Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster [PS3/PS4/Vita]


Pro Adventurer
It is indeed the PAL one. You think they couldn't be bothered to put anything in those extra 100 lines on the screen, so just made it black? Sounds entirely plausible :lol:


FFXII's pre-rendered cutscenes were letterboxed 4:3. They weren't adjusted for the widescreen mode, so if you switch to 16:9, you get them windowboxed. :comedian:
FFXII had a decent PAL conversion if I remember correctly. The black bars for the cutscenes were entirely intentional.
FFX had fullscreen 4:3. Basically cannot be optimized for widescreen unless you re-render them. Only thing you can do is have black bars on the sides and keep the original format or zoom in and crop the image.


Higher Further Faster
FFXII isn't the only game I've played that put unnecessary black bars during cut scenes. The Uncharted games do this, but only for the movie effect. The aspect of the scene itself isn't changing.

Granted, those games were widescreen to begin with, but still. The scenes could have still functioned without them but they were put in for effect.

I'm sure it's the same for XII. But really, why make the scenes wide screen when the rest of the game isn't? That seems kind of like an odd thing to do.


The thing is, putting in the bars in FFXII would've allowed for them to properly convert the cutscenes to widescreen. And when they did implement a widescreen mode, they just left them the way they were, and now there's an entire black frame around them. :')


Reviving this thread because for some bizarre reason, I haven't been able to get FFX out of my head recently and the only reason I'm not playing it on a PS2/Emulator right now is that I don't want to end up sick of it before the re-release comes out. I used to play FFX a lot, it's one of the FF's I've played through more times than I can count so WHERE IS THIS RE-RELEASE.

I keep imagining what I'm going to do, carefully planning a completist playthrough, doing absolutely everything. I'm looking forward to doing it all again because it's been so long.

So we still have no information other than it probably won't be released until next year, is that right? That wasn't concrete, I just vaguely remember an interview not too long ago saying something along the lines of "be patient".

What are the chances there's going to be a bit of info on this at the event on September 1st?

I keep thinking how awesome it would be if they announced a December release window. Does anyone else think they might be working on re-releasing all of their popular PS2 titles? Seems like a good way to make money - Kingdom Hearts 1 & 2, X-2, XII. Maybe they're holding out to release all the PS2 FF's on a disc or something?

Also off-topic, but has there been any new information on Type-0 for the Vita? I want to get my hands on that too.

EDIT: Also I keep wondering what they're going to do about the Sphere Grid, since everyone will probably be getting the same version this time. Maybe they'll implement all of the previous ones, or just ours (PAL)/ the International "Expert" and "Standard"? The standard PAL sphere grid had the most nodes/highest potential for levelling across all titles, so I hope at least that's included.

Yes, I've gone a bit FF crazy recently. I think I'm determined to squeeze in as much as possible before I go back to uni next month.
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Lex said:
Reviving this thread because for some bizarre reason, I haven't been able to get FFX out of my head recently and the only reason I'm not playing it on a PS2/Emulator right now is that I don't want to end up sick of it before the re-release comes out. I used to play FFX a lot, it's one of the FF's I've played through more times than I can count so WHERE IS THIS RE-RELEASE.

SAME. I've been thinking about it a lot for the last few days. Was sorely tempted to start a new playthrough a couple of days ago but held back, considering I'm only about a third of the way through KH:BBS at the moment, and I'm rather famous for starting games and not finishing them if I so much as breathe on a different game, so I'm trying hard not to let that happen :P

I didn't realize there were different versions of the Sphere Grid, but then I'm not really surprised as I played X several years ago when my knowledge of how releasing games in multiple countries worked.

I don't know if I'll be getting the re-release. In fact, I kind of doubt that I will. I know that it will be prettier and whatnot, but I don't think I'll feel right buying a game I already have when the graphics of the first release really weren't bad and I still have the console needed to play the original. :shrug:


Pro Adventurer
I´ve never played X and can´t wait to get my hands on the re-release.From what I´ve heard from the soundtrack so far,I´m a bit disappointed.I´ve heard it in comparison to VIs and VIIs soundtrack (to be prepared for Final Symphony,which is coming to my hometown ^^ ) and I didn´t find as many good tracks as in the other games.Many of them sounded more like a film score and not like a video game score I´d prefer :(


Pro Adventurer
I don't think X has the best standalone soundtrack, but I'm sure you'll appreciate it more when you play the game. The introduction of voice acting to the series for the first time meant that the music didn't need to be so over-the-top all the time. Mind you, I've heard that same argument for XII's soundtrack, which I thought was totally forgettable.


