Blue Dragonfly
Rookie Adventurer
- Dane
the main problem is, if seph and Arith already know, then what is the goal?Correct. I’m not saying there isn’t some timey wimey stuff involved (I agree that Sephiroth and Aerith at least have knowledge of future events) but at the same time I don’t think they will alter the main plot. Ultimately i think by the end of part 3 everyone will be at the same place they were at the end of the original.
if they are just letting go everything the way they did n Original and has no impact on story , so why even bother?
i didnt see any sign of sephiroth to trying change the future. cutting Wispers is not counted. he is going the exactly same way he did in Orginal. and there is another thing , based n what we see in trailer. he cut Tifa again. if he knew , why didnt kill her there and then?
why he didnt killed cloud ? i mean , if you know someone gonna destroy your whole plans, and you are sephiroth