SPOILERS FFVII:R Chapter 18 Spoiler Discussion


Pro Adventurer
Sure, it's just that it's a line that gets used by many creeps on the Internet to misrepresent Japanese society. Also The Child Welfare Act still overrides the prefecture exceptions (which are likely for teenagers who are like 17 and 19).
Oh relax, I'm not endorsing underage sex or anything. I edited my post a bit now, but it was more of an offhand comment about how 'bad' it is perceived to date a 16 year old. It wasn't part of the argument. Plus, weird/creepy or not it is legal in over half of the states in the US.


Kaiju Member
Oh relax, I'm not endorsing underage sex or anything. I edited my post a bit now, but it was more of an offhand comment about how 'bad' it is perceived to date a 16 year old. It wasn't part of the argument. Plus, weird/creepy or not it is legal in over half of the states in the US.
Yes, I apologize, I didn't mean to imply that you yourself were implying such. I was more trying to explain why I am sensitive to seeing that line being thrown around without context. I should have been more thoughtful in my initial reply.


@Makoeyes987 @SpacemanZero
The ending sequence with Marle and the workers and kids are definitely supposed to be in the Sector 7 Slum Ruins. I was able to definitively identify it thanks to the bus that is next to Marle's apartments.
View attachment 5591
View attachment 5592

This means that this shot is indeed meant to be the Sector 7 sky next to the Sector 8 plate, but they goofed up and used the Sector 6 plate remains instead.
View attachment 5594So like Lex said, not an alternate timeline where the Sector 7 plate didn't fall, just a goof with the Sector 6 skybox being used instead.

EDIT: D'oh! I just realized I should have written Reactor 8 not 7 in the last screenshot.
EDIT2: There I fixed it

I hope there is an update that replaces this skybox with the correct one. This goof caused too much confusion. :wacky:


Kaiju Member
I hope there is an update that replaces this skybox with the correct one. This goof caused too much confusion. :wacky:
Yeah, hopefully they will also put the Sector 5 slums under the Sector 5 plate too (and make the Sector 6 support pillar visible in Wall Market). And add the proper amount of plate debris in chapters 13 & 14 to match with how its depicted in chapters 12 and 15.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
@Makoeyes987 @SpacemanZero
The ending sequence with Marle and the workers and kids are definitely supposed to be in the Sector 7 Slum Ruins. I was able to definitively identify it thanks to the bus that is next to Marle's apartments.
View attachment 5591
View attachment 5592

This means that this shot is indeed meant to be the Sector 7 sky next to the Sector 8 plate, but they goofed up and used the Sector 6 plate remains instead.
View attachment 5594So like Lex said, not an alternate timeline where the Sector 7 plate didn't fall, just a goof with the Sector 6 skybox being used instead.

EDIT: D'oh! I just realized I should have written Reactor 8 not 7 in the last screenshot.
EDIT2: There I fixed it
And thus ends the Great Plate Debate 2020. :monster:


Rookie Adventurer
Zack didn't die? Angeal didn't die? Lazard didn't die? Fabio didn't die? Yuri didn't die? Ruvie Tuesti didn't die? Aerith came back? Shalua came back?

I'll be honest, I don't even remember who half those people are? :mon: Anyway, I was mostly referring to characters that the OG FF7 has popularized.

Like, Zack is insanely popular and (surprise!) has been revived (in some fashion).

Angeal is just Edgy-Zach from a prequel, so I assume he'll stay gone.

That quite a few people are worried about Aerith's death being prevented this time around demonstrates the lack of confidence some of us have in the creative decisions being made. :wacky:


Rookie Adventurer
Also, I never really considered the implications of Cloud taking Yuffie on that date until now. But I do hope that option gets retained, because Yuffie is chicken soup for the soul.


Pro Adventurer
That quite a few people are worried about Aerith's death being prevented this time around demonstrates the lack of confidence some of us have in the creative decisions being made. :wacky:

There's that fear, but it's not, imo, a legitimate one. There's nothing that even kind of implies that Aerith will survive, and sure enough, I have yet to see any good reasoning behind the idea that she will. Usually, it's more "well I don't like the decisions they've made and that's a decision I wouldn't like so I bet they'd do that!", or "well this character didn't die, so she's totally gonna live!", and that's good enough evidence.

The thing is, not all narrative changes are made equal; regardless of how they were implemented, there was arguably room in VII's world and narrative for all the (concrete) changes they put into play, but Aerith's death would alter it more dramatically than even Future Destiny Ghosts. Not all character deaths are made equal, either; the characters that dodged their OG fates in this first game didn't have deaths that are so central to everything FFVII is (not even the Avalanche Trio).


Pro Adventurer
So is Part II going to start with Yuffie stealing all your shit so you have to start over from scratch?

On a serious note, now that I've beaten it, is there any official clarification on what exactly the visions of Zack are meant to be?

