Apparently the reason is a complicated issue with Unreal 4 and performance issues. It seems not to be an easy issue to solve without tanking something else. Im just hoping for the background textures to be fixed (like chapter 15, or the view from under the top plate). Everything else is really not a big deal. And hopefully a ps5 update will fix that too.
Yeah, I'm betting that a lot of them will be something that PS5 optimization will address (and is probably what the team has been focusing on a lot since launch, outside of the next game). I also figure that since UE5 is supposed to be able to be really easy to move into from UE4, that there's a possibility that that's another graphical update that we'll be getting next year, as I'd expect that the other games will all be running on UE5 and optimizing the PS5's 3D audio.
What bug in the vent? A kimara bug?
In my playthrough, if you looked into the vents along the way to see the other conversations while going towards the board room, it soft-locked the game, because you couldn't exit back to Cloud. I had to restart the game twice at that part just to be able to see all of the content. Glad that that fix is in.
Additionally, while at a glance, this is basically a nothing patch – there is something that stands out to me a lot as one of those software development world things.
The game only got its first path after 6 months, it was SUPER tiny, but it also corrected an issue with the game soft-locking. That tells you a LOT about what they're currently doing, and what they've been doing. Normally anything that can soft-lock a game is a huge deal to take care of. This is why that's one of the only critical things that got addressed on their patch, because it's one of the few things that is a high priority bug well above any other work that they could've released along with the other fixes.
What that means is that whatever they've been crunching all their time into over the last half a year means that it's not only ALL higher-priority than a soft-locking bug, but that it's also attached to a pre-existing real-world deadline of some kind where they couldn't prioritize this patch set until just now. Additionally, it means that there's a high likelyhood that this is ALSO because their current work
required keeping Remake in the exact state that it was at launch. It's only NOW that they've both gotten enough bandwidth to come and start to revisit things for
Remake as-is, as well as even been able to make ANY modifications at all.
This is all related to
Remake's release date delay.
To me, what this reads as is that they've all been pouring in constant and non-stop effort ever since launch to make sure that
Remake runs perfectly optimized on the PS5, in the version that went Gold on PS4. That PS5 launch date is set in stone, and
Remake is one of the titles that Sony is going to want them to show off running with the increased capabilities of PS5. In another slightly different world, everything about
Remake's development makes it look like it would've been a title to launch the PS5 with, and they've been building the game to be able to thrive on that system, while still run well on PS4.
A patch to the base game is only possible
AFTER their PS5-optimized version of the release build of
Remake is complete & stable. That means that the development team can now prioritize all of their scoped work on patch sets, because they can apply updates to both builds on PS4 and PS5 at the same time, and run all of their QA and testing against both environments. This means that all of their updates that they release from this point forward don't risk impacting any functionality or stability of the game when it's running on either system.
Essentially, from a development standpoint, you can sort of imagine that this is like if
Remake just launched on both PS4 & PS5. If there're any big updates or anything content-wise (i.e. around Chapter 16 on beyond), they'll be under development now and we'll likely see them trying to get some stuff done before the PS5 release – since that's a reason to get people to replay the game on a newer and more powerful system.
I might try to go poking around in Chapter 18 just to see if the little Dev warp-points are still there, but I don't expect that those will have changed just with this tiny patch, since I assume that they'll still be making use of them until we see a more substantial update. They are something that I'm keen on keeping an eye on as patches get released to see if there're any hints about content being updated around those areas. Honestly, this feels like nothing but great news for us, since I think this means that we'll finally start to see things happening.
Also, don't be confused that there are teams working on the next game, because most of those teams fall into two different categories, which is that their work is system agnostic (concept art, story planning, motion capture, voice acting, modelling, etc.) or the work is multi-system-dependent, things like texture-loading, performance, audio configuration, optimization, etc. I can't imagine how crazy it's been trying to make sure that this all still works with COVID sending the whole world remote in the middle of everything, too.