Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster [PS3/PS4/Vita]


coquettish cat
Itsuki, Vanille, Meruru, Catherine.
I refuse to believe it until I see screenshots.

Sigh, I was way too excited to play it with XIII graphics :sadpanda:


Higher Further Faster
I do like how someone suggested using the high-poly faces for cutscenes all the time in the game since it could handle it. Maybe that's how the whole remake snowball got started?

But nice as that would be I never held my breath that it would happen. :P


I wouldn't expect any big news. They've just started porting it and since it's just an HD port, there's nothing we don't know about the game anyway.


After playing the demo of that Lord of Apocalypse, I now want a Vita port of FFXII as well :sadpanda:

I love my Vita ^_^ Got it last week.

I think I might prefer to play FFX on PS3 though, since the upscaled version is for both systems. That's something I'm confused about, are there any current cross platform games for PS3/Vita?

I know when you buy a PS1 Classic it's yours to play on both the PSP and the PS3, is the same thing true for the Vita in this case? I wonder.

Since they've started doing PS2 classics on PSN I'm hoping they'll release more Square titles if they're not getting upscaled.


AI Researcher
The MGS HD collection are for PS3 and Vita, the save data you should be able to cross over between the PS3 and Vita? (The 'transfarring' thing.) That would probably apply for the Zone of the Enders HD collection too.

There's also the updated Marvel vs. Capcom III and I think BlueBlaz. There's a Japanese novel game called Shin Kamaitachi no Yoru among the release/early titles in Japan, that's the only other one I can think of right now.

But you can't put PS1 games onto it, sadly. At least not by downloading them again from the store, but I can't see it being any different other ways. If you can use the remote play feature, you can play PS1 games that way at least.

tbh I would like to see some kind of double pack version of these cross-platform games. Like the Zone of the Enders set, I wish that would come with either both the BD and Vita card, or at least a download version for the Vita.


Pro Adventurer
I'm excited for this, but I wish that they'd give us a release date or at least be a bit less vague about when to expect it. I haven't heard much about it since it was announced really, although it's completely possible that I just missed any news.


Higher Further Faster
All you missed was Game Informer discovering things that the rest of us already knew. :P

I'd say you're good.


Pro Adventurer
Well, it's good to know that I haven't missed any major announcements. I still wish that there had been some actual news though. :P

Thank you!


I'm starting to get a bit impatient with the lack of news, I expected it to be released by now for some reason. Didn't the original press release state that it'd be available in Spring, or did I just make that up?

Having discussed it with Fangu and Flint drunk on Skype last night... who thinks they're going to implement camera control on the second analogue stick?


Pro Adventurer
The only thing that I've seen in reference to a release date is 2012 in Japan, but nothing more precise then that and I don't even know if that's accurate. To be fair, I seem to recall that the initial announcement came when they were pretty early in development, which probably accounts for the sudden quiet about it. I do wish they'd keep us updated though.

As to your second question, it's an interesting thought. I don't know. The stuff I've read though didn't seem to indicate any change in how the game controls work, just that they were prettying up the graphics. It's possible though. :)


While not implementing it wouldn't particularly bother me, I think it's a smart decision to do so. People used to the way current generation games work will have a hard time coming around to the idea of not being able to use the camera, even if the game was originally designed that way - especially new players.

I don't understand what's taking so long if they're not implementing new features. If a group of random people on forums can redo all the textures for FF7 in their spare time, what is taking so long for what I assume is a team of professionals working at least 32-40 hours a week? Granted, there are a shitload more textures in FFX to redo...

I've just had a thought. This game will probably be built to support widescreen, which the original did not, which slightly adds to the work (realignment of elements etc) but what if they're redoing the FMV's? I'm assuming they weren't built in widescreen environments, and it would be shoddy to jump from 16:9/10 to a 4:3 aspect ratio, though I wouldn't be surprised if they did this.

I'm just surprised there hasn't even been a trailer yet, I don't understand!


Double Growth
Actually, I was going to post in one of the FF7 remake threads that they could use the fixed/preprogramed cameras like 10 did. I'm perfectly fine with not having to rotate the camera around. It was very nice in, say, the Archylte Steppe to move the camera around and take in the view, but we were also saying before how the slums in VII felt more oppressive because of the top down camera angle which didn't allow you to the see the edge of the plates.

So I don't think they'd have to change it really, it was nice not having to bother with it, really.


AI Researcher
What did they do with FFXII's pre-rendered scenes again? The original Japanese version wasn't widescreen but they added that later on. I just don't remember what that looked like now :sadpanda:


Pro Adventurer
What did they do with FFXII's pre-rendered scenes again? The original Japanese version wasn't widescreen but they added that later on. I just don't remember what that looked like now :sadpanda:

This might not be exactly the same thing, but I just remember a horrible black bar at the bottom of all FMVs in FFXII. I know it was used for text, but only partially, and it remained there even when subtitles were switched off. On a non-widescreen TV it took up about 30% of the screen; very annoying.


AI Researcher
If that's the PAL one, it might just be Square being lazy fuckers like they were with everything they converted.
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