Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster [PS3/PS4/Vita]


This is finally available to pre-order on Amazon UK btw.

Anyway, this compilation has all the new videos released yesterday.



The Pixie King
Has that not been mentioned in this thread? I thought it might have while I was away.

There will be a novel, "Final Fantasy X-2.5 ~ Eternal Cost ~", by Nojima released on 26th December. Set three months after X-2, where
Yuna and Tidus, reunited again, encounter a storm at sea and their boat lands on an unknown island. Yuna then confronts the truth about the island.

Is this available for preorder anywhere? Im not sure im confident enough to order anything from a japanese language site though.


If the sky comes falling down
I feel like I'm the only FF X fan that doesn't want this or isn't looking forward to it, it just feels like the same game but with a different shade of paint.

i negative i know

still fine and okay with the old PS2 game

I just don't feel that FF X needed a upgrade this damn fast, FF5- FF9 however yeah they clearly fucking do, but it would of been better to wait to later to upgrade FF X, when it's thirsty for a upgrade and not just a few years over a decade old

KH 1 5 felt more needed because it came out with Chain of Memories HD which some Countries didn't get, so it felt worth buying, FF X lost mission or whatever it's called looks like it can be done in 5 mins.

I might change my mind when I get a better dose of sleep, but at the moment I don't see the point of buying this when imo at the moment, it's not desperate for a upgrade.

rubs eyes and stares at screen like the Grumpy Cat meme.


AI Researcher
I think Square have done pretty good with making their HD collections worth the purchase. HD collections can be a bit hit and miss (Silent Hill's and its many problems, Zone of the Enders having to get the code rewritten), but Square seem to be doing alright. KH gave people outside of Japan the chance to play the FM and in some case the remake of COM at all, and 2.5 will have the FM versions for KH2 and BBS (which were more substantial that KH1's). With FFX/X-2 it's the same deal, with FFX Int. (not that major) and X-2 Int. (the first time they really pushed the boat out for a rerelease) and Last Mission (I enjoyed LM anyway).

Plus now Japanese fans don't have to pick between 'story' (Japanese voices) and additional gameplay :monster:


I'm surprised the Murcans aren't more excited about this. It's the first time the extra stuff in X is being released there after all.

I suppose I'm excited because while the PAL port had the extra stuff, the port was terribad. It was letterboxed and felt incredibly slow (because it was 1/6th slower than it was meant to be), plus there's quite a bit of completely new stuff as well as the additional content in X-2 that was never released outside of Japan.

So yeah, I couldn't really be happier that they're re-releasing it tbh. Factors affecting this:

- The PS2 controller now physically hurts me after playing for a certain length of time. I discovered this when I replayed XII.
- Forced non-widescreen is now fugly and I feel like I'm watching it through a tunnel
- Trophies. TROPHIES.
- Vita version
- The speed is more of an issue than I used to think it was tbh.


AI Researcher
after playing the japanese version the slowdown in the european version was really apparent. it was like tidus was walking on the moon.

i have also gotten more excited about the new post x-2 story stuff they're adding.


Yeah I emulated the international version and I was blown away by the fact that Tidus doesn't hover in mid-air for an eternity between each step. It almost looks normal. Almost.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Has that not been mentioned in this thread? I thought it might have while I was away.

There will be a novel, "Final Fantasy X-2.5 ~ Eternal Cost ~", by Nojima released on 26th December. Set three months after X-2, where
Yuna and Tidus, reunited again, encounter a storm at sea and their boat lands on an unknown island. Yuna then confronts the truth about the island.

I wonder if
that island is what used to be Dream Zanarkand. It was on an island off to itself, after all.


Come again?
are you saying Dream Zanarkand was an actual physical place?


The Pixie King
They find the ruins of a church, with a huge sword sticking out of the alter. OMG FFX and FF7 are the same world!

