I was seeing the user reviews and scores for this game on Metacritic, and it's ridiculous. People who didn't even play it, review bombing the thing.
I suggest we go there and leave some positive reviews, to counter balance that shit.
So now Bahamut FURY has replaced the FFVII-R one, and has its own unique achievement, summon materia AND difficulty spike. LOL this will be fun. Glad I got the first one done.
Looks like that data miner was legit for sure. Not only that, but he's got not only a standard sword weapon skin but one to customize for guns too. That's actually really fucking cool, lol
This raises my hopes for other characters significantly.
Ugh, where's Aerith CC outfit skin? Guide Tifa isn't exclusive in CCFF7 since it would appear in any compilation title whenever they touch Nibelheim flashback. I'm salty lol
I have definitely been having that happen, I don't know if it varies by server. I'm in the UK. But I'd say over half the people I encounter in a game are bots. Makes it easier to win but less fun...
Has anyone killed the Bahamut Fury yet? I try to join the Standard group/solo these days but seems like I don’t have a chance because the lobby I joined fills with bots/NPCs