SPOILERS FFVII Remake Open Spoiler Discussion Thread


None Shall Remember Those Who Do Not Fight
Rosarian Shield
Part 2 is Kalm - - - > Party leaving Junon (lol) and fighting Seph/Jenova on the ship featuring zombie Zack meeting the Cloud and co. Talk about a reunion.


None Shall Remember Those Who Do Not Fight
Rosarian Shield
They can add story/gameplay segments with Zack in parallel to the main story. Also, Red XIII would count as a new playable character. Maybe playing as Sephiroth during flashbacks? So that makes it three.


AKA: SalihGuclu
Nibelheim to Nibelheim, probably. If we're lucky.
That's my guess as well. They will probably expand and add more content in between things.

Nibelheim Flashback
Chocobo Farm
Mythril Mine
Condor (???)
Shinra Cargo Ship
Costa Del Sol
Mt. Corel
The Gold Saucer
Corel Prison
Cosmo Canyon

My prediction is that Sephiroth will be a guest character like RED XIII was in PART 1 or a party member that we wont be able to control, but give commands to like Sonon in INTERmission. Sephiroth might be used to introduced the game mechanics to the players. Combination attacks and such.

The first new character introduced into our party will be Red XIII, he will most likely be playable from Kalm.

Yuffie will follow after we cross the Marshlands and Mythril Mine, just like in the OG. She was last seen riding a Chocobo so she will have no problem crossing the Marshlands and would make sense that she is one day ahead of us as Cloud & Co. was busy infiltrating Shinra and fighting Destiny while Yuffie probably left Midgar right after Sector 7 Collapse.

Then, we have Cait Sith in Gold Saucer.

I can't predict if we will get any new guest characters throughout PART 2 since they might or might not add any new characters to the series or new story segments for existing characters. Though I am sure that one fan favorite character, Vincent Valentine will be a guest character at the end of PART 2. He will probably help us fight the final boss.

So if PART 2 is from Nibelheim (Flashback) to Nibelheim, then we will get at the least 3(2) new playable characters making it total of 7 playable characters and 2 new guest characters.

As for the where the game will end, I predict it will end with Nibelheim or the Cave near Nibel Reactor.
I suspect that if the game ends in Nibelheim then we will fight a new Jenova form in the Shinra Mansion when meeting Sephiroth again . OR that the final boss will either be the Dragon (which I think not) or the Materia Keeper boss inside the cave near Nibel Reactor and the game will end there.

Smoothie King

Pro Adventurer
I think ending Part 2 in Nibelheim would be a huge let down. Huge. It's barely a blip on the radar in the OG. Hell, even the boss fight there is completely optional.

They need (ie should) bring Part 2 to the Forgotten City. That's the soonest logical endpoint in my eyes. None of the other places make sense from a story perspective.

In terms of Part 3, you have your Shinra/Wutai war as the subplot behind Meteor and Weapons.

But yeah, I would be really disappointed if we don't even make it past Nibelheim in Part 2. The PS5 hardware can handle it. Yes, it's a lot of work and a lot of content, but there are no more limitations.


Ninja Potato
Depending on how willing they are to upend the original structure of the story, just because Nibelheim was not so important in the original doesn't mean it won't be something huge here. Best not to set your expectations solely on what the OG presented. If Wutai is a huge area with a major storyline behind it, I could see them having a ton to do in a third part before they ever hit the ancient city.
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Smoothie King

Pro Adventurer
Depending on how willing they are to upend the original structure of the story, just because Nibelheim was not so important in the original doesn't mean it won't be something huge here. Best not to set your expectations solely on what the OG presented. If Wutai is a huge area with a major storyline behind it, I could see them having a ton to do in a third part before they ever hit the ancient city.

Yeah, and I respect that they have given themselves a story-backed reason to expand. I just find it difficult to envision shoe-horning in a major climax in Nibelheim that will satisfy from a narrative perspective. They already have perfect endpoints already there for them from the original.

Then again, they made Chapter 18 so obviously nothing is off the table. And I loved Chapter 18 and the new direction, I'm just personally against doing that again. They had their moment to do that and it's now finished. My two cents, anyway.


Fire and Blood
They keep telling us how they're expanding on everything and changing a lot of things. In all honestly, I don't see them going to the Forest for the next part. There are too many events to cover, that's why a lot of people are betting on Nibelheim to Nibelheim because:

- it allows for a nice beginning/ending
- we can have Vincent as guest to beat the last boss, so it's a new character just like Cait Sith will definitely be (adding new characters to keep new gameplay in and not bore players)

We are going to see a lot of changes in Wutai, and I bet Aerith will be there because she'll also bond with Yuffie and that's the kind of moment you want ALL the party to be in. So that means no Wutai in part 3, but also Aerith not dying in the next game! :)


But yeah, I would be really disappointed if we don't even make it past Nibelheim in Part 2. The PS5 hardware can handle it. Yes, it's a lot of work and a lot of content, but there are no more limitations.

It's not a question of hardware limitations but of workload, really.

I think Kalm to Nibelheim would be about as much as they did for part 1. Cramming in even more content would just mean even longer dev times before people get to enjoy the next part.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Ending things at the Mt. Nibel reactor could be fun structurally because:

- a) it gives the party something to actually do there

- b) if Part 2 begins with the Kalm story, which ended mysteriously in the reactor, then ending Part 2 at the reactor instantly comes pre-loaded with effective narrative tension as we approach the facility

- c) the return to the reactor during the reveal of Cloud's true story in the Lifestream sequence down the line will come pre-loaded with a sense of gravitas in the approach to the place once again, as we'll recall two major sequences/set pieces that have already gone down there

- d) it would allow Part 3 to begin on a high point with Avalanche getting a win over Shin-Ra at Rocket Town ... before all the inevitable anguish and heartache that will follow with the Ancients' temple and the Forgotten City


Double Growth
I'm on record as my druthers being part 2 going all the way to the Northern Crater, but given that that isn't happening, this would be preferable. Ending with the Forgotten City would the worst of all options. Hanging the end of an entire installment on that event would rob it of the sense of suddenness and needing to press on now without taking time to grieve that I think it should have. With the obvious caveat that they might futz with that sequence so much that any of the initial "senses" of the moment are gone.

But the bookend nature of the Nibelheim idea is an attractive one, and it also leaves one more character for the next part (or perhaps two, if Vincent gets the Red XIII treatment of Part 1). I'm sure they'd never be content to allow Materia Keeper to be the final boss, but I honestly bet it could make a pretty good/atmospheric one if they wanted :monster: (A piece of Jenova in the reactor is much more likely, I know)

Smoothie King

Pro Adventurer
The other issue is that if it does end at Nibelheim, we're easily looking at four or five parts. I think that's too much, personally. I like the idea of Midgar/Reunion/Meteor. Stretching this thing into a four or five part series seems to be asking too much from your audience.


I've been on #teamfourparts for a while. Three or four parts have been the only realistic options imo and three seems less likely given the scope of this

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
Oh, the Clones in Nibelheim will be way worse than in the OG. We now know more about who is there at Nibelheim watching them for Shinra thanks to The Kids Are Alright. So... heh... they're going to be a huge deal. Nibelheim would make for an awesome "small town horror" type of feeling.

And we also have all the *other* Clones from MIdgar now. And Hojo has been making them for years. The ones in Nibelheim are just the last batch he made.
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