Oh wait, wrong way around


AI Researcher
Come again?
are you saying Dream Zanarkand was an actual physical place?
this is going back to my days on the ffx story board on gamefaqs, but i think it goes like this

dream zanarkand works basically like an aeon. it's being 'summoned' somewhere by yu-yevon, in a physical location. calling it 'dream' confuses the matter, but it's an actual place. the reason tidus is brought to spira in the beginning of ffx is because sin [jecht] went to visit it out of some lingering human emotion. he wasn't 'thrown through time' when he went to spira, but physically moved to another place.

for i could be super wrong about this now

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
No, you're right.
It was off in the ocean. That's why Sin attacked ships and advanced technology -- so the rest of Spira wouldn't find it. Sin wasn't supposed to get too close to the city either or its instincts to destroy advanced tech would kick in, but Jecht willed it close to get Tidus.


Well this makes considerably more sense, because I always assumed
it was off on a different plane of existence or something and just assumed Sin had the power to phase there. I knew about the 1000 years time difference thing just being the case for actual Zanarkand, with Tidus being from the dream one.

Can someone explain something though?
Was Tidus ever a real person? Like in actual 1000 years in the past Spira? Was he a dream version of Shuyin or something? Idk that's something I never really understood. I vaguely remember there being bits about it in X-2 but I've played that game a lot less than X so my memory of it is beyond shaky

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
is implied to be a descendant of Dream Zanarkand's version of Shuyin. The X-2 Ultimania Omega speculates that there is a connection between them and talks about how Dream Zanarkand's inhabitants had DNA despite being dreams (i.e. part of an aeon) and how the connection might be related to how genetics change over time.


But like
in what way would he be a descendent? Are we talking about a slightly genetically modified Shuyin that was randomly dreamed up by the fayth (i.e. not a real person at all but just a dream based on Shuyin) or are we saying that Tidus was a real person that was a descendent of Shuyin who would therefore have lived out his life and died however many hundred years before the Fayth dreamed up a copy of this person?


But like
in what way would he be a descendent? Are we talking about a slightly genetically modified Shuyin that was randomly dreamed up by the fayth (i.e. not a real person at all but just a dream based on Shuyin) or are we saying that Tidus was a real person that was a descendent of Shuyin who would therefore have lived out his life and died however many hundred years before the Fayth dreamed up a copy of this person?

When Dream Zanarkand was summoned there was most likely someone based on Shuyin and that someone might have had descendants and Tidus is then most likely one of them.

I guess


AI Researcher
This is what page 81 of the X-2 Ultimania Omega says (I am tired now so I don't know if it can't be worded better):

His relationship with Tidus?
Shuyin's appearance, voice, etc. bear a strong resemblance to Tidus, but the two are completely different entities. Shuyin was a former resident of the summoners' city Zanarkand 1000 years ago. Tidus is a resident of the Dream Zanarkand summoned in imitation of the other Zanarkand, and is comprised of pyreflies.
However, the fact is that the Dream Zanarkand was created having been modelled on the actual Zanarkand, expanding on the ideals and hopes. A model exists for everything in the Dream Zanarkand, and the same applies for the residents. When you consider this, you cannot deny the possibility that Shuyin was the basis for Tidus. However, the residents of the Dream Zanarkand had formed a cycle of life, influencing one another, marrying, and giving birth. Thus the dreams' genes complexly intermixed, and it cannot be said that one resident is a replica of one actual resident. Even if Shuyin were the model for Tidus, this does not necessarily mean that there is a close relation between the two.

So over 1000 years of a simulation of life, the 'genes' for Shuyin happened to end up making Tidus is how I see it. You might have Shuyin Replica at the start, but over time everything has mixed and you end up going in a different direction. I think the reason for the resemblance was obviously more for the player's sake, making you wonder what's going on with what looks like Tidus trapped somewhere.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
I just take it as
they made babies for a thousand years and Tidus resembles one of his ancestors a la Marle and Queen Leene.
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