Final Fantasy: Brave Exvius

Ghost X

Okay. Good news: ORLANDEAU. Bad news: My FFBE app seems to be borked. Can't play any world quests, or anything, stuff has "???" on it instead of actual names, and won't let me access 'em. Is it just me? Hope emergency maintenance happens soon if not.

EDIT: Returning to title page via menu fixed the issue for me. Apparently not everyone has that luck. Still remarkably buggy, compared to previous updates. Seems like a rushed job. Hopefully they sort it out by next update.
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Waiting for something
Oh did you get Orlandeau?? Have you used your 10+1 tickets yet. I've retained mine

Yeah, the game is...rather buggy right now. I'm actually not impressed with the rewards on the new event, I like that it's a great chance to earn Megacrysts but apart from that, it's not great, the timer thing is weird.

I like thew new Daily layout stuff, also trust moogle fusion, I immediately freed up 20 unit slots merging Reberta's TMR moogles, great change to the system.

Ghost X

Yes @ Orlandeau and yes @ tickets. Almost have 20,000 lapis, so have plenty for future banners if they're decent. The MAG on the mace in this event is pretty good. I have been unable to unlock the other difficulty levels. Not sure what I'm doing wrong. I defeat the mermaid, and can keep battling it. Exiting the stage doesn't work to unlock difficulties either?


Waiting for something
I don't think you're doing anything wrong, Ghost I think its just that whole event is screwed up,honestly I wish they'd tested the system before getting it up and running, sure maintenance would have been ridiculously extended but at least the game would be playable properly.

I've got 9 Rare summon tickets, 2x10+1 tickets and just over 13000 Lapis saved. I'm not sure what banner i'd like to go for next.

I'm going to finish the story this week, did you know there's a 100% trust moogle reward for completing it. That's pretty awesome to have that available the question is which unit to put it into!?

Ghost X

More emergency maintenance. I hope the compensation is huge. Only being able to do the INT difficulty in this week's event has been a hard grind. I only just got the MAG weapon last night. Even though this event will probably go on for another week, I'd really prefer not doing it and the next event at the same time to get the 5%+ TM moogle.


Waiting for something
Actually I'm probably going to use my moogle to get the Genji Glove. I got Gilgamesh when he last cropped up.

I'm not sure if I'm going for that weapon, as I've got 2 Draco rods, I'm mostly just going for the trust moogle, a lot of that stuff is pretty out of date compared to what we've already got.

I have to say I've enjoyed getting all the Megacrysts during this event, thats my main reason mostly for doing it to get as many of those as possible. I wonder if they'll extend it due to all the bugs, it's been pretty crap. Ghost do you have Kefka? I've been using him in my party for the escape ability, so I can get to the mermaid quicker and then find all the items points.

They've taken the game back down when it was up because the server is jammed with so many people trying to log in at once. From what I hear the original compensation is 20 NRG pots so thats 200 NRG, 750 Lapis and 3 summon tickets. I wonder if they'll increase it with the server booting people out. Edit there's also another 150 lapis and another 10 NRG pots in a separate compensation claim (very nice)

Edit: game is back up and they've sent a letter from the producer, wasn't expecting that but I thinks it's been a very professional and honest way to address the fact they screwed up. There's been a lot of shit occurring lately in the game so for them to address it this way and apologise in a way to their playerbase is a good step in the right direction. I'm looking forward to the extra compensation they've said they'll also be handing out at a later date and the new more fun events.
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Ghost X

I got Kefka. I don't mind slaughtering all the enemies though.

Another thing that annoyed me was the Invalid Equipment Data error or whatever it was. Hopefully that's fixed too. Especially when I reckon I found some bugs no one had commented on in my google searches.

EDIT: Oh, okay. ELT is a bit tedious without using an escape unit, indeed :awesome:.

Also, that 400+ base ATK unit in the next banner O_O. Granted, I haven't really been looking at base ATK stats of late, but last I checked (a while ago) the best units were in the mid-250s. Bet you has shit passives.
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Waiting for something
Yeah kefka is super handy, I can clear ELT in about 1m20secs thanks to escape

Reddit had loads of threads about it, you should go there for FFBE info if you haven't already, it's got some great advice too.
The invalid equipment data is because they updated equipment that was meant to be exclusive to certain units that wasn't originally so that's why some of the equipment is now getting invalid on it.

Yeah Gouken's Base atk is super insane, although he only gets that 400+ if you don't equip him with any weapons so there is some drawbacks there because you can't equip weapons or anything els

I'd love to get Ayaka on this banner, she outclasses Tilith as the best healer. I'm going to use my two 10+1 tickets, my summon tickets (I've 15) and do a 10+1 regular pull, so that's in totally 48 summon chances for her to see if that's any good, if not well I'll not waste any more Lapis but I would like to try for her, My Marie and Refia are still doing a great job, but Ayaka is on another level.


Waiting for something
I gave in a blew all my lapis on this banner, time to start saving again.

Half daily was a rainbow I was all excited and then Gilgamesh popped out, bad start.

