
Double Growth


Alex T
Need to get this all out before I go to bed:

1. It's interesting to me that the trailer chooses to highlight that Biggs is surprised by the explosion damage. I have a theory that in the Remake, Shinra will be well aware of AVALANCHE's operations and in fact assist them to further their own goals. Shinra needs a public enemy to justify the control they hold over the world, so they purposefully plant followup bombs to make the destruction worse and heighten public fear. Just throwing out a theory, I understand that the OG already has lore surrounding this with Jessie. It would also serve to lessen/remove the blood on AVALANCHE's hands from their terrorist actions, which maybe is a concern to SE in this modern day?

2. I do not like the Harry Potter dementors which haunt Aerith. Actually, they're fine, what I don't like is that Aerith will be clenching onto Cloud for help in the scene where she's introduced. Leaning into some lame tropes here. It has been talked about before on this site that SE's characterization of Aerith as a "pure maiden" is wrong and it doesn't look like that will change with the Remake.

EDIT: Just wanted to add that overall the trailer was dope.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
In the full resolution of the key art you can more clearly see the swirling mist spirits around Sephiroth. There are four of them.

Great catch!

Yeah, it could also be related to her initial hesitation of accepting her Cetra heritage/powers potentially being expanded upon. Like if touching Cloud activated her Cetra powers in a way that hadn't before. Anyways it's a two-word sound-bite, personally not enough information for me to judge whether Aerith is getting "damseled" more in the Remake or not.

Maybe I understood wrong, but I always thought she'd pretty much come to a resigned acceptance of her heritage and powers before Cloud even met her. She, of course, was interested in learning more, but I never got the impression she was still denying who she was by then.


Pro Adventurer
I really think the wraiths are supposed to be Jenova's fragments since they're specifically orbiting Sephiroth in the key art, and we know that this Sephiroth is just a projection of Jenova cells that he's controlling remotely. The wraiths will herald his arrival whenever he's going to appear, and over the course of the game, he'll leave them behind and they'll transform into the Jenova monsters to halt your pursuit.

Since the audience is going into the Remake knowing the major twists it would make sense for them to reframe and recontextualize those elements of the story. If they can't make those moments surprising, they can at least present them in new and novel ways to keep the experience interesting for old fans, and perhaps expand on the story in subtler ways.

Of course, purely speculative, but it makes sense to me. That's how I would personally like to see them handle the remake, at least, and it's similar to what Capcom did with RE2make. We'll hopefully find out more tomorrow.


Double Growth
I see your thought process, but it's weird that only Aerith can see them. It seems like Cloud can't see them until she touches him. But he's the one with the Jenova cells.

UNLESS they're manifesting around Cloud and only Aerith can detect them, which is why it freaks her out, because she's never seen them before?


Kaiju Member
Maybe I understood wrong, but I always thought she'd pretty much come to a resigned acceptance of her heritage and powers before Cloud even met her. She, of course, was interested in learning more, but I never got the impression she was still denying who she was by then.
I agree she isn't denying them in the OG, but I personally got the impression she was hesitant/avoidant of discussing her Cetra heritage during the beginning of the game (i.e. mostly during the Midgar scenario section).

UNLESS they're manifesting around Cloud and only Aerith can detect them, which is why it freaks her out, because she's never seen them before?
That's my guess for sure.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
UNLESS they're manifesting around Cloud and only Aerith can detect them, which is why it freaks her out, because she's never seen them before?
Maybe that's the "twist" angle they'll work? Everyone thinks these things are haunting Aerith because she's the Cetra, but they're actually orbiting Cloud because he's been filled with Jenova and Sephiroth's influence -- it's just that Aerith's inherent abilities allow her to notice, whereas Cloud is usually oblivious.


Sharp Shinra Shill
Is it just me or is Barret's English VO the same as Marvin's from RE2 Remake? For some reason I hear a similarity....
Need to get this all out before I go to bed:

1. It's interesting to me that the trailer chooses to highlight that Biggs is surprised by the explosion damage. I have a theory that in the Remake, Shinra will be well aware of AVALANCHE's operations and in fact assist them to further their own goals. Shinra needs a public enemy to justify the control they hold over the world, so they purposefully plant followup bombs to make the destruction worse and heighten public fear. Just throwing out a theory, I understand that the OG already has lore surrounding this with Jessie. It would also serve to lessen/remove the blood on AVALANCHE's hands from their terrorist actions, which maybe is a concern to SE in this modern day?

I really hope this doesn't happen. Diminishing Avalanche's responsibility and making then "better" nice guys is the coward's way out.


Conqueror of Sugar
Mochi Lover
I am imagine things, or are they showing with every new trailer a more updated build of the game?
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