SPOILERS FFVII:R Chapter 18 Spoiler Discussion

Keveh Kins

Pun Enthusiast
Well, I'm speechless.

Not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing.

So we seem to definitely be doing down the road of a reboot of some kind. A reboot with a smaller body count of supporting characters.

I don't know what to make of it yet.

I will say that while I enjoyed the Sephiroth fight, I kind of wish they'd saved the confrontation. And all the throwbacks to Cloud and Sephiroth's final fight.

I dunno lads. On the one hand, I really enjoyed the final chapter, on the other hand, I feel like we were building up to one hell of a climax, only for the game to jizz in my hair and totally kill the buzz.

Fuckin' hell :monster:


Old Man in the Room
Y'all are somehow both right and wrong at the same time.

First off, no one was promised or guaranteed any particular kind of Remake,

This is either naive or ingenuous. Square-Enix has known about the desire for a Remake for decades. And when that trailer dropped, they literally said, "The PROMISE has been made." With how coded and meta that trailer (and seemingly much of this game) was, I think they knew exactly what they were promising.

But at the core of the fans request for one, was the desire to relive FFVII with modern technology. In a sense, it could be said what we asked for all this time was simply an adaptation of the original.

More or less, yeah. But also...

What would "the definitive version" of FFVII even look like at this point?

It might look a lot like this Remake.

See, here's the thing. This game truly is a sequel.

...to Crisis Core. And Before Crisis.

We've got separate Avalanche cells, S and G Soldier types, Kunsel, and an entire ending sequence ripped straight out of Crisis Core. We have Kyrie and Leslie from The Kids Are Alright. What would a definitive Final Fantasy VII look like? Well, one answer would be a version that tries to tie all of the various media and spin-off titles together. This may indeed be just that.

Whether or not there is an in-game explanation for the ways they're trying to (Re)make this version (i.e. time travel, the Planet acting through "Destiny", etc.) is currently up in the air. But it's clear they are making this a bigger, more detailed experience. And we may very well be doing that through a "definitive" version, to both our horror and delight.


Ninja Potato
Has anyone else noticed the striking similarity between the whisper harbinger fight and the lead up to Vincent's showdown with Omega? Both take place high above midgar on platforms made of various scraps from the city, with the main monster forming where the shinra building is:
(Skip to about 2 minutes in)

This was the first thing I took note of during this boss because I'm weird and like dirge of Cerberus. I wonder if it was on purpose?
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Pro Adventurer
This is either naive or ingenuous. Square-Enix has known about the desire for a Remake for decades. And when that trailer dropped, they literally said, "The PROMISE has been made." With how coded and meta that trailer (and seemingly much of this game) was, I think they knew exactly what they were promising.

That's still just promising a remake. Just because its not the remake that some people (not all) wanted, doesn't mean they weren't forthcoming.
See, here's the thing. This game truly is a sequel.

...to Crisis Core. And Before Crisis.

Besides a few of us that have said that, other people are also claiming this to be a sequel to the OG and the compilation


Old Man in the Room
That's still just promising a remake. Just because its not the remake that some people (not all) wanted, doesn't mean they weren't forthcoming.

That's not what I said. I said I think they knew what they were promising. Although, to be clear, I also want to say that this Remake might ultimately end up being much more than what people wanted. In the best possible way.

Besides a few of us that have said that, other people are also claiming this to be a sequel to the OG and the compilation

Yeah, I'm with you. I don't think this is that kind of sequel.


Pro Adventurer
That's not what I said. I said I think they knew what they were promising. Although, to be clear, I also want to say that this Remake might ultimately end up being much more than what people wanted. In the best possible way.

