
Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Sephiroth offering his hand to Cloud, and asking him to join him in defying destiny together. Also, the whole "embrace me, don't deny me" thing. That's classic cinematic foreshadowing. Doesn't mean it'll happen mind, but it wouldn't surprise me, and if it did then I don't think it would be permanent. More of a save Cloud from himself kinda thing.

It's no different than Sephiroth's "temptation" he inflicted on Cloud within the OG.

Cloud carries Jenova cells which are actively affecting his mind and that makes him a Sephiroth Copy. As long as Cloud's not himself and under their mental control, he's susceptible to Sephiroth's influence and dominance, just like any other black robed Sephiroth Copy. His will is not completely his own, despite him not being aware of that.

To Cloud's credit, he resisted Sephiroth's hand by grabbing the Buster Sword, so a small part of his original self is actively resisting. Just like in the OG.
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Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Another thought.

What if Tifa's line from the Rebirth trailer is in response to an actor in Nibelheim who's living in her rebuilt house or saying the occupants died in an accident? :awesomonster:

That's the fun of these trailers. These lines could all come from completely separate and wildly different parts of the story. But combining them together in one video creates an incredibly tense and confusing situation to speculate on.


Save your valediction (she/her)
I think we’re getting Yuffie as DLC, or at least the Wutai zone and quest.


Kaiju Member
Pretty sure the devs have stated before that Wutai’s role in the plot is going to be significantly expanded in the Remake project. I don’t think being relegated to DLC matches up with that. And why would Yuffie be DLC when they’ve already put in the work of building her character for Intergrade?


Cloud didn't know who Zack was at all in the North Crater originally, and now he's even acknowledging him as someone who was on the mission with him and Sephiroth. Huge difference imo.

Well,he doesn't mention Sephiroth, he could be having this relevation in Modeoheim or wherever.


I'm still wondering how the eff they could get all that globetrotting adventure into one game given the scope and have been thinking:

maybe they're reshuffling the story so that the initial journey ending at the crater is abridged compared to the original but then instead you get some of those beats and places that were omitted from part 2 to occur in part 3 in between the huge materia hunts or something like that

because I keep thinking that otherwise part 2 would be a massive game with tons of new locations and then part 3 is like...just revisiting most of the same locations? This way you'd basically have part 3 still have a bunch of new locations or whatever. Don't ask me which events or settings would make sense to be relegated until after the crater/lifestream scene though, I haven't thought it through in that much detail that's Nojima's job

oh I forgot I can call part 2 "Rebirth" now I guess :monster:


Pro Adventurer
I'm wondering if they're going to go over the trip to Junon and the cargo ship (upgraded to a cruise ship?) in-game since they (kind of) already did that in Trace of Two Pasts? Even if everyone didn't read the novel, it still seems kind of -- er -- superfluous(?) to go over it again?


Pro Adventurer
Sephiroth is the antagonist and Cloud is the story's hero, his adversity isn't meant to crush him and grind him out.
I like Zack but I’m so sick of the “Zack is the true hero of FF7” narrative lol

ngl the trailery tagline where it reads "WHATS SEPHIORTH'S ENDGAME" struck me as super obnoxious but I am an easily displeased old grump :sadpanda:
It does read like a 4chan post so I’d say you’re about right here

Pretty sure the devs have stated before that Wutai’s role in the plot is going to be significantly expanded in the Remake project. I don’t think being relegated to DLC matches up with that. And why would Yuffie be DLC when they’ve already put in the work of building her character for Intergrade?
I’ve seen few people running with the Wutai war thing because of a few name drops in-game but I don’t remember a quote from the devs?

Urgh. I was at least hoping with all that time travel nonsense that we would be allowed to pick our own path and choose to play the original game.

So I guess the end boss for this one will be Mickey Mouse riding a unicorn?
You can play the original game, it came out in ‘97 lmao ain’t no way the devs are putting this much effort into the story only for people to just be like “nah, I’ll skip through all that”…doubly so now with Ever Crisis on the horizon


Pro Adventurer
Never thought it was possible for Cloud to remember Zack and still cling to his Jenova cell inspired delusion but here the writers are, showing that's entirely possible.
Zack being erased in the memories never seemed necessary to me. Just that Fake Cloud essentially switched places with Real Zack, meaning that he thought of Zack as the grunt that Cloud was. That said, with CC Reunion and Cloud uh... oddly filling in some gaps with things only Zack experienced...

Does Cloud think he fought Genesis?

