FFVII: Ever Crisis Announced

Remember the olden days when we had to buy DVDs and watch features like Reminiscence of Final Fantasy VII Compilation to have the lore summarized? Playing a chibi-stylized version of the Compilation definitely sounds more engaging and may become a good way for newer fans to catch up, but it will be difficult for Ever Crisis to pull me in as an old-timer.

I have zero interest in playing FFVII OG "Pocket Edition". If anything is to pull me in it is curiosity regarding how they interpret Dirge of Cerberus and how they translate Before Crisis.

FFVIIR Intergrade (my mind keeps wanting to call it FFVIIR Tardigrade) has me feeling somewhat excited, The First SOLDIER interests me due to how ill-conceived it seems, but Ever Crisis by far has me feeling the most indifferent.


Pro Adventurer
I see a lot of people calling this a possibly more faithful remake of OG FFVII but I think that ironically, this is going to be what Square Enix wanted to avoid doing with Remake, making an abridged version of FFVII where they have to cut or skip parts.
Considering it covers all the Compilation I think all these chapters are gonna be the respective stories on fast forward, so to speak. A "best of", if you will.

I really hope not though, and nothing yet in the trailer/script etc. hints that (obviously the trailer is fairly early build and it’s over a year from release). To me making this strange semi-remake of the original is at least little bit making amends with the deception they pulled with FFVIIR, or like others have suggested, this makes accepting all kinds of bananas bs from RI and R2 somewhat easier, but again only if this ”EC” will now become the best way to experience the whole of FFVII’s original story.

Did anyone play the FFXV Pocket edition btw? Was that abridged version of the original or did it contain everything?


Pro Adventurer
Mixed feelings. Well about BC discussing about it, but mostly depends on what ff7 fans will think, and if support will be there.

Also what I think OG will remain an endless monster of its own.

But man EC seems pretty much what I was expecting, a mobile game ff15 pocket edition style (something to advertise, approach more people, entertainer people before part 2 is out) and they did it... big.
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Pro Adventurer
This is kinda cool, a shame its mobile only. I'd pick this up if it was on consoles... a console game doesn't need to be AAA. The thing that dissapoints me about this is that it reduces the chances of the Compilation making its way into Remake. I was wondering in the back of my mind whether they would turn AC and Crisis Core into modern AAA games after Remake to wrap it all up.


Pro Adventurer
"Battle Cloud's crippling depression, social anxiety and survivor's guilt as you navigate his avoidance of social situations with loved ones and random silver-haired twinks on motorcycles intent on killing you while you battle a terminal illness."

This is gonna be FUN!!!

You should sell that marketing to SE. lol


Pro Adventurer
This is kinda cool, a shame its mobile only. I'd pick this up if it was on consoles... a console game doesn't need to be AAA. The thing that dissapoints me about this is that it reduces the chances of the Compilation making its way into Remake. I was wondering in the back of my mind whether they would turn AC and Crisis Core into modern AAA games after Remake to wrap it all up.
I understand the idea. I have concerns and sadness that the Genesis-Weiss ending will never get wrapped up. I really hope Ever Crisis will do a good job of that.

I'm okay with Remake not really going beyond OG, but I'd want something to address that other material. Between EC and First Soldier, I feel the wider FF mythos is being included.


Eyes of the Lord
This got me thinking, since this covers OG timeline, will we get the OG EN VAs :geek:? (Assuming this game has voiced dialogue)
This got me thinking, since this covers OG timeline, will we get the OG EN VAs :geek:? (Assuming this game has voiced dialogue)
Going by the Famitsu interview article in the section about Ever Crisis...


野村ボイスに関しては現在検討中です。実は現在、自分が抱えているタイトル数が大混雑していまして収録も大渋滞しています。そういう意味でも新規収録はなるべく避けたい面もありつつ、『FFVII EC』は『FFVII』とコンピレーション作品をべースとしたタイトルということもあり、ボイスは「あえて無しの方が良いんじゃないか?」と思ってみたり、バトルには必要だという意見もあり、検討中ですが入れても最低限になる見込みです。

DeepL translation said:
--How much voice will there be in the story?

Nomura: We are currently working on the voices. Actually, the number of titles I'm working on at the moment is very busy, and recording is also very congested. In that sense, I'd like to avoid recording new voices as much as possible, but since "FFVII EC" is based on "FFVII" and compilation titles, I thought it would be better to leave the voices out. Some people think it's necessary for battles, and we're still considering it, but it's expected to be minimal.
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