Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster [PS3/PS4/Vita]


Fiat Lux
People tend to take THAT scene in isolation and apply it as a baseline standard for the game's voice acting when there are far more pertinent examples that could be invoked if one were to be critical. Taken in context, it still remains a rather stilted, cringe-inducing bonding scene which has a defect of amiability for our two leads and replaces it with the overwhelming urge to blow your own brains out... or reach for the mute button. Whichever's easiest.


Great Old One
and when he was actually processing the transaction and I handed him my pre-order receipt he looked at it, burst out laughing, turned to his co-worker, said "LOL, Final Fantasy" then literally slammed the game down on the counter.
What the actual fuck???

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
I know it's the British way to not make a fuss, but there are times the American way of "I demand to speak to your supervisor" is plenty called for.


He was the manager of the store.

This is what I'm talking about guys :D. The stores are fucking terrible here.


AI Researcher
i've never had problems like that with the game branches here, but that doesn't really invalidate other people's bad experiences, and it's been years since i bought something like a final fantasy from a brick and mortar shop (the last i got was a used copy of ffxii for my brother but i don't remember where that was from now, it might have been cxe/whatever it's called). i can imagine if you got the kind of elitist dudebro type of staff, you might have some troubles if they don't keep the attitude to themselves


.. ? ..
King of the Potato People
Has anyone seen the Trophy list?

Lightning Dancer – Dodge 200 lightning strikes and obtain the reward
Perfect Sphere Master – Complete the Sphere Grids for all Main Characters
Perseverance – Defeat Penance
Overcoming the Nemesis – Defeat Nemesis
Nope. Not getting the Platinum on this one. :P


Wow? That's pretty awesome, and good roundup fodder.

Dodging 200 lightning bolts isn't actually hard at all, there's that nice little spot where its totally consistent and you can get into a flow. It's just a bit stressful because you're constantly in fear of getting it wrong.

Seriously, it takes literally 5 minutes to actually do it:

The platinum won't be difficult to get, just a bit time consuming. I welcome it. My body is so fucking ready. It's been primed since 2011 when they announced it.


Consumed By Darkness
Your body, MY BODY CANNOT FUCKING HANDLE THE WAIT. Only 5 more days until I get my sweet hands on it! GIVE IT TO ME NOWWWWWWW!

I can see myself finishing the main story on the weekend, as for the rest I'll happily spend 200 - 300 hours grinding away! :monster:

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Yeah, the Platinum really shouldn't be that hard for this. I've done the lightning dodger more than once, beaten Nemesis and done the entire Sphere Grid with everybody. I only haven't done Penance, and that's only because he wasn't in the North American edition. :monster:


For me it'll be the first time completing either game 100%.

I have done the whole Celestial weapon Chocobo/Lightning/Butterfly silliness however.

Honestly, there were more infuriating gaming experiences in my life than this.

Alex Strife

Oh dear I forgot about lightning dodging. *Despairs*

I hated that and never got around to do it. I could reach 100 once but then got hit. What I did was exchange memory cards with a classmate. He'd do the lightning dodging for me and I'd do the Blitzball part since I was quite good at it. :)

Lord Kesharq

Late night user(coffee!)
Lostlord, Lewisito
Penance? who the hell this? dont recall him/her/it O_O.

In the mean time, will any of u guys be redoing all the underground levels of bevelle on x-2? (just encase am not clear, its that bit where u run though level after level then at every 20th level u figth a boss fight...i never made it futher than 80 if i recall right.)

Lord Kesharq

Late night user(coffee!)
Lostlord, Lewisito
:O i offically missed something in that game? O_O damn it....another reason to get a ps3 then!


.. ? ..
King of the Potato People
One of those few instances when Europeans got something the Americans didn't. :D

When I read the above it feels like you should be doing this:

( •_•)>⌐■-■



I just noticed that prices for the remake are consistently £24.99 on various websites. I don't know why but I assumed a two game HD remake would be expensive. I think £24.99 is a steal given how much content these games have.
So is looking forward to Blitzball? :wacky:

And who organized the FFVIII community playthru? I sadly missed it but I'd like to see another one for FFX. :D
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