It's just gone past midnight in the UK and there's an option on the Intergrade page that says "upgrade for PS4 version owners" which allows you to download Intergrade. Which btw is the entire game, so the guide I followed earlier which told me to upload my save from the PS4 version and then fully delete it from my console was correct. Because otherwise what it does is install the PS5 version alongside the PS4 version, and then the launcher doesn't know what to do. Lmao so badly designed.
You can select which one you wanna play by pressing options on the game icon and selecting game version from the pop up menu.
Although in my case it always switched to the PS5 version automatically. I still keep PS4 versions of games around in case I wanna do comparison screenshots or something
Quick photo mode impressions: Camera control is very limited and sticks very close to the character. A bit disappointed. D:
Also, what I heard earlier about pre-rendered in-engine scenes now being in real time...I'm not entirely sure anymore. I checked that one scene before the final battle in chapter 18 and I *think* I spotted faint traces of video compression. Think they might have just re-rendered them at 60fps. But Idk, hard to say.