FFVII Remake: Intergrade Yuffie DLC Announced


Ninja Potato
She looks younger that Clock and Tyfer, who are about 5 years older than her. She doesn't look like an actual 16 year old, but this is anime land after all.

Erotic Materia



Pro Adventurer
Why does Yuffie’s key art not have the plate above?

Sleepezi’s stream they were saying it may be edge. But you can see beginner’s hall on the left so this seems like Sector 7. So confused...


Pro Adventurer
I’d say she still looks teenaged here. She doesn’t look as old as Tifa or Aerith.

And man, I’m glad the 2010s cracked the code of realism with vivid colors being the way to go. AC Yuffie still looks pretty cool, but Remake has done a good job making the designs feel nearly 1:1 to the originals.

Also, Square never retools one character into another, iirc. Any reason why they might look similar is because they all come from a similar set of basemeshes.


DeepL translation said:
--The pair battle between Yuffie and Sonon, what kind of battle is this?

Nomura: It's a little different from the battle system in the main game, and you can't control Sonon. You will be controlling Yuffie in the battle. However, you will be able to select Sonon's commands in Tactical Mode. As a new element, Yuffie can fight in conjunction with Sonon. I think you will enjoy a different touch from the main game.
Interesting choice to provide access to Sonon's commands in this way rather than locking out his moves entirely. At least it will help prevent issues like Sonon not using a Potion or what-have-you when Yuffie is in a bind.

I hope that this type of team-boosting/double-tech abilities will not be limited to the Yuffie chapter and that it will be implemented in future Remake content.


Pro Adventurer
I don't think we've seen confirmations on anything but:

The Three Avalanche Members around Yuffie: Are they Nellie, Al, and Finn? Sweet! Nellie looks awesome!

Sonnon Kansukabe? Is he going to be a Wutaian agent? Is Yuffie really a spec ops agent for Wutai, or lying? I kinda hope lying...

Really, really excited! I kinda hope Cissnei is the Yuffie-chapter boss!


Double Growth
The part that shocks me the most is how intensely green Yuffie's turtleneck is. It's like if Kylo Ren had entered Square's offices, stood behind the person handling the slider for the color intensity of Yuffie's turtleneck and just shouted "MORE! MORE!!!"

Honestly I think it's more green then her original art.


Sonnon Kansukabe? Is he going to be a Wutaian agent?

According to Nomura, he's an Avalanche member. He certainly seems Wutaian though.

I think Yuffie lying about being an agent for Wutai is a definite possibility.


Pro Adventurer
ex-soldier boy
Interesting choice to provide access to Sonon's commands in this way rather than locking out his moves entirely. At least it will help prevent issues like Sonon not using a Potion or what-have-you when Yuffie is in a bind.

I hope that this type of team-boosting/double-tech abilities will not be limited to the Yuffie chapter and that it will be implemented in future Remake content.
That is something I also thought. Setting up these new gameplay mechanics for a "test-drive" in the DLC Episode is a really good idea to see how they play out, later improving and implementing them in the next Parts.
It's a good thing I'm still too traumatized by the ending of FFVIIR to feel any motivation to play Remake content. Maybe in a few years, when my heart has healed, I'll buy a PS5 Pro and play the Yuffie episode then. :monster:

If any TLSers decide to stream themselves playing Intergrade though I'll gladly watch.
Neato. Just be aware that if you stream during the afternoon (American time) it will be night where I live and I'll probably be asleep. :monster:


DeepL said:
Yuffie, the girl in the Mowgli Cloak, and her trusty sidekick, Sonon. Their target is the "Ultimate Materia" developed by the Shinra Company. With the help of the original Avalanche, they enter the enemy territory for the sake of their homeland and revenge.

 Guided by the cries of the stars, the wheels of a new destiny begin to turn.
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