
Pro Adventurer
Bit surprised that Jessie and Wedge seem to be dead in Zack's timeline, if that's actually the case, since I really thought it would be a total inverse of which characters died in the original timeline. But then Aerith seemingly being comatose in his timeline is also curious. Either way, it feels like the moment she awakes in his timeline should be the moment of her demise in the original, right?

Skimming through the press release and blog writeup:

The stage play is confirmed to be LOVELESS, with Aerith playing the role of the heroine.

Neo Bahamut is renamed Bahamut Arisen. I wonder what the Jenova bosses will be renamed to, since the swap from Jenova Quickening (the Japanese name is Jenova PULSE) to Jenova Dreamweaver happened later in development, based on the demo datamine.

Mr. Dolphin

Lv. 25 Adventurer
But then Aerith seemingly being comatose in his timeline is also curious. Either way, it feels like the moment she awakes in his timeline should be the moment of her demise in the original, right?

That's what I'm thinking. This is kind of my worry with having the two timelines (or whatever is happening). Having her wake up in the Terrier timeline at the moment she dies in the Beagle timeline I feel like would lessen the emotional impact of her death. Even though she's dead for Cloud & the party, we the audience are seeing her simultaneously alive and well with Zack and Elmyra. I'm hoping that those moments are spaced out (if she does wake up in the Terrier timeline). However I know the devs are aware of how clearly iconic the FC scene so I'm sure they're handling that with a ton of care


Harbinger O Great Justice
To be entirely fair, Advent Children has had Cloud slipping in and out of a thin place into the "White Room" reality where Zack & Aerith are both able to talk to him and time doesn't flow equivalently in those locations. Even before that, there's Aerith's hand reaching out to him from the light at the end of the original FFVII from a glowing light as well, so while there's plenty of room for exploration of what they're doing with that conceptually I don't think it'll be too big of a stretch from what we've seen before in the series. Those were established even before Ever Crisis having the Portal Materia do those things a bit more in the context of a "What If?" explicitly as an alternative possibility of something that might have been and leaves its mark on the individual's heart even if they can never carry any memories of being in that space – which is exactly how those moments impact Cloud as pseudo-overlapping versions of reality that don't exist coterminously, EXACTLY like the end of Remake shows, where Aerith senses it because of her connection to the Planet as the last of the Cetra.

Even WAY back with The Maiden Who Travels The Planet there was a fairly conscious awareness of other entities around within the flow of the Lifestream that shaped itself into a contextually malleable projection of reality, not to mention that just like Zack – Biggs was explicitly left with unfinished business when he died in Remake. We've never really gotten a look at the idea of what a "Promised Land" might be like from the perspective of the deceased, nor what sort of place the Lifestream might become for those who are returning if the sensory system of the Planet was being distorted with Red XIII describing the Feelers (Whispers) undulating within Sephiroth at the end of Remake.

All of that just plays HEAVILY into the ways where we see in the first Rebirth trailer that Sephiroth is attempting to make Cloud doubt his memories about things like who Tifa really is and if she's the original person that he believes that he knew back then, especially as he becomes more and more aware of himself as an unreliable narrator, and how his continuity of events is full of disconnected and misplaced information like we hear him talk about in this new trailer.

I think that Rebirth is just doing that with an even more overt "it's literally in the title of the game" mechanism to introduce that same overwhelming level of an inability to trust what you're seeing that Cloud continually experiences psychologically. It's building up the doubt in players about what's going on in EXACTLY the same way that Cloud is experiencing that, so that we get pulled along on the same emotional journey, but with a more layered focus than just the distortion of what actually happened in Nibelheim.

