Final Fantasy: Brave Exvius

Ghost X

Via a companion, yeah. I've read that he is inferior to characters like Nyx and VotF though. Huge MP consimption with not much MP to begin with, and a limit break that takes a long time to max out. Story characters aren't known to be too terrific though, so there's that.


Waiting for something
I like the limit burst though it's really cool.

No generally the main character ones aren't but their CG versions are good, i've heard the new version of Fina is the best healer tied with Ayaka and the new version Nichol is the best support unit you can get in the game.


Waiting for something
Congrats on your Basch Ghost!

I got the leading man in a 10+1 pull, I'd really love Basch for his tanking capabilities but having Balthier is awesome too, I put a pod 153 accessory on him and he's been really good for chaining through the elt stages.

Ghost X

Cheers :monster:

I think I'll stick to the ELT stage too. The new difficulty is not friendly to a team with two-three chainers, even if it is more efficient with the dispersal of the event currency :p


Waiting for something
Completely agree and I like getting through the event quickly, I don't want to spend time having to break the monsters each stage and set up buffs, besides the last stage is only good I'd you get bonus unit rounds.


Waiting for something
OK so I did 1 10+1 pull in hopes of pulling the dog, because well it's a freaking dog and it's so damn adorable and damn right I got the dog! (on a side note hes on par with Basch for tanking abilities)

Ghost X

Sad news is I haven't been playing much over the past week, and may have to drop the game entirely if I get employed next week at a shitty job with long hours. Good news is I did a 10+1 today and got me a Dark Knight Cecil :P. That dog is adorable though, indeed :wacky:.


Waiting for something
Nice, he's an excellent finisher for capping chains of other players as well, I've got him in my team at the moment!


Waiting for something
Ghost, what's your thought's on the game at the moment, I'm sorta going through a patch where I'm logging in, doing the dailies/ expeditions and that's it, I'm not even motivated to do the lunar new year event. I'm hoping the FFXV raid will change that, it's been a while since we've had a raid!

Ghost X

Still unemployed, so still playing :p. I don’t like explorations as weekly events. Too time consuming. Prefer the events where you give shit to the moogle king and minister. Always find myself running out of upgrade materials, and those events are the best for them. Raids are second favourite. Best raids are those that help you trust master characters quickly. Story events third favourite.

As of now I play to level up my characters, play the arena to get a rank where I get a 5 star moogle every month, do the expeditions, and do the daily rewards. 40-60 minute daily time sink :p. I try to squeeze it into times when I'm waiting on other things.


Waiting for something
Yeah Mog King events are my fave followed by the raids too, story events I like but they do feel very time consuming in comparison to the other two.

Looks like they've fixed a lot of bugs and stuff this maintenance, some decent compo too I'm hoarding my tickets right now I've a solid party so there's not a lot I want to pull for so that'll add to the pot.


Waiting for something
Yeah I can help you out

Tell me your units, how far into the game you are, any TMRs you have and I'll give you some guidance on how to build

Ghost X

Well, if you've had no issue with that team, it is probably pretty good for the story. I only found the final boss of chapter one particularly difficult, but I didn't plan for it. May have done better if I did.

You'll need to specialise when fighting super bosses. They can't all be fought with the same combination of characters.

I most frequently play with Orlandeau (chainer), Veritas of the Dark (chainer), Veritas of the Light (hybrid finisher), Rikku (auto-revive AOE limit break), and Soleil (AOE stat buff). I swap out with Basch if I need an AOE tank, and Ling if I need an AOE stat debuff.

For Arena, I use VotL (AOE attack / heal), Lightning (AOE attack / heal), Ling (AOE status effect / AOE revive), Noctis (AOE stop / full revive), Amelia (AOE stop / heal). Only becomes a probably if Ling is struck with stop, and Noctis dies :P. Usually then I will lose. Doesn't happen very often, but it happened to me just then :P.


Waiting for something
Some of you units are amazing there but you definitely need more variation particularly for trials etc, your team is based on pure power which is fine for breezing through story content but not for raids, trials etc, for that you need a much better team composition, I would go so far as to even say you need a better team composition for the final battle for the end of season 1.

so this advice is for trials, later content etc and probably for later story content.

