btw, 19-21 are done
Still kinda confused about this line
"I wonder how that was."
"What about you, Tifa—"
"I have been. There, that is."
"On a date… perhaps?"
"I wonder how that was."
「ごめん」 おれはティファの作り笑顔に気づ く。 「おれ、しつこいな」
"Sorry." I noticed Tifa's faked smile. "I'm being persistent."
「いいよ。全然気にしないで。もっとすごいこと聞いてくる人だっているから。ねえ、コスタ・デル・ソルって行ったことある? ニブルヘイムなんかより、ずっと楽しいところ」
"It's okay. Don't worry about it. People have asked a lot worse. Hey, have you ever been to Costa del Sol? It's a lot more fun than Nibelheim."