That all seems even more apparent especially after the official FFVIIR Twitter posted this:

Not only are there Whispers & Black Feathers all around in the Rebirth scene, but the title makes it more obvious that it's not really clear what Zack's "rebirth" in defiance of destiny even was at the end of Remake. That's the detail that's going to be centered into the core mystery of everything in the game. Personally I find this especially interesting given that the cries of the dead yearning out in pain and formed into a gigantic swirl of spiritual energy driven by their collective subconscious has been what shapes the voice and Will of the Planet in FFVII, but it's also the same concept that's representative of the "Idea of Evil" in the decanonized chapters of BERSERK that came out just months before the original FFVII released. In the quarter century since then, there've been a lot of nuance to how those things are depicted when it comes to the struggles against fate, loss, & free will – but especially in how the moral position of aligning or opposing that shifts with EXTREMELY tiny shifts in nuance.

That all being said.

Most importantly though, just look at how spectacular Dio looks :awesomonster:

X :neo:


Harbinger O Great Justice
I'm SO glad that we're still getting new places. This also increases the possibility of us actually being able to check out certain locations like the ruins of Banora or the remains of Modeoheim from Crisis Core (though Modeoheim will likely not be in this game given where we're limited to geographically), or even potentially Rhadore from Ever Crisis.

Also, it's mindblowing just how little time is left until this game gets released already. It feels totally surreal how close it is.

X :neo:


Alex T
Wanted to note that the recent Game Informer articles are actually snippets of a larger, printed feature which can be viewed here:

Below are two of my favorite snippets. First, the crowd reaction to Remake's reveal at E3 made Nomura want to cry:

The fans weren't the only ones feeling the weight of the moment, though, and it was no longer just the ground that was shaking; it was Nomura's entire body.
..."When I heard the cheers from the crowd and the passion, I became overwhelmed, and I started shivering. I was walking like a fawn, just overwhelmed by the intensity of the crowd. I thought, "This has become such a big deal,' and I wanted to cry."

Second, Nomura felt that something has been missing from the seriese with the removal of a world map starting with FFX. He and the rest of the team are happy with its iteration in Rebirth.

The team members, including creative director Nomura, were happy to hear the world map was back, allowing players to freely explore the vast, open wilds in the original game. "Ever since the world map disappeared, I really had this weird feeling, and I always thought it was strange without a world map," Nomura says. "I thought that you can't really have an RPG without a world map, and specifically for Final Fantasy VII, to fully experience this world, we must have a world map; we can't be without it."

Reading and reflecting on the article before bed last night, I was once again struck by how surreal this game feels. There's three factors at play for me: Rebirth is remaking my favorite portion of the original game, it'll follow up on the new mysteries I've been pondering for years, and it's absolutely bursting with content. I'm anticipating a few misfires, but if Rebirth gets at least a few things right, it really could become my new favorite game of all time.


Double Growth
The team members, including creative director Nomura, were happy to hear the world map was back, allowing players to freely explore the vast, open wilds in the original game. "Ever since the world map disappeared, I really had this weird feeling, and I always thought it was strange without a world map," Nomura says. "I thought that you can't really have an RPG without a world map, and specifically for Final Fantasy VII, to fully experience this world, we must have a world map; we can't be without it."

My reaction posted elsewhere to this quote:


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Holy shit, such a short yet sweet trailer.

Absolutely unreal how tight they've been managing the info up to launch. We saw and knew way more up to this point, going into Remake, versus now with Rebirth.

They're showing unheard of levels of discipline here.


Harbinger O Great Justice
That is one HELL of a trailer. The abrupt staccato triplets of the music pacing with the identical cuts in the footage are a masterful way of building up that tension with all the chaos and destruction of the opening, and then letting the sections between when those cut off to feel like it's breathing for a moment before being amped up and pushed into even greater intensity.

Also – Midgar Zolom wrapped up in a low coil, spewing a jet of fire amongst charred trees is QUITE the visual treat!

X :neo:

Jimmy XH

Pro Adventurer
They are drip-feeding us this time around versus the avalanche (no pun intended) we got before Remake.

I'd expect we'll get a few more trailers in the next six weeks but they are clearly holding back many of the more spoiler-y elements for Rebirth, instead focussing on the "unknown journey" and leaving us all wondering what the hell we are in for.
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