Final Fantasy VIII General Discussion


That Man
If you guys want to initiate Time Kompression, I'll just have to become a SeeD and stop ya... *goes to buy a gunblade*


Pro Adventurer
If you understood the reasoning behind it being called "Griever" then you know that Squall chose the name because of abandonment issues. He lost much of his family over a Sorceress conflict.

It's also a symbol of his idea of the "strongest monster" in the world. It's got nothing to do with your presumptions.

In other words, it's a symbol of being a badass.
Yeah my man, I played the game, when they tried to throw in some meaning to some jewelry in the closing moments of a 4-disc adventure. But I wasn't talking about not liking the 'mythology', I just literally think the NAME "Griever" is stupid. It's like when someone would make their AIM screenname "HRT of DRKNESS473", or "SOULisPAIN" or something, I find the use of a verb associated with pain to create a name a lil' cheesy. But that's just me! "Lionheart" is much more badass. Although, now I'm remembering once again how his last name is actually "Leonheart", and "Lionheart" was like a mass delusion that happened around the original time of release.


That Man
Granted, Griever is a bit edgy and edgelord-esque, but Squall IS that type of character.

That's like saying an edgy character sucks for being edgy and a brooder.

Squall DID brood, he did edgy stuff... he WAS lowkey with his style.

Back in the day, a lot of people could relate to Squall because of the type of character he was... even if his aesthetics were dark in nature.

In fact I still relate to Squall after all these years, so people tellin' me something of his is "stupid" is like saying old school gothic style is lame... That's just too harsh, man. I disagree 100%.


Pro Adventurer
Fair enough, man, we'll have to agree to disagree on that one. Although I will say, I'm a fan of FF8 (I guess that goes without saying as I'm posting here) in general, and Squall overall, I was back when I was an angsty teen, and remain so now. Some criticisms are valid, but as far as the degree of dislike or even hate thrown towards the game and its protagonist in particular, I have to chalk most of that up to the simple fact that it was in the unfortunate position of following up FFVII...nothing was gonna truly satisfy everybody, know what I mean?

But I straight-up enjoyed the use of 'thoughts' in the place of conventional dialogue, and as I replay the game years after the fact, I even enjoy things like the way the game (esp early on) forces you to spend time with a protagonist that lashes out at everyone around him, behaves in a way you as the player might find frustrating (that Quistis in the "Secret Area" scene comes to mind) was a kind of bold way of having a main character who does not behave as an archetypal "hero", without resorting to Han Solo-esque cliches of "I'm just in it for the money"/"to save my own hide".


Ooooh Salty!
roxas9001, Krat0s9001, DarkSlayerZero
If you guys want to initiate Time Kompression, I'll just have to become a SeeD and stop ya... *goes to buy a gunblade*

Briiing it oooon

Granted, Griever is a bit edgy and edgelord-esque, but Squall IS that type of character.

That's like saying an edgy character sucks for being edgy and a brooder.

Squall DID brood, he did edgy stuff... he WAS lowkey with his style.

Back in the day, a lot of people could relate to Squall because of the type of character he was... even if his aesthetics were dark in nature.

In fact I still relate to Squall after all these years, so people tellin' me something of his is "stupid" is like saying old school gothic style is lame... That's just too harsh, man. I disagree 100%.

I wanted the necklace BECAUSE I can relate to him, yes that includes abandonment issues(I had a single parent, still, I feel like my dad just left us at times). He's my #1 fav FF character.


Save your valediction (she/her)
Squall doesn’t remember yesterday let alone why he has abandonment issues. For all his introspection he sure lacks answers.

I love Squall. It’s too true to life that we forget why we have trauma, we just see how it ruins our lives. The GF thing is a convenient enough magical excuse, but that kind of thing happens over many years anyway. Things fade. Only feelings remain.


Pro Adventurer
Briiing it oooon

I wanted the necklace BECAUSE I can relate to him, yes that includes abandonment issues(I had a single parent, still, I feel like my dad just left us at times). He's my #1 fav FF character.
How do you feel about the rest of the main cast?


Ooooh Salty!
roxas9001, Krat0s9001, DarkSlayerZero
How do you feel about the rest of the main cast?

I honestly don't care about them too much especially Rinoa. I wish the game went in deep on the lore tons more like why is Bahamut afraid of humans? or how exactly does the witch stuff work, like succession.


Pro Adventurer
Yeah, it is a game with a WILD amount of background info that's either buried, or brought up very briefly in passing and never really resolved or elaborated upon. I remember the first playthrough where I stumbled upon those couple of places where you can hear the stories of the game world's religion (Hyne), and about the creation of witches and all that jazz, I was so excited, haha. Not to mention all the stuff that's buried in the fucking TUTORIAL!! Madness.


Pro Adventurer
Or in Squall's case, Lion-shaped BLING. Also Bahamut was scared of Humans because they were performing SCIENCE EXPERIMENTS on him!

