Final Fantasy VII: The First Soldier


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
So Shinra's Science Department was offering some candidates an important vaccine for a disease called "Mako Lung" and obviously, I accepted since I'm not trying to get sick. I'm feeling great, better than ever! Winning and leveling up!


"Infinite in mystery is the gift of the Goddess! We seek it thus, and take to the sky~!"

By the Goddess, I even managed to earn this achievement!


This achievement was no fucking joke. Like... You can't kill this damn dragon alone or even with 1 team. It requires raid squads. I had to join a discord that focused on coordinating players of at least 4 teams or 6 players in singles, to take this fucking dragon down. This achievement is gonna be used for awhile, it took DAYS to achieve. Because it's just so fucking strong.

This was truly a multi-team, multiplayer RAID. You have to coordinate and work together beyond yourself. I like things like this but I don't think that was... fully communicated. Like, they said "work together" but didn't say there was a literal necessity of using other players to do this lolol.

But yeah. This was an interesting new form of play. I loved it and this Crisis Core event was an awesome surprise and megadose of nostalgia :monster:
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Pro Adventurer

This sword was in the back accessories file.


Pro Adventurer
That's the CC Buster Sword, right?

Weird it wasn't included in the CC event.
Yeah what's interesting is that it wasn't included in the weapons file like the Remake buster sword. It was with all the backpacks and other back accessories.

I guess it might be because use brings about "wear, tear, and rust." Not sure if there's more to come for the CC event.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Oooooh, loving the Remnants of Sephiroth skins there!

Jesus, I just realized how fucking behind I am this season. I haven't been playing since the Crisis Core event ended :monster:

I'm so boned.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Ohhh that looks fucking awesome!

It looks familiar... Wait, is it based on the Makonoids??? I think it is!


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal

Season 3's theme is... Highway star. The streets of upper Midgar!!!

Water is the new materia we got! And the new weapon we got is a rocket launcher called the Serpent Launcher.

And the new style we got... Is Machinist! Which uses a giant fucking hammer. And a fucking hover board with missiles. LMFAO.

I'm so fucking hyped.

EDIT: Nomura says something's coming for the 25th anniversary of FFVII next month! What it is.. We don't know. But he says there will be something.
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Keveh Kins

Pun Enthusiast
I wouldn't say it's flopping but there was definitely a sizable number of bots at one point. Haven't played in a bit so not sure if it's still the same :monster:
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Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
They've made it that way on purpose. There's a matchmaking formula that populates games with a large number of bots which allow for games to not be super aggro and allow for the games to last longer, letting events take place. The previous formula allowed for too many human players to bunch up and kill each other quickly before even phase 4, defeating the purpose of boss fights and mob hunts. They've stated before they didn't want the game to be too competitive or fast paced, even if it is a battle royale. Since they clearly want to emphasize their events and shit.

Hence why they actually make games not be 2/3rds or even half full of human players.

And here's season 3's trailer. The topside Midgar map is massive.
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