You need to get Lightning off your team, she's now really outclassed (she's actually one of the worst 5* units in the game now ) and you have waaay better units at your disposal there for dealing damage, and honestly I'd take of of the two Cloud's off your team, Cloud's role is that of a finisher to cap chains rather than his chaining properties and stick with one he's a beast for capping a chain with two Orlandeaus. You have some really awesome unit's there, I'd get it so you have a chainer, a finisher or two chainers , a mage, a tank and a support/healer.

You have a White Knight Noel, level him and get him enhanced if you have enough Crysts, he is one of the best tankers in the game, he mitigates both physical and Magical attacks, I'm so incredibly jealous that you have him because I've missed him twice now.

You also have WOL a brilliant physical mitigation tanker, he's carried me as a tank for so long and he still does against harder content with physical damage and he carries -45% breaks.

Like I said take Lightning off and level up that second Orlandeau, he is honestly the best and most easy to chain unit you can have on your team. I noticed you have Aileen which if you can find friends with Aileen units then you have a really good chainer there too.

You have Roy AND Ramza the best bard units in the game, Ramza enhanced is an absolute must as a support unit for later content, he offers huge stat buffs and he can regenerate HP and MP, I have neither of them but I get by really well with Ling or Soleil.

You have Barbarricia, one of the best mages, again get her leveled, I'd also level Victoria as a secondary mage for when you need a mage to whack enemies weak against the dark element.

Rem can be used for healing and reraising the team and she's a decent mage you have have Refia who I would say is probably your best healer as she can stat buff, AOE heal and full life your team.

If I had to pick a team for you I'd set it up for the following.

Orlandeau, Cloud, WKN, Refia/Ramza and Barbarrica, You can probably find a load of friend Orlandeaus to chain with and Cloud can cap your chains, also give your Orlandeau Odin, instead (if you have Blitzblade) that way you've set him up with an AOE move alongside Cloud to take out multiple waves

My team currently operates, Orlandeau, Cloud, Ayaka, Christine and WOL or Chow for tanking depending on if it's physical or magical

I would also be looking into for TMRs for the future, getting Gilgamesh's, Noctis, Elfreeds, Clouds, Ramza's,Shine', Refia's and Cecil, his TMR is a must for Orlandeau.

Also set Orlandeau as your unit companion rather than Cloud, more people will befriend you if you have someone they can chain with rather than a finisher and he;s pretty easy to come by.

But honestly you have some really good units, ready to be utilised, and it's the Cactuar dunes and raid event starting this weekend so you'll be able to have Gil and Cactuars at the ready for levelling.


Waiting for something
Chaining is way more effective than straight up power,, as the damage builds, it's mostly effective if you two of the same unit's skill trust me on this if you can build chains you will do so much more damage. Try chaining Orlandeau with another Orlandeau's divine ruination and then half way through the chain select Cloud's Climhazzard, you'll probably end up one shotting some enemies that you were originally unable to.

Some of the units you have, these are the skills you should chain together with another friend unit.

Orlandeau: Divine Ruination (Agrias also has access to this at 6* level)
Aileen: Pile Drive
Fohlen:Sonic Blast
Cloud Meteor Strike

Level Ashe as well, she's a good magic chainer, if you pull two of her, she's a great help when you go to tackle the Bloody moon trial, that boss is full resistant to physical attacks, so you need to go for magic, support and healers, Her ability Heaven's fury not only deals non-elemental chaining damage, it also heals your entire party.

I also just noticed you have Zargabaath, he also an extremely good support unit

Also I'm not sure if you know this but do not merge any of your 5* units together, 7* units are going to be a thing in the future on Global (they're already in Japan) as are Super TMRs, you need 2 of the same 5* units maxed out to make they 7* version and then you need another 2 to make their Super TMR

Oh Finally my ID is 592,912,124 I'm currently using a 1056 atk Orlandeau, I usually have him there unless it's the Mog King event or there's a better unit to use during a raid event, I have 1 friend slot left, feel free to add me.
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Waiting for something
Apparently the raid is also giving out 10% 5% trust moogles as well as the character banner specific ones and summon tickets when you perform the raid summon, I'm sure the rate for that is very low for the 10% and the tickets but still a really nice perk. I noticed there's a decent amount of tickets up for grabs in the individual rewards.

