In the full resolution of the key art you can more clearly see the swirling mist spirits around Sephiroth. There are four of them.
Yeah, it could also be related to her initial hesitation of accepting her Cetra heritage/powers potentially being expanded upon. Like if touching Cloud activated her Cetra powers in a way that hadn't before. Anyways it's a two-word sound-bite, personally not enough information for me to judge whether Aerith is getting "damseled" more in the Remake or not.
I agree she isn't denying them in the OG, but I personally got the impression she was hesitant/avoidant of discussing her Cetra heritage during the beginning of the game (i.e. mostly during the Midgar scenario section).Maybe I understood wrong, but I always thought she'd pretty much come to a resigned acceptance of her heritage and powers before Cloud even met her. She, of course, was interested in learning more, but I never got the impression she was still denying who she was by then.
That's my guess for sure.UNLESS they're manifesting around Cloud and only Aerith can detect them, which is why it freaks her out, because she's never seen them before?
Maybe that's the "twist" angle they'll work? Everyone thinks these things are haunting Aerith because she's the Cetra, but they're actually orbiting Cloud because he's been filled with Jenova and Sephiroth's influence -- it's just that Aerith's inherent abilities allow her to notice, whereas Cloud is usually oblivious.UNLESS they're manifesting around Cloud and only Aerith can detect them, which is why it freaks her out, because she's never seen them before?
Need to get this all out before I go to bed:
1. It's interesting to me that the trailer chooses to highlight that Biggs is surprised by the explosion damage. I have a theory that in the Remake, Shinra will be well aware of AVALANCHE's operations and in fact assist them to further their own goals. Shinra needs a public enemy to justify the control they hold over the world, so they purposefully plant followup bombs to make the destruction worse and heighten public fear. Just throwing out a theory, I understand that the OG already has lore surrounding this with Jessie. It would also serve to lessen/remove the blood on AVALANCHE's hands from their terrorist actions, which maybe is a concern to SE in this modern day?
I really hope this doesn't happen. Diminishing Avalanche's responsibility and making then "better" nice guys is the coward's way out.
Angeal must be spinning in anguish in the Lifestream.Lovin' dat scuffed-up Buster Sword
OMG... Charlie Sheen... is that you?Dug the look at the clip of him busting into the train car, too. With Biggs and Barret opening the door when guns drawn (inasmuch as Barret's gun isn't always drawn)
Damn, Biggs:
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