I think there's something about every FF game that either stops people from starting it, or allowing them to get bored and quit a few hours in. For me, it always takes a while before the "clicking point" where I LOVE it and then it's lodged in my brain forever. For me, it happened after you get the last main story Aeon, then again on the mountain (and I'm kinda using doublespeak to avoid spoilers for those that haven't played it).

It really depends on how much you can persevere, as silly as that sounds. With FFX I think you really need to finish the game to appreciate the story, because the ending is just major extreme wow if you don't know what's going to happen. And when you understand the story, it becomes easier to go through it again. I think the first time through can feel really confusing and weird. IDK, that's just the impression I get with the way people talk about it. I was a young teen when I first played it on release day and more obsessed with FF than I am even now, so I was determined to get through it.

SAME. I've been thinking about it a lot for the last few days. Was sorely tempted to start a new playthrough a couple of days ago but held back, considering I'm only about a third of the way through KH:BBS at the moment, and I'm rather famous for starting games and not finishing them if I so much as breathe on a different game, so I'm trying hard not to let that happen :P

This is so me. I still haven't finished KH:BBS and it's been sitting on my PSP for the longest time. I can't even remember where I am in it.

@Flintlock & Arth soundtrack chat:

I LOVE FFX's sountrack. It's a really weird mix and kind of all over the place, but it works so well in-game. There are a lot of atmospheric pieces I regularly listen to. I used to have a sleep playlist and a lot of the songs were on it. I've got a few favourites, including the obvious "To Zanarkand" and the full Ending Suite, but among others:

This one somehow never got old no matter how much I played Blitzball (which I actually enjoyed).

And this is, IMO, one of the best boss themes ever in the entire franchise. And it's only used for one battle!



Double Growth
I do love Sight of Spira, a lot. And I've always found the later remixes of Seymour Battle to be a lot better. The original lacks oomph, imo. Which I frequently feel the opposite about most songs. (Case in point - Cosmo Canyon. How is it that orchestrated versions with all those instruments sound so wimpy compared to the original?)

I haven't decided if I'll get it or not. Depends on the price. If it's $40, which I would not put beyond SE, than screw it, no way. If it's $20...I'd have to think about it, but that's still probably a little high. Any less and they'd likely have me.

As for XII's OST, I too found it very forgettable at first, and it's still not often my first choice for listening. But it really has grown on me with time. Especially Rabanastre, man that song's infectious.


IDK, can you really see it being $40? I suppose it is SE we're talking about, but I've never seen a HD re-release above the £20 price tag before. Usually £10-£15. That's the range I'm hoping for anyway :desu:


I don't know, Lex, the cell phone RPG they're releasing for Android and iOS later this month is priced at $30. For a cell phone game.


....omg. That's got to be the most expensive game on the app store by far. I thought the FF3 port was bad for £9.99.


"FINAL FANTASY DIMENSIONS is delivered as episodic content. The prologue will be free for everyone to enjoy. You can purchase the first chapter for $2.99 / £1.99 / €2.39, chapters 2-4 for $9.99 / £6.99 / €7.99 each, or the entire collection of chapters for $28.99 / £19.99 / €22.99."


I'm not very pleased about that. So no, it wouldn't blow my mind if Square asked for $40 from us for the re-release of FFX.


Double Growth
IDK, can you really see it being $40? I suppose it is SE we're talking about, but I've never seen a HD re-release above the £20 price tag before. Usually £10-£15. That's the range I'm hoping for anyway :desu:

Well £20 is basically $40. But I know that's not usually how pricing works for some reason. To screw you guys I guess.

But yeah, if it is $15 or less, I will likely buy it. $20 is pretty iffy, any more is a no.


Yeah it's called "Rip-Off Britain", and it's rampant everywhere. Apple are especially bad for it.

The PS store isn't too bad though. I have a NA PSN account as well as my normal one and $15 usually translates to £10, so it's not too bad. Still more expensive than it should be, but not too bad.

tbh, I don't see it being less than $20. They'd probably have the gall to release it as a PS2 classic for that price.

And I'm sad to say I'll pay whatever they want me to pay. :sadpanda:


AN UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kind of.

Final Fantasy X HD is still in the works, according to a member of the localization I spoke to during TGS, but may be slow in coming for reasons

Still searching for the original 1up article.


Oops. I skim-read it and saw it was mostly about III so thought the page I linked to might have had the wrong link. I've also just realised this news was available days ago, and I actually linked to it in the Type-0 thread.

This is what happens when you're unwell. Give me sympathy.
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