I like this raid, boss falls easily and the raid summon rewards are really good. Think the raid might just have reignited my motivation in the game again.

On a side note I managed to get Clouds TMR this morning the boost in attack that buster style gives him is unbelievable, add Bartz doublehand to that and I'm pushing 1.2k atk for him, still like having Orlandeau as my lead for the chaining properties with other users but this is the first time I've had a stupidly powered unit on my team.

Ghost X

Couldn't resist spending some summon tickets... got Aranea on my second ticket :awesome:. Shall spend no more this week :awesome:. Got 30+ of them including two 4* ones. Also got 18000 lapis, so am good for a while there too.


Waiting for something
Niiiiicccceeee that TMR she has is a pretty cool spear too! I'm just doing dailies on this banner.

I've 50 tickets saved right now and 9k lapis, so I'm good too.

TMR wise now I have Clouds I'm aiming for Marie's that's been on my to do list to get for a while now, after that I'll work on Elfreeda.


Waiting for something
Sooooo excited for the FFIX event, I think I'm going to use 25 of my tickets on this banner at least to pull for characters, I don't need them, but I do want them for the nostalgia feels (and to earn some bonus currency for the event) I'm wondering what battle music they'll use, It'd be cool if they used Festival of the hunt or something instead of the normal battle music but anything from that soundtrack is fine by me.


Waiting for something
Used 7 of my 4* tickets and pulled Eiko and 3 Steiner, si that should keep me going for bonus units, I've set Eiko as my unit companion for the mk event, this event is giving me nostalgic feels!

Also the 30million download gifts we're getting are pretty sweet!


Waiting for something
Nice pull, use Eiko as your main healer! Also with the raid on your going to have a much better chance at getting a very nice tmr there. Mystea is pretty much a necessity for bahamut.

I'd love to give you advice but I haven't attempted bahamut myself yet.

Edit: Aranea trial done and got all prizes first time round 100% Evade Ling with Illusionist Nichol to make her tank the attacks made this trail the easiest I've ever done.
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Ghost X

Brave exvius wiki has tips on defeating bahamut. I've done all the tents, but have yet to defeat him. I want to be confident I can given it uses up a rats tail which are time consuming to get. If you can't one shot them, you need to have someone with AOE cover for his megaflare. It can kill you twice in a single turn. Thus probably also important to have Rikku's AOE auto-revive limit burst (fully mastered) ready on the first turn. Dragon killer ability in your weapon, as a stand alone equpped ability, and innate ability of your character stacked up probably helps. The more the merrier. I'll attempt killing Bahamut next time with my chainers, and cap the chain with 2x Alterna on my most powerful magic user equipped with a Draco Spike


Waiting for something
Yeah that wiki is pretty good, I've been reading up on it a lot lately.

For Megaflare it's supposed to be a magic tank cover isn't it? I'm thinking if that's the case I'll bring Chow with me for this one as he's also able to heal.

I still don't feel ready to take Bahamut down, even though I have a really good mix of characters to combat him, I still don't feel ready to go for it.


Waiting for something
So erm, I can't post the link because I'm on my mobile but there's gonna a be a tomb raider collab with the raid happening next event, apparently Lara is a 5* unit and there will be two of her available.

Not sure how I feel about the collab, would prefer a Dragon Quest or another Secret of Mana event if I'm honest, The new versions of Abel, Soleil and Aileen do look pretty cool though.


Waiting for something
Major shit going down because apple users are locked out of their accounts as the new update hadn't been released on iOS, the rumours are it's because Gumi has violated Apples terms of service with their Fountain of Lapis and also the gacha rates of the individual units, which Apple had been bern asking developers to do since December, publishing the crystal rate isn't enough they need to be posting the individual rates for units.

I'm an Android user so I've been able to log in no problem, but I honestly feel for anyone that is an iOS user losing raid ranks and arena ranks, due to Gumi's incompetency if the rumours are correct and I do believe that they are.

Edit: statement was issued on the facebook page by gumi saying their app had been approved to go live before maintenance so it sounds like it's an apple problem? Still a shitstorm, lots of angry players right now and still a lot of speculation of whether it has something to do with gacha rate compliance due to several of these types of games going down over Apple yesterday that are vague on the their drop rates, Fire Emblem and the Alchemist code amongst them.
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