I haven't at all thought about this, but Mako, you're making a really good point. My read is that Cloud believes he experienced much more of Zack's past but obviously not all of it. He didn't think Aerith was his ex. So there is a limit, but he "lived" some of Zack's experiences from Zack's perspectives in ways that the grunt laying next to the burning home wouldn't have.

Sephiroth offering his hand to Cloud, and asking him to join him in defying destiny together. Also, the whole "embrace me, don't deny me" thing. That's classic cinematic foreshadowing.
s long as Cloud's not himself and under their mental control, he's susceptible to Sephiroth's influence and dominance, just like any other black robed Sephiroth Copy. His will is not completely his own, despite him not being aware of that.

I think we can take these two things together. So in the OG, Cloud snaps and loses control until Tifa puts him back together in the Lifestream and they can overcome Jenova's instincts/Sephiroth's influence. But something that completely strikes me as different in Remake is that Sephiroth offered his hand to Cloud. He's asking him to willingly join him. That could end up being totally nothing, but how much more powerful is this whole story if Cloud joins Sephiroth out of his own volition? How hard would it be to "piece him back together" in the Lifestream?

Will Cloud do one of the original ideas and actually be the one to kill Aerith? All of this is probably not happening, but I do feel we have had some foreshadowing that Cloud will be the villain and that Zack or Second Cloud will take up the role eventually of protagonist. Heck, our Cloud could die in Aerith's place and Second Cloud inherit his memories like Krile taking on Galuf's powers in FFV. Nonsensical but.... well it is Final Fantasy. I expect more teasing that Cloud will be a villain, no matter how temporary. I do expect to at least fight him in a boss battle when he's handing over the Black Materia.

The only unknown is with Zack, we're very clearly getting the OG story there.
I stand in the minority here, and I accept that. But I don't see how people can say we're getting the original story when we have such significant changes. Sephiroth clearly wants to change something about the OG. And Zack's existence here isn't insignificant. If he crosses the party at any point, things drastically and seriously change. The original story can't be in tact with Zack.

Zack can completely resist Sephiroth's influence and should be able to to go toe-to-toe with Cloud. If Cloud attacks Aerith at the Temple of Ancients or gives the Black Materia over to Seph, or Seph goes to kill Aerith? Zack can completely interfere in those events if he's with the party.

And having him just chilling in Midgar with no influence on the story? That's entirely pointless and raises questions as to why bring him back if he won't affect anything.

The story is heavily going to change from the OG, even if the skeleton stays the same. I don't think we're getting the og story at all.


Kaiju Member


Pro Adventurer
Besides all the additional mentions of Wutai and it’s past conflict with Shinra in the Remake so far here are some stuff from the devs discussing Wutai in the Renake:
Surely we’ll see more of Wutai but I’m keeping my expectations tempered about a full-blown Wutai war for the moment considering how much story will have to fit in the remaining two parts


Kaiju Member
Surely we’ll see more of Wutai but I’m keeping my expectations tempered about a full-blown Wutai war for the moment considering how much story will have to fit in the remaining two parts
Oh I don’t think there will be a full on second Wutai War either. I just don’t think Yuffie and Wutai are going to be DLC only content, which I was replying to (unless @Ite was making a joke/being sarcastic in their comment and I completely missed it).

Smoothie King

Pro Adventurer
Besides all the additional mentions of Wutai and it’s past conflict with Shinra in the Remake so far here are some stuff from the devs discussing Wutai in the Renake:
I take those Wutai comments to mean “wait for part 3.” Which totally makes sense. The fight with Shinra comes to a head when we storm Midgar, it’s logical to see Shinra fighting a war on multiple fronts, so to speak. Wutai is definitely one thing I wouldn’t mind waiting for until part 3. Stuff like Cosmo Canyon though, no. Give me that shit like yesterday dude.


Kaiju Member
I take those Wutai comments to mean “wait for part 3.” Which totally makes sense. The fight with Shinra comes to a head when we storm Midgar, it’s logical to see Shinra fighting a war on multiple fronts, so to speak. Wutai is definitely one thing I wouldn’t mind waiting for until part 3. Stuff like Cosmo Canyon though, no. Give me that shit like yesterday dude.
Sure that’s also possible, I just doubt that Yuffie or Wutai will be DLC of Rebirth or Part 3, that’s my original point.


Ninja Potato
I could see Wutai being saved for after Rebirth, as it's the easiest way to cut down locations before the North Crater, but then I'd have to assume her whole plotline of stealing the party's stuff and getting kidnapped by Corneo would be moved somewhere else because I feel like she wouldn't steal the materia once meteor has been summoned, I feel like she'd know better and that the stakes are too high. Yes the materia stealing can happen in disc 2 of the original, but still. Corneo's return was already set up in Remake, so I feel like some version of that will still happen... and his connection to Wutai is reinforced as well... Hm. Maybe not.


