Final Fantasy VII G Bike Announced For Smartphones - S-E + CC2!


Pro Adventurer


Done and done! I'll look around for anything else new.

Y'know the artwork for Cloud and the support characters.... that could be used as avatars in the remake.
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Pro Adventurer
E3 is over, and no mention of G bike. Just have to keep waiting I guess...

It's unfortunate, but I'm starting to think they're waiting on the JP version to advance further? The talk feature has yet to be implemented, and they added a few new features in 1.5.0. Maybe by v. 2.0, we'll have news?


Pro Adventurer

Here we go! I love being able to chose more than Tifa (even if this is on the S4 new game).

I only wish the textures on Barret (and admittedly other models/backgrounds) were a bit higher quality.


Pro Adventurer
So the cost was high (seriously, if anyone here has changed from stock to a custom rom on their android device, you know what I'm talking about)... I had to revert to vanilla stock, not even a slightly modified stock rom that gave more features (and removed the annoying bloatware that came with stock) would work with v. 1.5.0.


(Cautious optimism that the game actually is running...)


(Will my progress still be there?!)


(ok....once this prize calendar goes.....)


(OMFG!!!!! :excited: )

Now the sad part.... despite logging into the game with my Google account, doing some missions (it was fun, once I finished a mission, I had a ton of notifications as I gained every mission cleared achievement in a row... shame I couldn't record that), and even some of the Dyne/Barret event... I logged out and into my friend's S4. My progress wasn't ported over.... seems that unlike some other games (ie. Clash of Clans) this game doesn't also store your data with a Google account). Now, maaaaaybe that's because I already had progress on the S4 (though this didn't stop CoC from loading my village in the middle of the tutorial once logged in), and an entirely new device that the game's never been on would be different? I surely hope so, as my S3 (may have noticed the glass crack) probably isn't too long for this world.... (and at thsi rate I may just get an S5 for everything else, and keep the S3 for G-Bike, and hope transferring your progress becomes available sooner than later... seriously, um S-E? people break their phones, people want to upgrade... and you won't let them transfer?)....
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Pro Adventurer

Sooooo.... I should have gained Barrett by now (on the S3), right? Because for some reason I don't. I've done it over 10 times...and I didn't have to do the 3rd hard mission on the S4.


AI Researcher
you need to get barret from the gift box on the home screen where all the log in bonuses go if you got him during the first half of the event


Pro Adventurer
Ah... so looks like I'm shit outta luck then, since I couldn't play the first half on my S3, which has all the months of progress on it.... :'(


Pro Adventurer
Ok! I got Barret on the S3. The trick was beating the 2nd mission 10 times, not a combined 10 from.





The only thing is, when I went back to that 2nd mission, I had another message regarding the 10 times and Barret... I accidentally tapped the screen, so I didn't get a screenshot, but it was either saying you get him only once, or that he'll be activated after the event (as unlike on the s4, he isn't in my support roster).

Also, would anyone be interested in helping me translate a letter to S-E regarding how to backup/transfer data/progress between devices? So far it seems impossible (unless my lack of understanding Japanese has overlooked something in the menu?), but clearly it's a feature that needs to be implemented.
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Pro Adventurer
Did the whole spend more money on gems thanmaintenancey should, got a level 20 & 15, upgraded the 15 with materials from lower leveled bikes & material prizes, combined the 20s, maxed it out to 25....thing, again.



(Note the decrease in Gil...)

Oh, and once the event was over and server maintaince was completed, I did indeed receive Barret.
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AI Researcher
Ok! I got Barret on the S3. The trick was beating the 2nd mission 10 times, not a combined 10 from.

this actually isn't the support character barret, this is a player icon (which so far doesn't seem to have any use because there's no interaction between players so far as far as i know)

i missed this one just because i looked at maxing out two weapons to level 20, combining them and then doing another 10 levels, when the prizes for beating dyne wouldn't give you enough to max it out (they never are), and i just couldn't be bothered with it.


Rookie Adventurer
Started playing after the 10th of June from scratch on my iPad. Right now at chapter 9 but no Barret. from the previous posts I gather that Barret could be won by completing a challenge against Reno that ended on Friday? There is no other way to get him? Find it strange to see the banner displaying Barret on the home-page if he is not obtainable.

Additional questions:

Is there any way to combine materia and/or make them stronger? My lvl10 heal materia is currently underpowered.

Edit: Have begun to level up duplicates of healing materia and ice. I assume that the duplicates can be fused into more powerful forms and the best way is to max out duplicates before fusing.

With a fully upgraded Hardy Daytona I am also looking for new gear. Is roulette the only way to acquire bikes and weapons? Have seen some special events that seem to have those kinds of rewards aswell?

