Harbinger O Great Justice

It's also nice to see these things getting directly acknowledged, as that likely means that this's also generated some good impact internally. Especially given the slightly shaky circumstances with PS5-exclusivity meaning that they're more sales limited, hopefully this makes it so that the team working on part 3 is able to breathe a little bit easier, too.

X :neo:


Pro Adventurer

It's also nice to see these things getting directly acknowledged, as that likely means that this's also generated some good impact internally. Especially given the slightly shaky circumstances with PS5-exclusivity meaning that they're more sales limited, hopefully this makes it so that the team working on part 3 is able to breathe a little bit easier, too.

X :neo:
People don’t have to be worried about the budget of Part 3 they have outlined those things long before even the first part came out.


Harbinger O Great Justice
People don’t have to be worried about the budget of Part 3 they have outlined those things long before even the first part came out.
Being very rigidly constrained to a predetermined budget vs. being able to flexibly operate with access to slightly more budget if needed often produce very different end results.

Even if you're got a big multi-year undertaking like this, the financial performance metrics of any interim release still impact the resources that you have access to for subsequent parts. Releases being successful gives a LOT more wiggle room because it means the executives aren't squeezing that budget around something that's not getting them an expected RoI. While you can loosely ballpark estimate those things around an MVP (minimum viable product), there's absolutely no way to know what the final cost will ACTUALLY end up being until it's all said & done by the time you've gotten each piece to a point of what you're ready to have for public release.

Thus while it's not really any concern that they won't have the budget to finish part 3, strong sales mean that the budget is unlikely to undercut the development of things that they want to do in part 3.

X :neo:


Harbinger O Great Justice
It feels absolutely crazy that it's somehow already been out for a whole year. I hope that time flies just as quickly waiting for part 3. :awesomonster:

X :neo:


Pro Adventurer
It feels absolutely crazy that it's somehow already been out for a whole year. I hope that time flies just as quickly waiting for part 3. :awesomonster:

X :neo:
I hope we get some news this year or updates about part 3 around Ever Crisis's 2nd anniversary, as Toriyama promised to make the wait easier.


Pro Adventurer
If anyone has Twitter, can you keep posting news and updates about Rebirth here? I deleted my Twitter, and Idk if I will activate it again, so I don’t think I will be able to relate to the news here that often.


Pro Adventurer

Idk how much this is spreading around, but Kitase just unambiguously confirmed that the Remake trilogy does indeed connect back into AC the same way OG does. (Look at post [3/4] for the direct statement)
That was their vision from the start. They have been telling people that the story won’t change; the sequel theory is just being thrown around by purists and idiots like Nightskyprince


Kaiju Member
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Golden Ear

Pro Adventurer
M. Prod
Do you guys want the Re Trilogy to end in a way that just leads to AC and Geostigma after everything we've been through for almost a decade of development? As all encompassing and epic in scope as the ReTril has been? As potentially this being Kitase's last game?

If that's the case I disagree, I want these games to feel like something has been accomplished. It feels right in this new context to have something like that. After fighting whispers versions of the 3 AC kids, after having premonitions of AC scenes, after having fought Sephiroth in 3 huge games. With the fate of the planet now being a much more expanding story element this time around? Does the fate of the planet include Geostigma?


Harbinger O Great Justice
I do, because I've always taken the story in Remake as being designed to do that. The story and the details are variable within what it does but it's still ultimately Final Fantasy VII, which means that there are parts of that story that are what they are.

There are plenty of different versions of famous legends or fairy tales that get retold, but they're ultimately still the same story even while various details of those shift over time, and as a fantasy story I feel like it's the same thing here. Especially as it's potentially Kitase's last game, why would you revisit something beloved only to try make it fundamentally something else, rather than finding new ways for it to interconnect into the other stories that you've spent your life telling by telling the same story in a different way?

A lot of this channels into the core of what the moral decision is around what Aerith's death and others' helplessness to change that means. What if you had the power to create a different future that reversed all the tragedies you experienced? Making that choice means that you are also undoing, erasing, & rewriting all of the surrounding choices that everyone else in the world made that lead things to that point for better or worse. That's literally what Sephiroth is doing, why he wants Cloud's help to accomplish it, and why he's always pushing Cloud to experience JUST enough suffering & despair to break him and have him give in to that impulse by giving up hope in the world as it IS in order to strive for the world as it could have been at all costs – up-to-and-including giving up on what he has in front of him.

While Aerith approves of defying fate, she is specifically opposed to the idea of wielding power like that, but not to the impulse to do everything that you can while you're still there to make a difference in whatever form you're in because it's about the importance of the connections that you have with others, and how those still hold true even after those people are gone – which is still true for both her & Zack in Advent Children.

While I don't really have any issue with conceptualizing the Remake story as simultaneously the same story & a sequel not being mutually exclusive, I feel like leading into the elements with Advent Children are a fundamentally important part of that story just as much as the elements of Crisis Core leading into it. Nothing's ever really indicated that those are going to be disconnected from it, and the exact opposite has been confirmed basically since the project started.

Lastly – I'm also not opposed to the idea of exploring "What If?" paths, and neither is the game as Rebirth does that quite frequently. Even FFXV gave us that (albeit one that was cut short and forced to be novelized rather than having it properly released), so I'm not against the idea of having something that does the same in this. Ultimately that's sort of what the whole idea of the Promised Land is as an unattainable place where all the things you've lost come back together again that's both real & metaphysical. While I'm not expecting an alternate ending, I also wouldn't be opposed to meandering down that curiosity in a similar way, so long as there's a way that does it while also addressing how exactly that's possible without doing exactly what Sephiroth's goal has been the whole time – which is a lot more difficult for FFVII's story than it seems.

X :neo:


Double Growth
There are plenty of different versions of famous legends or fairy tales that get retold, but they're ultimately still the same story even while various details of those shift over time, and as a fantasy story I feel like it's the same thing here.
I do like this outlook, even given the story changes I really don't care for.
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