FFVII: Ever Crisis Announced


Pro Adventurer
Hmm, let's think...

No.1 Reactor, Sector 7, No.5 Reactor
Church, Wall Market, Train Graveyard, Support Tower
Shinra Building
Flashback, Junon, Cargo Ship
North Corel, Gold Saucer, Corel Prison
Cosmo Canyon, Nibelheim, Mt. Nibel, Rocket Town
Gold Saucer, Temple of the Ancients
Forgotten Capital to North Crater
Junon Escape to Lifestream sequence
To end of Game

And probably Wutai in there somewhere. Yeah, I don't know how long a chapter will be but ten doesn't seem that generous.


Kaiju Member
The end of the OG is *mainly* a lot of dialogue in old locations. The 2/3 mark is when Meteor is summoned... but all the locations have been visited by then. There's not a ton of *needed* dialouge in the main story after that.

Ten chapters feels about right. Which is also how Crisis Core is *already* divided up...
Yeah it definitely feels doable, especially if the overworked/worldmap is much more limited in traversability compared to the OG, like a world map similar to how Fire Emblem Awakening or Echoes' world maps work.

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
I've looked so many times at the FF7 script...

After Meteor/Mideel... most of the story is... effectivly a boss gauntlet for the Huge Materia/Weapons, Cloud giving speeches, and a trip to the Forgotten City to watch the security footage of if Holy went off or not. And then they go to Northern Crater. The only thing that makes the script seem "long" is all the changed NPC dialogue.


Kaiju Member
I've looked so many times at the FF7 script...

After Meteor/Mideel... most of the story is... effectivly a boss gauntlet for the Huge Materia/Weapons, Cloud giving speeches, and a trip to the Forgotten City to watch the security footage of if Holy went off or not. And then they go to Northern Crater. The only thing that makes the script seem "long" is all the changed NPC dialogue.
Thank god for yinza.com, it is such a valuable resource for looking up the OG script text. Hope its already been archived in the Wayback Machine in case anything ever happens to the site.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
The scope of the shot in Ever Crisis is but a small fraction of the overall background image of OG's presentation of the entire space.

So until we see the entirety of the Reactor Complex in-game, I don't really think that's a fair comparison at all. It's like seeing one square foot of a kitchen's tile floor and comparing it to a full panoramic photo of the entire kitchen after being presented for a photoshoot.


Save your valediction (she/her)
I provided the side-by-side without commentary so that ppl can make their own mind up about which they prefer. But I heartily disagree, it IS a fair comparison. This is the same moment side by side in both games. Every frame is a painting, etc. and what we're looking at during the scene is the scene.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
The moment isn't the same, nor is the directional setting, because this isn't pre-rendered backgrounds and fixed camera angle game design, where an entire location is presented to the player at once by a single artwork of the space. This is modern 3D game design.

You go into the location in a three dimensional context where it unfolds for you room by room or space by space. So the art style, look, scale and design is given to you piecemeal. You see more as you advance. This is but a snapshot of a segment of the location. That'd be like taking a snapshot of one scene of the Remake's Mako Reactor 5, and comparing it to the whole background artwork of the same location, and criticizing that one screenshot for looking mundane because it's but a small size of the totality of the hugely designed and reworked area.

You don't see the entire architecture or design of a location simply by stepping into one room, so expecting the game to present that whole scale like an overhead fixed camera angle is comparing apples and oranges.


Save your valediction (she/her)
I don't think you understand what I'm trying to say, and you aren't quite seeing the differences between the two shots that I am noticing.
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