Edit: bought roulette currency and got a lvl5 bike, only to realize that the upgrade parts are not available in the current missions. I therefore have to acquire the same bike and dismantle it for parts in order to upgrade it further. SE sure knows how to create addicting and money stealing apps :P
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Pro Adventurer
Started playing after the 10th of June from scratch on my iPad. Right now at chapter 9 but no Barret. from the previous posts I gather that Barret could be won by completing a challenge against Reno that ended on Friday? There is no other way to get him? Find it strange to see the banner displaying Barret on the home-page if he is not obtainable.

Barret was only obtainable via the Dyne event, not Reno. I'm not sure why they still had that up after the event was over.

Additional questions:

Is there any way to combine materia and/or make them stronger? My lvl10 heal materia is currently underpowered.

Edit: Have begun to level up duplicates of healing materia and ice. I assume that the duplicates can be fused into more powerful forms and the best way is to max out duplicates before fusing.

Yes, you've got it. I've seen videos with levels as high as "Blizzard 5", not sure if it goes higher than that.

With a fully upgraded Hardy Daytona I am also looking for new gear. Is roulette the only way to acquire bikes and weapons? Have seen some special events that seem to have those kinds of rewards aswell?

Edit: bought roulette currency and got a lvl5 bike, only to realize that the upgrade parts are not available in the current missions. I therefore have to acquire the same bike and dismantle it for parts in order to upgrade it further. SE sure knows how to create addicting and money stealing apps :P

Yeah, the premium roulette bikes/weapons/items are only available via that. There are other methods to get bikes, like the Turk-M, through events, but they're not nearly as powerful as what you can obtain by spending lots 'n lots of money to play the premium.


Pro Adventurer
So, I believe I might have found a way to backup data within the game!!! :aah:

Third button down from the yellow one:

Data Backup


「 SQUARE ENIX BRIDGE」 に登録すると以下のような状態でも、 ゲームデータを引き継いでプレイできます。

■ 端末の故障
■ 端末の機種変更
■ 違う端末でのプレイ (異なるOSでも可能)
■ 過失によるアプリの削除

「 SQUARE ENIX BRIDGE」 の登録ページを開きますか?

Even in a state such as the following to be registered in the "SQUARE ENIX BRIDGE", you can play to take over the game data.
■ Failure of the terminal
■ Change the model of the terminal
■ Play in a different terminal (It can be different OS)
■ Delete apps by negligence

Do you want to open the registration page of "SQUARE ENIX BRIDGE"?


ゲームデータのバックアップやコミュニティ利用、 SQUARE ENIX BRIDGE機能をご利用頂く場合は等、 ご利用いただけますようお利用規約に同意の上願い致します。


Sign up
Game backup and community use of the data, if you take advantage of the SQUARE ENIX BRIDGE function etc., will wish on the agreement in Available you as your Terms of Use.

Signing up
I accept the Terms of Use Terms


Please select the account to back up your game data



ご登録いただいたメールアドレスに確認のメールが届きますので、 記載のURLにアクセスして登録を完了させてください。

You will receive a confirmation e-mail to the your registration our e-mail address, please complete the registration by accessing the URL described.




Provisional registration completion

Please complete the registration by accessing the URL listed in the email.



登録が完了しました。 ゲーム画面にお戻り下さい。 新しい端末にてゲームをプレイする場合は、 登録に利用したアカウントでログインして下さい。

Completion of registration

Registration has been completed. Please return to the game screen. If you want to play the game at the new terminal, please log in with an account that was used to register.

After all that, I went back into the game, hit the same button and was directed to this:




機種変更後も継続してプレイされる場合は、 以下のアカウントでログインしてください。

● Google




Game data backup is complete.

If you are played continuously even after the model change, please log in with the following account.

● Google

If you want to change the account that is game data backups will be from here.
Change an account

If you want to cancel the account that is game data backups will be from here.
Account cancellation

I've yet to test this out on the S4.... I'm almost a tad apprehensive about it.... what happens if I can't do it again on the S3 afterwards? Will all data/progress transfer?
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AI Researcher
Even in a state such as the following to be registered in the "SQUARE ENIX BRIDGE", you can play to take over the game data.
■ Failure of the terminal
■ Change the model of the terminal
■ Play in a different terminal (It can be different OS)
■ Delete apps by negligence
"if you register with S-E bridge, you can carry over your game data and continue to play even in the following situations:"

('terminal' is probably better translated as 'device' in this case too)

Game backup and community use of the data, if you take advantage of the SQUARE ENIX BRIDGE function etc., will wish on the agreement in Available you as your Terms of Use.

Signing up
I accept the Terms of Use Terms
the japanese text seems to have got garbled a bit:

"to utilise the SEB features, such as game data backup and access to the community, please agree to the terms of use.

terms of use
agree to terms and register"

You will receive a confirmation e-mail to the your registration our e-mail address, please complete the registration by accessing the URL described.
"you will receive a confirmation e-mail at the address you registered, so please access the URL in the e-mail and complete your registration"

(i think most of that was obvious enough if you've ever had to register with on of these things before, though)
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