Pro Adventurer
I'm one of those who would rather not have too radical plot changes, but if they exchanged the huge materia chase part for a well made, expanded Wutai arc, I'd be more than happy.

I could see Wutai being saved for after Rebirth, as it's the easiest way to cut down locations before the North Crater, but then I'd have to assume her whole plotline of stealing the party's stuff and getting kidnapped by Corneo would be moved somewhere else because I feel like she wouldn't steal the materia once meteor has been summoned, I feel like she'd know better and that the stakes are too high. Yes the materia stealing can happen in disc 2 of the original, but still. Corneo's return was already set up in Remake, so I feel like some version of that will still happen... and his connection to Wutai is reinforced as well... Hm. Maybe not.

Maybe they can rework that somehow, with, dunno, a quick visit to Wutai for the event while leaving the major stuff for later, or it being rewritten somewhere else.
I wouldn't mind a little comedy break after metor summon, anyways.
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The popular fan theory of your materia reset at the beginning for part 2 being Yuffie stealing it (and maybe shipping it off to Wutai or something) is something I could see happen. In that case, there'd be no point in having her steal it again for the Wutai quest. They might also not want to do that because in the OG, getting your materia stolen and then getting your materia combos completely messed up when she gives it back is massively obnoxious and didn't exactly endear a lot of people to Yuffie so that might be another reason for them to change her role in Wutai a bit.

Golden Ear

Pro Adventurer
M. Prod
I heard an interview last year that basically confirms Yuffie will be stealing from the party in Part 2, don't want to say who it was because I noticed the interview got deleted and I don't want the person in trouble with their NDA.


Pro Adventurer
I'm still wondering how the eff they could get all that globetrotting adventure into one game given the scope and have been thinking:

maybe they're reshuffling the story so that the initial journey ending at the crater is abridged compared to the original but then instead you get some of those beats and places that were omitted from part 2 to occur in part 3 in between the huge materia hunts or something like that

because I keep thinking that otherwise part 2 would be a massive game with tons of new locations and then part 3 is like...just revisiting most of the same locations? This way you'd basically have part 3 still have a bunch of new locations or whatever. Don't ask me which events or settings would make sense to be relegated until after the crater/lifestream scene though, I haven't thought it through in that much detail that's Nojima's job

oh I forgot I can call part 2 "Rebirth" now I guess :monster:

I can only think of two places to end Rebirth. Either city of ancients, if aerith is killed the same way. Or Northern Crater, after awakening sephiroth. If it's after sephiroth, a lot of stuff will be in Rebirth, with not much left for the third game. They'd have to make all the optional stuff mandatory, or expand on the other main stuff pretty drastically.

I'm fine with either option, but I'm curious to see. If they made Cloud the final boss of Rebirth, that'd be pretty interesting


Pro Adventurer

I can only think of two places to end Rebirth. Either city of ancients, if aerith is killed the same way. Or Northern Crater, after awakening sephiroth. If it's after sephiroth, a lot of stuff will be in Rebirth, with not much left for the third game. They'd have to make all the optional stuff mandatory, or expand on the other main stuff pretty drastically.

I'm fine with either option, but I'm curious to see. If they made Cloud the final boss of Rebirth, that'd be pretty interesting

If they go to Northern Crater, or even CotA, then maybe Wutai will be the focus of part 3? We're also assuming that 3 parts will take us further, a lot of the final disk was that huge materia quest and side quests.


I take those Wutai comments to mean “wait for part 3.” Which totally makes sense. The fight with Shinra comes to a head when we storm Midgar, it’s logical to see Shinra fighting a war on multiple fronts, so to speak. Wutai is definitely one thing I wouldn’t mind waiting for until part 3. Stuff like Cosmo Canyon though, no. Give me that shit like yesterday dude.

Wutai entering to a war with Shinra even as Meteor coming to destroy the Planet entire I don't really buy. Nojima's characterisation of Rufus I also can't see going down that road. If they're gonna do a AVALANCHE HQ/Wutai v Shinra arc it's gotta kick off earlier.


Pro Adventurer
Wutai entering to a war with Shinra even as Meteor coming to destroy the Planet entire I don't really buy. Nojima's characterisation of Rufus I also can't see going down that road. If they're gonna do a AVALANCHE HQ/Wutai v Shinra arc it's gotta kick off earlier.

I didn't mean a war with Wutai, but they said they're expanding Wutais role and I was wondering whether that, whatever it may be, would be part 3.
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