as Barret and I use my nickname for Tifa and go ahead and start playing :)


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
So tempted to fuck with the entire thing and join in next because I know the order of member join.


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
I'm gonna join too. :3 Maybe I'll start later tonight or tomorrow, depending on what I'm doing.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
I won't be joining, but I will be reading people's chapter reflections.

Great work taing the initiative, Flint. I'm going to put up something on the front page for this later.

Have fun, everyone.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
I won't be joining, but I will be reading people's chapter reflections.

Great work taing the initiative, Flint. I'm going to put up something on the front page for this later.

Have fun, everyone.

I was going to do a double announcement for this and the SaGa Playthrough, but if you wanna do it, that's fine.


Pro Adventurer
Since I've finished the first chapter and I'll just go ahead and write this up.

Just to note, I'm playing the PC version. I think this is my third playthrough of VII. The first time I attempted to play it was on a 95 which could barely switch on. :lol: Although you could play the game, most of the background graphic were just a mesh of colour pixals. Even so, I still manage to enjoy the story although I got stuck at the point after Aerith follows Cloud to sector 7 because I just couldn't see where I was going :(.

On this playthrough, I'm not sure what happened but at times everyone seems to be moving super fast which is quite hilarious and also useful meaning I got out of the reactor with 7:44 minutes to spare :D. Normally for me it would be underneath the 5 minute mark so I was quite pleased. :P On the first boss I think I ended up using to many potions because I was stubborn and kept attacking, even though his tail was up, to try and finish the fight quickly :awesome:

Personally I don't particularly rush through Midgar or take my time to explore every single detail although I do like to go round and talk to as many people as possible. I think that while Midgar is a interesting location by the time we leave I'm always glad that we can go and see something new.


Seeing how I just finished a playthrough of this a couple of weeks ago, I don't think I'll be joining the actual gameplay, but I'll probably comment on some of the chapters anyway since they are so fresh in my mind :)


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Seeing how I just finished a playthrough of this a couple of weeks ago, I don't think I'll be joining the actual gameplay, but I'll probably comment on some of the chapters anyway since they are so fresh in my mind :)

Join my LP, then!


Ah good old Midgar. For most of us I'm sure it's almost painfully boring by now. To me, doing another playthrough is usually quite boring until post Junon, there are just so many times I've started a playthrough and then stopped for one reason or another.

Playing the PC version and Skyping at the same time was delicious. It was great to have people (Flint, then later Fangu for 10 minutes ^_^ MORE PEOPLE SKYPE!) to chat to about different techniques/strategies/funny dialogue while actually playing.

I don't have much to say about the content so far since we've only played til 7th heaven, aside from when are we continuing? Tomorrow?

Anyone who wants to join in/ catch up can easily do so since that section can be done in about 15-20 minutes if you're speeding.


Pro Adventurer
Anyone who wants to join in/ catch up can easily do so since that section can be done in about 15-20 minutes if you're speeding.

Is that a guess, or have you gone and practised it? If it's the latter, I'm seriously worried about our race, because even on Garland's speed run (which requires hundreds of restarts for some segments) he could only do it in about 23 minutes!

Anyway, yes, second chapter will be posted tomorrow, along with more information about Skyping.


Calm down chicken dipper, I was talking about the first reactor mission itself, not the entire segment. The full bit we did takes me about half an hour lol.


"Chicken Dipper" is the term I use to describe my most beloved people ^_^. You are also a chicken dipper Fangu :P


Pro Adventurer
Today is the last day for this chapter. How are you all getting along? These are my thoughts on the discussion topics I raised.

What are your first impressions of the game? Or, as most of you have played it before, what did you think the first time you played it?
To tell the truth, the first time my brother and I played FFVII (it was bought for both of us and our first playthrough was a joint one), we got as far as the first save point and then stopped. I can't remember exactly what it was that put us off, but something did. Perhaps it was the turn-based battle system, which was new to us both, as we had never played an RPG before and had asked for the game primarily because of the fantastic reviews it had got, and because of a trailer we had seen. It was then quite a long time before we tried the game again. I have to credit him for being the one to do so; I might never have played it again otherwise. It didn't take long after we restarted for us to both really fall for the game.

The game is fifteen years old now; has it aged well, in your opinion?
I already mentioned how I wish the game supported analog controllers (which it obviously couldn't have done, as it pre-dated them). Apart from that, though, I think it has aged very well. The Midgar atmosphere remains completely immersive and believable; in my opinion, it hasn't been matched in any FF game since. I was actually quite disappointed at how quickly one reaches the world map in VIII and IX, after the seemingly epic trek through Midgar in VII. Lex and I were Skyping while we played this chapter of the game, and we were laughing at the dialogue in the Beginner's Hall that is something like "I know this is getting ahead a little bit, but when you leave Midgar..." The journey to leave Midgar felt huge the first time I played it, even though I can whiz through it now.

