I could say the same to you. Why would you assume that I just stay inside my bubble of likeminded people that agree with me?
Because you just declared most people absolutely hated it when they didn't?
That's pretty skewed, there. That's not the case.
And I never said that only a "few" didn't like it, by the way. You were the one that attributed a majority labeling to a side, not me.
The age isn't really the problem, the issue is after talking to them for a few minutes, a lot of them haven't even played the original. ?
....And who says they have to play the original?
Are the Turks gonna break down their door, punch them in the eye, and lay a copy of the PSone classic or a voucher so that they may download it off Steam, or else?
What does it matter if or when they play the OG? That's their choice and their own personal way of enjoying it.
The game being crammed with Kingston Hearts nonsense is obviously a problem because this is supposed to be a modernisation and remake of Final Fantasy 7. ??
Ahh, but did the writers ever even say it was a simple modernization of the OG, 1:1? I'm pretty sure they did not. They did take great pains to capture almost all of the moments but they were quite honest in their Youtube documentary series that there would be changes.
Tetsuya Nomura even warned those who thought they knew how it would end, they should probably think again.
It seems to me like this was made for new fans rather than the original fans which made this game as popular as it was. I've heard so many friends who've had to endure me banging on about this title for literal decades now pick up the remake to see what the fuss is about, and have been quite stuck by how silly the ending is.
And if it was (and it wasn't fyi) so what? The writers didn't lie to you. You were not owed this Remake. It presented itself as is, and let the chips fall where they may. Just like they did in 97. No one was expectant or dictating how it was to be either.
But even back then, I remember those who were from the classic Nintendo era being bothered and upset at the transition to Sony and the loss of SNES sprites. Change is inevitable.
It's just shameless fan service from Sephiroth blah blah blah'ing from start to finish to "Watchmen Of Fate" hovering around for writers who have backed themselves into a corner.
I really hope TheLifeStream.net is brave enough to cover the ending and call it out for what it is. A lot of reviewers are sitting on the fence out of fear of upsetting their audience.
You can call it fan service all you want, but at what point does one stop and realize that it's by design at this point? That's who he is. That's who he's gonna be. That's the present reality and what has resonated.
Imagine someone from 1956 complaining about the Joker being so serious, homicidal and chaotically evil, because from what
they remembered, he was a campy, clownish, jovial villain who would never try to infect an entire orphanage with Joker toxin to "Jokerize" the children and make them feral hell beasts capable of murdering their families. Times change, as do adaptions and depictions.
...LOL or consider the following. The reviewers just said how they felt.