2x10+1 tickets, no banner units

15 summon banner units

it took 4x10+1 summons to get her and the rest of the banner units but holy crap am I glad I did she is an awesome white mage.

I had enough cactuars get her to max 6*, haven't even started potting her SPR yet and she's already on 630, granted I have her equipped with Magi Staff, Crown of Justice, Pure White robe, Water Gold amulet, Shard of Geniusx2, Mentality and Knowlege, so she's got some really good SPR increase but I reckon I'll get her SPR to 700 once I get her potted, if I can beat the 10 man trial then that Holy wand is going to be amazing for her. I'm going to attempt it now.

It's nice you get use her during the event, but its a pity its only for the event

Curaja is insane is heals between 7500-9000 for me,

Ghost X

4 x (5000 lapis 10+1 summon) = 0 Ayaka for me :okay:

Got about 10 summon tickets, but can't be arsed using them, given the lower rate of success. That misty creek event thing (if that was what it was called :P) only went for one week too, so I didn't have the time to save up for the 5% moogle. Boo. Trying to think of who to master next. Haven't got the katana mastery TM (ala Chizuru) yet, so might work on that, or look at the other Veritas.

Might try some of these vortex super bosses again at some stage, given I have a few new good characters to work with.


Waiting for something
They should have extended the event, there were some people who couldn't play it until after the emergency maintenance. Since the last update my game has been crashing way more than it ever did, it crashes just as I'm completing expeditions and summoning, pain in the arse.

Go for Katana mastery, that's a good one to go for, how are you loving your new orlandeau :)

Well I managed to beat the shadow version of Sheratan but I'm really struggling to beat the proper Sheratan trial, I've tried loads of different way so far but not quite found one that works so I think it really is trial and error with one at the moment.

Ghost X

Orlandeau is good. Especially teamed up with companion Orlandeau :p. Got curb stomped by Siren and Ifrit again, but I wasn't really trying. Was just seeing how much damage I could do against 'em :p.


Waiting for something
Haha! I know it's cool!

Took me a while to beat Ifrit and Shiva too, I used Marie for the element coverage, it's also way easier to kill Ifrit first, he goes on this insane rampage if you kill Siren first. I haven't done the Octopus trial yet and I'm definitely no where near ready yet to go for Aigaion.

I like the new event the candy making is very easy to do and get through. There seems to be a new FFIV event also getting ready to be released to us soon, I look forward to that too!

Ghost X

Just raining rainbow gems on me in the past few weeks (relatively). Just got a Veritas of the Dark. Woot. EDIT: And another Orlandeau :p.
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Waiting for something
Very nice compensation!

my 10+1 got me nothing of interest but my 5* ticket got me Delita, I've wanted him for ages party for his TMR and partly because I hear he's an excellent breaker unit 65% debuff when enhances and support unit for MAG/SPR once enhanced he does 65% buffs for them, and MAG and SPR buffs are getting really important now in trials so this is good news

Wow your getting some awesome chainers there congrats!! Welcome to the DV club, I also have him and he chains amazingly with Orlandeau I swear Ghost we're gonna be super chaining buddies at this point!

Also I meant to ask out of all the original characters who is your favourite looking unit.

I think Marie is probably my favourite looking female and I think Zyrus is probably my favourite Male unit


Waiting for something
Oh my goodness how did I forget Ling, she's a really beautifully designed unit.

Kingsglaive banner and MK event this week, these new units have some really nice TMRs.

Ghost X

Defeated Dark Siren and Ifrit finally. Will try again for the "no KO" and "evoke Siren and Ifrit" 'chieves. Dunno what I was doing previously, but this time it felt really easy to defeat them, so I'm hoping getting those remaining achievements will also be easy :P.


Waiting for something
So I really like the new Halloween event, the stages are easy and it's a great way to get crysts, cactuars and Gil turtles, it's quite fun. I'd love to get all the characters because it's a limited banner but I know they're not absolute game changers so I used some summon tickets I had from the MK event and am sticking with the half daily. Managed to get two Illusionist Nichol, he's got a pretty cool skill set up and I awakened my black cat lid that had been sitting for the next part of 10 months unused to 6*.

Ghost X

Got Illusionist Nichol myself and got Black Cat Lid from a previous banner. The former apparently having an AOE cover skill which might come in handy.

Ghost X

That Bahamut Island-place-thing... tedious with a random enemy every two foot steps (exaggerations apply, but not by much), who occasionally pre-emptive strike, and just killed me in doing so :P. Very time-consuming. The Shadow Bahamuts I've encountered seem easy enough though. Just kill them in one turn with two limit breaks from two VotDs. Have yet to reach Bahamut.


Waiting for something
Yeah Illusion Nichol is very good to have with a tank that doesn't have a cover-all type ability like Cecil or Wilhelm, pretty much applies a similar skill to WOL's Light is with us, which is very handy for people that don't have WOL.

I've not tried the Bahamut Island yet, I've heard there's a lot of random encounters so the escape command and charm bangles are a must, apparently Diablos' reduced encounter ability doesn't work properly.
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