Some of you units are amazing there but you definitely need more variation particularly for trials etc, your team is based on pure power which is fine for breezing through story content but not for raids, trials etc, for that you need a much better team composition, I would go so far as to even say you need a better team composition for the final battle for the end of season 1.
so this advice is for trials, later content etc and probably for later story content.
You need to get Lightning off your team, she's now really outclassed (she's actually one of the worst 5* units in the game now ) and you have waaay better units at your disposal there for dealing damage, and honestly I'd take of of the two Cloud's off your team, Cloud's role is that of a finisher to cap chains rather than his chaining properties and stick with one he's a beast for capping a chain with two Orlandeaus. You have some really awesome unit's there, I'd get it so you have a chainer, a finisher or two chainers , a mage, a tank and a support/healer.
You have a White Knight Noel, level him and get him enhanced if you have enough Crysts, he is one of the best tankers in the game, he mitigates both physical and Magical attacks, I'm so incredibly jealous that you have him because I've missed him twice now.
You also have WOL a brilliant physical mitigation tanker, he's carried me as a tank for so long and he still does against harder content with physical damage and he carries -45% breaks.
Like I said take Lightning off and level up that second Orlandeau, he is honestly the best and most easy to chain unit you can have on your team. I noticed you have Aileen which if you can find friends with Aileen units then you have a really good chainer there too.
You have Roy AND Ramza the best bard units in the game, Ramza enhanced is an absolute must as a support unit for later content, he offers huge stat buffs and he can regenerate HP and MP, I have neither of them but I get by really well with Ling or Soleil.
You have Barbarricia, one of the best mages, again get her leveled, I'd also level Victoria as a secondary mage for when you need a mage to whack enemies weak against the dark element.
Rem can be used for healing and reraising the team and she's a decent mage you have have Refia who I would say is probably your best healer as she can stat buff, AOE heal and full life your team.
If I had to pick a team for you I'd set it up for the following.
Orlandeau, Cloud, WKN, Refia/Ramza and Barbarrica, You can probably find a load of friend Orlandeaus to chain with and Cloud can cap your chains, also give your Orlandeau Odin, instead (if you have Blitzblade) that way you've set him up with an AOE move alongside Cloud to take out multiple waves
My team currently operates, Orlandeau, Cloud, Ayaka, Christine and WOL or Chow for tanking depending on if it's physical or magical
I would also be looking into for TMRs for the future, getting Gilgamesh's, Noctis, Elfreeds, Clouds, Ramza's,Shine', Refia's and Cecil, his TMR is a must for Orlandeau.
Also set Orlandeau as your unit companion rather than Cloud, more people will befriend you if you have someone they can chain with rather than a finisher and he;s pretty easy to come by.
But honestly you have some really good units, ready to be utilised, and it's the Cactuar dunes and raid event starting this weekend so you'll be able to have Gil and Cactuars at the ready for levelling.