My mistake. I read your statement as SE was misleading


Pro Adventurer
Finally a great story explanation by ffunion:
I also like how they did not outright assume time travel, but just pointed out the possibility lol
He did say that the whispers were confirmed to be Kadaj, Loz and Yazoo. I don't remember that being in the Ultimania


Pro Adventurer
Yes it was confirmed in the Ultimania, it was amongst the first things being translated IIRC.
Can you share the link for it? I only remember it saying that the whispers shared fighting styles to them


Pro Adventurer
Oh right, but that’s as good as confirmation, isn’t it? I mean people thought it could be Cloud/Tifa/Barret or the three from AC/C, but once you confirm the fighting styles there’s not much more to say?
I think if they were going to confirm it, it should've said that is them from the future. The whispers also had similar fighting styles to CBT. Idk, to me its not enough, yet
That's not what I said. I said I think they knew what they were promising. Although, to be clear, I also want to say that this Remake might ultimately end up being much more than what people wanted. In the best possible way.

It already is, in a way. The fidelity/graphical quality of Advent Children (plus more), with seamless transitioning between cutscenes and gameplay, and a plot that factors in virtually every aspect of the Compilation, and a story that could go literally anywhere and everywhere. Multiverse? Alt-timelines? New encounters/areas? Nothing's off the table.

I don't think this is that kind of sequel.

Only if one believes that Aerith and Sephiroth aren't, respectively, a past version of herself/Lifestream version and post-AC version of him. I think they're setting it up so that the two characters will act as respective "chessmasters", who have foreknowledge of the events in the past timeline and are working to change/prevent them, a la the 2009 Star Trek reboot.
Can you explain how it was confirmed? It might just be a fun call back.

Per a post I made yesterday:

- The sequence where you first encounter them in the Singularity is backed by a piece of music called "Arbiter of Fate - Advent".
- In the anime, the trio summons Sin Bahamut. In the Remake, the trio of Whispers morphs into "Whisper Bahamut".
- The Whisper wielding guns (Croceo) could correspond to Yazoo, who did use two guns (albeit at only one battle) in AC. In addition, one of Croceo's moves (Amber Whirl) is named "Velvet Nightmare" in the Japanese version, which corresponds to the name of Yazoo's primary weapon in AC.
- Scanning each of them reveals that all of them are trying to "protect the future they came from." What isn't clear is if this means that they're trying to protect Sephiroth's legacy or something else.
- They also correspond to the respective elements they use in the film, with the exception of Kadaj (Rubrum), doesn't use the Earth Materia he has in the film (there is no Earth Materia in the Remake, so far).


Pro Adventurer
Per a post I made yesterday:

- The sequence where you first encounter them in the Singularity is backed by a piece of music called "Arbiter of Fate - Advent".
- In the anime, the trio summons Sin Bahamut. In the Remake, the trio of Whispers morphs into "Whisper Bahamut".
- The Whisper wielding guns (Croceo) could correspond to Yazoo, who did use two guns (albeit at only one battle) in AC. In addition, one of Croceo's moves (Amber Whirl) is named "Velvet Nightmare" in the Japanese version, which corresponds to the name of Yazoo's primary weapon in AC.
- Scanning each of them reveals that all of them are trying to "protect the future they came from." What isn't clear is if this means that they're trying to protect Sephiroth's legacy or something else.
- They also correspond to the respective elements they use in the film, with the exception of Kadaj (Rubrum), doesn't use the Earth Materia he has in the film (there is no Earth Materia in the Remake, so far).
All of that doesn't actually confirm the whispers to be K, L and Y though.


Pro Adventurer
Most of what I've just mentioned is mentioned/discussed in the Ultimania. I didn't pull it out of nowhere, especially considering the Japanese-to-English change.

Besides, if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck...
True, but why not just say that it is them then? I'm not saying that it couldn't be them though. I think most of that was in the game as well. I thought the only thing alluding to K, L and Y in the Ultimania, was that the Whispers have similar fighting styles to them.


Fire and Blood
It could be first versions of them too. Which would explain the slight differences between them and setup Sephiroth and his remnants in AC/C? I think that would be kind of cooler than time travel?


None Shall Remember Those Who Do Not Fight
Rosarian Shield
To add to the whispers discussion, Maximillian Dood also said he received information that they were Seph's little brothers.

I guess everything points out to that conclusion.
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