How did you get on with the first boss? And what about escaping from the reactor?
The first boss is a piece of cake, and the reactor can be escaped in a couple of minutes. My usual thought at that point is "thank goodness we escaped with eight minutes left, because the bomb went off much earlier than it should have done!"

What are your thoughts about [the slums] - do you try to get out of Midgar as quickly as possible, or take your time and explore them fully?
I kind of answered this question above, but anyway: I played this chapter very slowly, talking to absolutely everybody. There are always new things to be learnt. I'm not going to do that any more though, because I want to practise playing the game quickly :)

The next chapter will be published in this thread shortly. I'm about to start working on it.


Pro Adventurer
Chapter 2: The Flower Girl
6th - 9th April 2012

After doing everything we need to in Sector 7, we're off to another reactor for the next mission. That means getting on another train... and quickly getting off it again. The mission ends in an unexpected manner as the party gets split up for the first time, after which Cloud bumps into the flower seller again. Things then begin to get a little strange.

Our target is outside Aeris' house, after sneaking out. Picture below.

(Note: I'm changing Mog's original chapter changeovers slightly so that ours always contain save points)


  • What is your equipment/materia/item acquisition strategy at this point of the game? Did you buy anything in Sector 7 before leaving?
  • This section contains the game's second boss, Air Buster. As well as being the only boss fight in the game which uses the "attack from both sides" formation, it's also the first time you get to hear the game's boss music. How does it compare to other boss music in the series, in your opinion?
  • What's your naming preference: Aeris or Aerith? And what did you make of the scenes with her so far?
  • How did you do in the barrel-pushing "game"?

NB. I am busy this weekend, and without a reliable internet connection, so I can't commit to playing and Skyping at any particular time, but for future chapters I will try to arrange times when we can get together on Skype to chat about the game as we play it. Feel free to do that amongst yourselves for this chapter :)


Just finished playing through the second segment, and realised I didn't answer the first set of questions. Therefore beware, semi long post coming.


What are your first impressions of the game? Or, as most of you have played it before, what did you think the first time you played it?

The first time I played the game, I think I was 8 years old. I remember being totally in love with it, because it was so unique for me at the time. I'm pretty positive I didn't understand what I was doing half the time though. Like the levelling system for example. I somehow managed to get to Gi Nattak without realising that fighting enemies made you stronger. Loved the atmosphere of Midgar, as most people will say.

The game is fifteen years old now; has it aged well, in your opinion? The thing that always bothers me is the lack of analogue stick control.
To be honest, analogue stick control is annoying, but I find it very difficult to make choices in battle and navigate the menu with analogue control. The game has not aged well. Even with the ultra modded PC version, the cracks are obvious, and the dialogue... dear god, the dialogue is fractured as hell. In what way is Air Buster a "techno soldier". No.

How did you get on with the first boss? And what about escaping from the reactor?

I intentionally attacked with the tail up to get limit breaks. When I was younger, it took me a few tries to actually get out of the reactor because I didn't realise you had to actually help Jessie. I think it might have been fear I wouldn't get out on time, I just ran like hell. Also, I don't think it's made clear enough that she's stuck there to be honest.

The slums aren't a very bright or joyful place, but they are undoubtedly iconic within the world of Final Fantasy VII. What are your thoughts about them - do you try to get out of Midgar as quickly as possible, or take your time and explore them fully?

Nowadays, I run through Midgar because I find it the most boring part of a playthrough because of it's extreme lack of diversity/ linearity. Originally, I enjoyed the colour scheme and art style immensely. Due to being introduced to shiny new HD games, the charm is slightly gone because even on an Emulator I'm aware that the backgrounds are all just very pixellated 2D pictures. Impacts the immersion for me slightly.


Flintlock said:
What is your equipment/materia/item acquisition strategy at this point of the game? Did you buy anything in Sector 7 before leaving?

I always grab the "all" materia and item from the training centre and buy the new armor from the weapon shop. I usually buy Fire from the materia store aswell, since it's the only one you don't have.

Flintlock said:
This section contains the game's second boss, Air Buster. As well as being the only boss fight in the game which uses the "attack from both sides" formation, it's also the first time you get to hear the game's boss music. How does it compare to other boss music in the series, in your opinion?

It's fucking epic. I would give my left arm to go back in time and re-experience the first time I heard it. I also think it's a really unique Uematsu piece and quite different from all his other earlier work.

Flintlock said:
What's your naming preference: Aeris or Aerith? And what did you make of the scenes with her so far?

Aerith. When I was younger she reminded me of my friend Alyssa, who was also very bossy. Now that I'm all grown up I kind of don't actually like her. If she didn't die she might be my third least favourite character. She comes across a bit like a nagging wife in later bits. The scenes in this segment really paint her as a damsel in distress.

Flintlock said:
How did you do in the barrel-pushing "game"?

I'm not bothered about dating Aerith, so I tend to tell her to "RUN!", which loses you points in the romance scheme of things. "Fight them" is worse, but I CBA with her extremely poor attack power this early on. Best to wait and steal a striking staff in the train graveyard.
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