
Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
The trailer really fucked us by using almost entirely new dialogue that's not analogous to the OG. Makes it hard to place what's going to be included as a means of seeing how far the game goes.

Only Aerith's line from the Gold Saucer gives us a semblance of a clue. Cloud's line about Jenova and Sephiroth doesn't have a corresponding OG line. Tifa's could be from the Northern Crater, Nibelheim or hell, even Kalm. Cloud speaking to Zack? Lol.

Zack speaking? Lol, LMAO.

Smoothie King

Pro Adventurer
The popular fan theory of your materia reset at the beginning for part 2 being Yuffie stealing it (and maybe shipping it off to Wutai or something) is something I could see happen. In that case, there'd be no point in having her steal it again for the Wutai quest. They might also not want to do that because in the OG, getting your materia stolen and then getting your materia combos completely messed up when she gives it back is massively obnoxious and didn't exactly endear a lot of people to Yuffie so that might be another reason for them to change her role in Wutai a bit.
Man, I just finished Wutai this past week and I completely forgot how infuriating that was. Like, when I was in seventh grade I had a crush on Yuffie so that colored the way I viewed her retroactively. But as a grown man playing this game she’s maddening. I wanted Corneo to feed her to Apps.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
You're right, I forgot about that line because of how obvious it was in telling us what was going to be included. :monster:

Of course the Kalm village flashback to Nibelheim would be included. That's like, a no brainer, lol

That Gold Saucer event sort of tells us Rebirth will at least cover 2/3rds of Disc 1, so there's no reason to doubt it won't go into Disc 2 at all. Really feel confident in expecting them to go dense with the content and not hold/cut anything back.


Pro Adventurer
Man, I just finished Wutai this past week and I completely forgot how infuriating that was. Like, when I was in seventh grade I had a crush on Yuffie so that colored the way I viewed her retroactively. But as a grown man playing this game she’s maddening. I wanted Corneo to feed her to Apps.

You're not the only one who found her annoying... I found her irritating even as a teenager, and she was benched along with Cait Sith. I've not played Integrade yet, but she looks fun to play in Remake, and I didn't mind the humour in her introduction. So, hopefully she will be more enjoyable this time around.


Pro Adventurer
You're not the only one who found her annoying... I found her irritating even as a teenager, and she was benched along with Cait Sith. I've not played Integrade yet, but she looks fun to play in Remake, and I didn't mind the humour in her introduction. So, hopefully she will be more enjoyable this time around.
I disliked Yuffie almost as much as I disliked Cait Sith in the OG, INTERmission did a pretty good job getting me to come around to her at least
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If you're just speculating and are going to enjoy the ride either way, then thats great. However, if you're hanging on for it being close to the original, then I'd probably be more open minded to avoid disappointment.

The end of part 1, how Aerith framed the trailer, the callbacks to Aeriths death, the dialogue between Cloud and Tifa seeming early and more direct - confrontational even, CC being given a remaster/remake bringing him forward to new fans; is signalling to me that we are going to be quite some way from Kansas.

I really don't see how any of this is signalling that FF7 is going to be business as usual here. While it might follow the locations and kind of character events of OG, I think its going to change and detour quite a bit.

I'm not really hanging onto anything, it's just how it came across to me. Like they've said in interviews, they will change some stuff to make it fresh for the players, but all of the major events and developments will be the same in the grand scheme of things. Of course, there is the compilation to consider to tie up all of those loose ends as well.

The last portion of Remake was a deviation from the original in terms of adding shock value, but how much it changes the course of the narrative remains to be seen. There seems to be two major "camps"- one that thinks Rebirth will be a completely different story, and the other that thinks they're just sprinkling some changes here and there but not changing FF7 significantly - like they've mentioned in interviews.

On Tifa's lines in the trailer: Ayumi Itou's delivery is actually much less indignant-sounding. Regardless, there has to be tension created between Cloud and Tifa for there to be the major payoff in their relationship at the end (part 3) where they finally ~reunite~. They both recall 2 different versions of events, just like in the original game. Of course Sephiroth is going to do whatever he can to try to muddle their trust in the other. That's going to be Sephiroth's bread and butter even more here to get Cloud to hand over the black materia.

The flash of Aerith's death looks to me like they're saying "We're not telling you that she's going to die, but we're telling you that she's going to die." Lol.


Pro Adventurer
The flash of Aerith's death looks to me like they're saying "We're not telling you that she's going to die, but we're telling you that she's going to die." Lol.

This might be me nitpicking, but technically we don't see Aerith's death in Remake. I do think she's still gonna die though


Alex T
When you boil it down, the trailer only really showed us Cloud and Sephiroth walking a bit and then a pre-rendered scene of Cloud and Zack walking a bit lol. We still barely know anything.

Yeah, came here to say this. The trailer was pretty redundant. Two similar scenes of Cloud and Sephiroth walking around Nibelheim along with two similar scenes of Cloud and Zack approaching Midgar. The latter is especially redundant because we already know from Intermission's ending that Zack makes it all the way to Aerith's church.

I uhhh had a busy day yesterday and rushed through the last 100 posts, so sorry if this was already suggested. The two most interesting lines (for me) are Cloud's near the end. From TurquoiseHammer's translation:


As already discussed, this flies directly in the face of the original game. Just wanted to reiterate that with screenshots:

image (1).jpg

Assuming these lines will be spoken back-to-back in the actual game, I'd say that Cloud most likely says them to himself sometime while the party explores the rebuilt Nibelheim. I don't think that's a bold prediction. I mean, it's the only location we currently know that Cloud and Zack absolutely visited together five years before FFVII.