I still feel like they're going to hit all the same story beats as in the original, they're just going to change up when and how things happen. I've said this before, but I'm putting an early bet down on Cloud killing Aerith with his own hands this time around.

Elisa Maza

Anyway, I'm sticking to my Planet's Memory thingy to save myself the headache. They're all already dead and a version of the OG is playing in the Lifestream that Sephiroth hijacks to harm the flow and thus the Planet from the inside this time, instead of the outside.

Like he said in ACC, he'll never be a memory. A troublemaking asshole even in death. :monster:

Castiel Strife

Pro Adventurer
There was some incredible genius (I think here, actually) that suggested having Sephiroth miss when he falls from the sky to kill Aerith, tricking us all out, but then killing her anyways. I thought that not only was hilarious (I mean not the Aerith dying part, still sad) but also a good way to give us something unexpected. Suzaku's thoughts of Cloud killing her would also be pretty unexpected, but yet not out of the realm of possibility due to Sephiroth seemingly being able to control him in the OG.

Either way, her death needs to happen. It's the single biggest plot point in the game, in my opinion. That being said, I've learned through the last few days that this game isn't going to replace the original. That's what I wanted from it. I wanted it to be better, and to make me feel the same things the original did. Nostalgically, they hit the nail on the head at times. They'd change things up and have you in an entirely new area, but then you'd see a recreation of an OG scene and you were hooked again. That's how I felt.

However, they changed enough that this won't be able to replace the original. Not for me. I love this game, but I have to sort of look at it as a whole new game. Something standalone. An extreme example is the Dragonball Evolution movie. If you look at it as a Dragonball Z movie and with those goggles, you'll absolutely hate it. If you pretend it's not a Dragonball Z movie and just a standalone movie, you'll.... probably still hate it because it's pretty terrible lol, but you get my point I think. There's a better chance you'll like it and the few people I knew who enjoyed it weren't fans of the anime so they didn't have any expectations.

Now, plenty of us OG FF7 fans will still love this game, but there will be some who can't get over the changes and/or think Square ruined the series and crushed their dreams. I can understand that sentiment, but to those all I can really say is to try to look at it as a standalone title. It's an incredible game with a great story, maybe minus some of the end bits. The combat is frustratingly brilliant as well. it's a great game, but if you wanted OG FF7 you will have varying degrees of disappointment.

I'm disappointed about certain aspects, and this game actually made me want to go back and play the original for the millionth time lol. I still loved it, though. It's true that there are different ways to tell a story. They hit home runs in certain aspects, especially with the main cast holy cow. They were just as I imagined them all those years ago. They were perfect representations. Also with certain scenes. But in terms of story-telling they could have absolutely done better and not changed as much as they did. I think we could have together all easily wrote a script that would have stayed true to the original but still had surprises so that you kept OG fans on their toes.

For example, as I pointed out earlier in the thread, I think the scene with Biggs at the end would have been more impactful if we still assumed the trio was dead. Instead, since we knew Wedge survived (at least initially) it wasn't as shocking as it could have been. What exactly was the purpose of Wedge in the game? I love the dude, but it didn't seem like his presence after the plate collapse was particularly necessary. But if you go through the game with an otherwise mostly the same story, then add a scene at the end showing one of the trio alive it would be a cool moment of "hey, this is still Final Fantasy VII but we can still surprise you", without changing too much.

Anyways, sorry for rambling but some of my thoughts for now. It just saddens me that we will most likely not see certain parts. Red XIII dressed and passing as a sailor? Getting the Highwind and flying around the world now completely open to you with that absolutely phenomenal music? The dolphin?! Will someone think of the dolphin?! I just have a hard time believing some of those things will be in there, when before I had a lot of hope for it. Then again, we were all concerned for a while that cross-dressing Cloud wouldn't make an appearance so it's not out of the realm of possibility. Unfortunately there just are certain things I wanted to see remade in all their modern glory graphics that I probably will never see and will have to stick with the original for.


Pro Adventurer
Anyways, sorry for rambling but some of my thoughts for now. It just saddens me that we will most likely not see certain parts. Red XIII dressed and passing as a sailor? Getting the Highwind and flying around the world now completely open to you with that absolutely phenomenal music? The dolphin?! Will someone think of the dolphin?! I just have a hard time believing some of those things will be in there, when before I had a lot of hope for it. Then again, we were all concerned for a while that cross-dressing Cloud wouldn't make an appearance so it's not out of the realm of possibility. Unfortunately there just are certain things I wanted to see remade in all their modern glory graphics that I probably will never see and will have to stick with the original for.

I actually fully expect to get the dolphin, and Red XIII in a sailor suit will at least get a reference. Remake really wasn't afraid to go wacky when it needed to, and jumping off a jumping dolphin's back to climb scaffolding is exactly the sort of wacky thing I could see it embracing.
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