As for witch succession... uh... I think it had to do with the legend of Hyne. The White SeeD talk about it a bit.
It's also elaborated upon in the Info Corner in the Tutorial, and in the aforementioned religion I remember is the children in Balamb town, but I know there's another one, and I can't for the life of me remember. But yeah, Hyne is basically the Jehova of FF8's world; he created humanity to labor for him, and gave them the ability to reproduce so they would be self-replenishing and keep working while he took a deity-Nap. The humans bred too much and overpopulated, he got freaked, a war started, and this is where it gets wacky and unclear in any of the accounts...he splits his body in half, one being 'normal' and one being laden with powerful magic, and from what I can infer from the info that is given, the witches are the descendants of the "badass magic" half. It's pretty half-baked as explained in-game, but I do love the bit about humans being tools.


That Man
My thoughts on the FFVIII cast:

Squall: Dude doesn't talk much, but he lets his actions do the talking, I can get behind a guy like that.
Zell: He's a bit of a dork, but he has a lot of heart and he's a mama's boy. I appreciate that.
Irvine: He has a soft side, but I'm not sure I like it when he tries to act like a player.

Rinoa: She reminds me too much of my loudmouth older sisters for me to really like her.
Selphie: Again, too bubbly for my taste.
Quistis: I like mature girls, so I would totally date her. It's just too bad the rest of the cast treat her so poorly throughout.

Laguna: He's a real piece of work, but I guess he's good at making friends.
Kiros: I like his snarky sense of humor.
Ward: ........... *thumbs up*

Seifer: Meh, dude's an attention hog with a mother complex. I'm surprised people even like him.
Raijin: She's a mystery, but I've seen plenty of fanfics about her.
Fujin: I think he needs a good lesson in being independent instead of being somebody's lackey.

Ellone: Her personality felt 2-dimensional throughout, didn't really seem like much there except in her childhood flashbacks.
Edea: Again, very transparent except when she was possessed. It would have been cool if Squall expressed fonder feelings towards her as Matron.
Cid: Guy's got issues, and is really bad at passing the buck. How do guys like him get so rich to afford a Garden????

Vinzer Deling: Guy was 100% a jerk. I do not miss him. Also who writes a Magazine called "Anarchist Monthly"???
Fury Caraway: I'm surprised they don't just call him "General Fury", but I suppose he's okay as Rinoa's Dad given how he romanced Julia.
Anybody who plays Triple Triad is also cool in my book.
Martine: .... Well at least he plays cards.

Adel: Not sure what her deal was, or why she was so cruel to people.
Ultimecia: ....again, not sure why she hated people so much.

Gary Caelum

Pro Adventurer
Gary Caelum
I absolutely loved FF8 when it came out. I remember faking being ill so I could skip school and play it.
I'm afraid it's aged a lot worse than most other games in the series for me though. It's not something I ever think about unless I'm playing it. Whereas I think about FF7 and FF9 all the time. I feel like those games are lodged in my imagination in a way that FF8 just isn't.
Does anyone else have this feeling?


I cheated the fUCK out of Chocobo Hot & Cold - save states on an emulator for the win :monster:. That was tedious though.

although not as tedious as dodging lightning <_<

Gary Caelum

Pro Adventurer
Gary Caelum
Yeah I've done that too. Speeds it up a lot.
But now they've released the Steam version with better character models and faster battle speed, I'll be playing that one in the future. Apparently the one drawback is that they changed the movement into being 8 directional only, whereas on the PS1 it was full analog. Weird thing to make worse.

Castiel Strife

Pro Adventurer
Ahhh Final Fantasy VIII... Such an interesting game. I got this game after VII became my favorite game of all time as a kid. It was actually in my stocking one Christmas. My brother and I were stoked!!!

I love this game. The story, the atmosphere, the characters - but really two things threw me off with it. One was the stupid card game... I'm sorry, I hated that. The other was (I hope I am right about this, but it's what I remember it being like) was that the enemies scaled with you or something?

I say that because I am a weirdo. I like to grind up to a ridiculous level early and just destroy everything in my path. Like I do with other games, I did that with VIII. Unfortunately, I also got my you know what kicked because of it. I never did get to finish the game because of that, even though I was very near to the end. I tried going back to it on the Vita but there was a weird glitch on Vita (can't remember what it was) that made the game unplayable for me.

So, all that being said, out of all the Final Fantasies (aside from Crisis Core, can't forget that) I would like them to remake VIII after VII is finished. It'll probably never happen, but it needs it the most. I'd really like if they took that card stuff out, or modernized it enough to make it fun. Even though I liked IX more in the end, I think I'd like VIII more if I actually finished it, if that even makes sense. I do know most of the story (I've been spoiled) and all that, but I'd love to experience it all for myself with glorious 2019 hardware.


Save your valediction (she/her)
Funnily enough, the way to "powerlevel" in FFVIII is through the card game. Which might be the most fun part of replaying FFVIII.

Happy 20th anniversary, Final Fantasy VIII! In a series where every entry gets a turn being the black sheep, you really stand out! <3


That Man
The only thing that... to this very day made no sense to me:

Why did Odin show up in Laguna's flashbacks for me? That's a total paradox, man.
Odin was in the Centra Ruins, but Laguna never even went near them.

I could see and understand if he was a GF you could junction to Ellone and she could send him in to the past like the other GFs, but Odin wasn't a traditional GF... he worked independently of the party...

Especially funny was when Laguna was working as a film actor and ended up fighting a "real" Ruby Dragon...

Then all of a sudden Odin swoops in and cuts it down... WHAT THE HELL, ODIN!?!?

Not that I don't appreciate an easy boss fight.
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