Ok, I've discovered that since the three different armor types are divided up between the 12 classes equally, that I'm going to be basing my job classes on that rather than losing my mind trying to figure out who does what. I'm a simple minded fuck who cba to micromanage and switch up armor every time I'm need characters to switch between their roles and the like.
So, Vaan and Basch are already my heavy armored guys, so the remaining two classes, Time Mage and Uhlan will go to them. I'm thinking Uhlan for Vaan's second class; I think I remember Fangu saying something in the past about that class being a good one for him.
Balthier and Fran are already using light armor, so Monk and Shikari will go to them; no idea who will get what yet.
Penelo's already my black mage, and and I haven't decided what I want to be Ashe's primary class... Although I suspect it will be White Mage before I leave the Sandseas.