This has some interesting implications if my placement is correct. Zack is alive somewhere and the question on all our minds is "when will that come up?" Well, whatever they have planned, it must not directly affect the party until after they arrive at the rebuilt Nibelheim. Cloud wouldn't be asking about Zack if they crossed paths earlier.

So yeah! That's my 2 gil.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
It will come up in the Northern Crater because that's where the Zack revelation of the truth lands with maximum impact.

I don't know if Zack himself will be there, or if Sephiroth will manifest Zack somehow, or something... But Sephiroth is going to use his knowledge of Cloud's weakness (the photo), the existence of the Terrier world and Zack to truly fuck Cloud's shit up.

The Jenova cells already are accommodating the existence of Zack's presence now, but all it takes is removing that one bottom piece of the Jenga tower of Cloud's persona to cause it to come crashing down. :monster:


Alex T
Right. Maybe someone who's more knowledgeable in what direction Midgar is facing could confirm what sector Zack would arrive at when traveling from the cliffside or something. But yeah I think it's just Sector 6.

To satisfy my own personal curiosity, I concluded that Zack and Cloud are in fact arriving at Sector 6 at the end of Rebirth's reveal trailer, which explains the broken plate. This can be confirmed by comparing the direction of the Shinra Building in Zack's scenes against the Shinra army with Remake's ending, as well as noting the reactor number on the outside (which for some reason is written as "0606").

Neat! There's your FFVII trivia for the day.

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None Shall Remember Those Who Do Not Fight
Rosarian Shield

She definitely has a point.

I do think the problem isn't that there is change but into what and how it was changed... so far the new gotcha surprises feel artificial at best, like they were made just for the shock value instead of bringing something meaningful to the established setting, it smells like KH (it's so obvious that you fight a giant heartless in the end) and the final part will totally be called FFVII: Reconnect.


I agree with her but am frankly kind of sick of the specific convo tbqh.

FF7r seemingly is... trying to make a commentary on a wider trend of reboot/remake/perpetual sequeling that's becoming the major form of all media. But it is also seemingly not super self aware of its own hyper self-indulgence in some of the most exhausting aspects of this bigger trend. Which, coupled with some of square enix's more general weird habits of handling things, makes it very tough and alienating to engage with critically and leaves an overall bad taste in my mouth if I try.

at this point I've accepted being gamerbrained, and am just here for content more than anything. whatever it ends up being I'll at least probably have more fun engaging with it than most things.


Pro Adventurer
I think her saying it has nothing to do with the themes of FF7 is pretty overdramatic to be honest. Ultimately, it’s the devs’ story. They decide what is and isn’t FF7. You wanted the remake to be something else? Yeah, we get it. We heard you. But it isn’t. If you want the OG, it’s still perfectly playable, friends.

Generally I find it far more productive to judge art by what it’s trying to do, not by what we think it should be. Nobody has to like the remake, but it’s pretty dishonest to dismiss how effective it was in doing what it set out to do. It is a modern, expanded retelling of FF7. From where we stand now, that has not changed, yet not one of us can definitely say where the story is going. So to even say that the changes aren’t meaningful for a story that is still in progress isn’t exactly fair, in my opinion.

The engagement we’re seeing among the general fanbase is something we definitely would not see otherwise. And while the enlightened cynics may dismiss that as simply “just building hype”, you really don’t need to look any further than the devs own words to get the sense that their heart is all in on this project. I’m sorry to those who didn’t get the glorified remaster that they were hoping for, but I think we need to be careful about projecting our own gripes onto how we perceive the devs’ intentions.


None Shall Remember Those Who Do Not Fight
Rosarian Shield
I think her saying it has nothing to do with the themes of FF7 is pretty overdramatic to be honest. Ultimately, it’s the devs’ story. They decide what is and isn’t FF7. You wanted the remake to be something else? Yeah, we get it. We heard you. But it isn’t. If you want the OG, it’s still perfectly playable, friends.

Generally I find it far more productive to judge art by what it’s trying to do, not by what we think it should be. Nobody has to like the remake, but it’s pretty dishonest to dismiss how effective it was in doing what it set out to do. It is a modern, expanded retelling of FF7. From where we stand now, that has not changed, yet not one of us can definitely say where the story is going. So to even say that the changes aren’t meaningful for a story that is still in progress isn’t exactly fair, in my opinion.

The engagement we’re seeing among the general fanbase is something we definitely would not see otherwise. And while the enlightened cynics may dismiss that as simply “just building hype”, you really don’t need to look any further than the devs own words to get the sense that their heart is all in on this project. I’m sorry to those who didn’t get the glorified remaster that they were hoping for, but I think we need to be careful about projecting our own gripes onto how we perceive the devs’ intentions.
That's the problem, it wasn't done well in my opinion. It was rushed and random in execution.
And I don't think magical ghost sperms and time-travel shenanigans are specifically a great complement to FFVII, it doesn't jibe somehow.

Even devs can make mistakes.


For me, I have no reason to doubt the integrity of the developer's words. They haven't exactly lied before when it comes to their art. They know that they have to be careful with what they say, and they've said that the core of FF7 won't change. And it's not just one person saying as such; it's Toriyama, Hamachi, Kitase and Nomura... are to we assume they are all repeatedly lying? If so, what would be the point?
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