I might as well stop writing my chapter-by-chapter impressions because Shademp has already said it all
Ch12 feels in many ways like a good disaster movie (in short form).
I'm kidding, I won't stop. But it seriously does.
Despite having watched this chapter a few times before, I still found it breathtaking and incredibly sad. Wedge's speech is tear-inducing every now and then because his desire to be able to make a difference is so so sooo relatable. The overarching theme of loss goes full bloom in this chapter and the beginning of the next one, multiplied by the old player's knowledge of something inevitable coming closer and closer. So yeah, Wedge is the best boy, Biggs is the biggest heart, and Jessie is
once an actress, forever an actress kind of person. Losing them, especially after having spent so much quality time with them, is so. damn. hard.
I am not fucking okay right now
^ what he said
Cait Sith's inclusion was so annoyingly useless that it's actually the only thing that I'm not happy with. But on the other hand, I can't think of a scene where this stuffed abomination would seem fitting. I have no clue.
The plate drop is probably more realistic in the Remake, but it's way less powerful. Partly, I think, because the focus is on saving people. So many people are saved that it feel as if everybody is saved.
I can't agree with the idea that having survivors somehow diminishes the impact of the tragedy. Quite on the contrary, whenever I walked past NPCs blaming Shinra, or freaking out, or looking for their family and friends, or lamenting their losses and wondering if anyone they knew had made it alive, I couldn't help investing more and more emotion into everything that was going on. The sort of insta-death treatment that Sector 7 received in the OG always felt less shocking for me. It's quite funny to see how drastically different people's interpretations of the episode are.
Why would the city have a built in self-destruct sequence that relies on utterly destroying the people in it?!?!
Perhaps, the self-destruct scenario was built in during the initial stages of putting up the plates because the builders were not sure if their constructions would be a success architecture-wise therefore they were ready to drop them any minute in order to start building from scratch?? Again, I have no freaking clue.