I've seen a bit of talk lately about the lifestream, specifically a theory about how altering memories within it could alter history itself. Despite the fact that I like the idea, I wanted to explain why I don't think that's what's happening in Remake. There are two issues I'd like to highlight: Stamp's terrier design and Intermission's post credit scene with Zack.
Let's get through Stamp quickly. We know something’s up as the Ultimania even ponders the significance of the terrier design. However, theories often hand wave this detail away, and that continues to be the case here. Was something else altered to cause the design to change? Is it a motif? More questions begin to rise than answers.
Moving on, I feel like Intermission's post credit scene with Zack could offer a lot of valuable insight into what to expect from Rebirth, however it was overshadowed at release by fans paying far too much attention to the church's interior. Let's view it with fresh eyes. Keep in mind that the theory is "history was changed via altering the lifestream”. Since history was changed, that would mean a living Zack now occupies the same spacetime as the party. Let's try to place where the post credit scene could take place in this scenario.
Assume for a moment that Zack arrived at the church sometime
after the Sector 7 platefall and the people there are survivors. How does one explain the fact that Zack wields the Buster Sword, just as Cloud does during that time and up to Kalm?
Assume for a moment that Zack arrived at the church sometime
before the Sector 7 platefall and the people there are mourning something involving Aerith. How does one explain what happened to Aerith? If something bad happened to her, wouldn't that reflect on our Aerith outside of Kalm?
To address these issues, an auxiliary theory must be used. "Singularity immunity", as I’ve come to call it, is pretty popular and states that those inside the Singularity (i.e., the party) are immune to the changes that altered the past/planet. It’s further speculated that the party "overwrote" their altered selfs upon exiting the Singularity, thus preserving the characters as we know them and removing any paradoxes. My issue with Singularity immunity, however, is that it's not even remotely hinted at in the game or external material. There's no visual indication that some type of overwrite occurred with the party, nor is it presented as a mystery in the Ultimania. It just feels made up to me. Even Stamp’s new design got a few seconds of screen time.
At this point I want to say that whatever theory a person has is totally cool and I don’t mean to be a troll or anything, I’m just trying to explain my thought process. Chewing away at the mysteries as intended and biding my time until Rebirth.
So, since it has no lore backing, let’s assume Singularity immunity isn’t a thing and continue to try and place the post credit scene. As pointed out above, it really doesn’t fit anywhere. If the people in the church are survivors from the Sector 7 platefall, how are there two Buster Swords now? If the people are there because something bad happened to Aerith, why doesn’t that reflect on our Aerith outside of Kalm?
As such, I have to place the scene in
some other spacetime. A reality where Zack visited the church shortly after surviving his last stand. It's reasonable that he would visit there sooner rather than later, that was literally his goal in Crisis Core. And unlike most theories, I don’t have to hand wave away Stamp’s new design. It’s different because there are discrepancies between the realities, as multiverse stories usually have. We even have examples of the Whispers allowing minor discrepancies throughout Remake. To me it all locks into place. I don’t even need to reference some obscure Ultimania passage or interview response. It’s right there in the game.
It should be noted that I do still think the answer to Remake’s mysteries will involve the lifestream and the theme of “memory”, I just don’t think that it involves altering history, nor that Singularity immunity is a thing.
I think the answer will be much larger in scale, but I digress. So yeah, that’s where I’m at.
I really do enjoy these differing theories. They’re fun thought experiments. I like to assume one is true and see the story from that new angle. But also, I’m really looking forward to Rebirth giving us some clarity haha.