Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age


.. ? ..
King of the Potato People
One of the merchants sells them at Bur-Omisace. :monster:

Lithiumkatana17's lies, don't believe them! :closedmonster:

I've looked at they aren't there, I think the Zodiac version only has 6 in the game and you can't buy them. At least that's what I'm seeing on Google...


Pro Adventurer
Ok, so I just go on TZA and I'll admit it: I was wrong. They USED to be there in the old version though. But it is kinda bullshit that they'd limit the amount of Golden Amulets you get if this version is supposed to be easier? Whatever.

Anyways, I have 3 right now, even though I haven't even used Golden Amulets since my first playthrough; it's all about dem Embroidered Tippets! I used to steal those off coeurls in the Tchita Uplands like they were frigging candy.


The Pixie King
I want this bow.

Got my ps4 and tv yesterday, so Ill probably play some tonight. I would say i could stream some, but it feels awkward AF.


.. ? ..
King of the Potato People
I got my arse handed to me by the King Bomb in the Salikawood last night. :doh:

Any tips?

(And I still haven't picked my second job for anyone yet, I'm scared i'll get it wrong.)


Pro Adventurer
I got my arse handed to me by the King Bomb in the Salikawood last night. :doh:

Any tips?

(And I still haven't picked my second job for anyone yet, I'm scared i'll get it wrong.)

Pick your second job.

Without them, your character is basically getting half of their license boards augments.

You can go through the game without choosing a second one, but really, why bother?


The Pixie King
Are you still able to get deathbringers from the mimic pot thingy in Barheim? Those were always my weapon of choice in the original.


Double Growth
Yeah your second job will really boost your HP and Battle/Magick Lore.

And yeah I think the Deathbringer is in the same place, although it might be a little later before you can get back in? Or it might just be that you can't teleport directly there anymore.


I went and got a Deathbringer from Ithuno as early as possible in Barheim yeah, equipped on my knight (Basch obvs).

Also guaranteed Seitengrat, go and break your games everyone:



We have come to terms
why even bother


izjs made characters so much stronger by limiting the scope of what they can do (which makes no sense, I know) that things like seitengrat are entirely unnecessary

it's like fusing the ng+ persona in p5 - you can do it, but you're so utterly overpowered that you'll never actually need it for any fight in the game (unless you're playing on the highest difficulty and are trying to like, solo the final or secret bosses)


Higher Further Faster
Finally got to play a bit tonight. :)

Got as far as getting the sunstone. Next is sneaking into the castle and then DUNDUNDUN meeting Fran and Balthier. :)

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
Playing it again after 10 years since its release, FF: XII was really ahead of its time in a lot of ways. It's not a perfect game, but it holds up so well (aided by the stellar visual and audio remastering). So much of it is still fun, and it's weird how it feels so much more full than even XV. I hope Square Enix takes a hint from its renewed success.

It's like, somewhere in a parallel universe, FF as a series went down and pursued the path of XII's design philosophy, and is enjoying a new golden age.


.. ? ..
King of the Potato People
^ I saw an article somewhere (that I can't find) saying "If you enjoyed FFXII's combat then give Dragon Age Inquistion a chance." Doesn't DA:I bascially have a gambit system?

So I got to this bit:


I hated this bit of the game the first time 'round. -_-


Great Old One
In TZA you only need 3 chops though.


(Also the game explains pretty thoroughly what a chop is.)

Edit: I'd say DA: O had more of a Gambit system than DA:I.

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
I think I remember reading that the creators of Dragon Age: Origins combat were directly inspired from the Gambit system.

Mayo Master

Pro Adventurer
^ Hence the expression "busting your chops" when you're demoted from nobility :monster:

Hello everyone, by the way, long time no see!
Enjoying FFXII on my bits of spare time - currently at the Garif's village past the Ozmone Plains. As many others mentioned, FF XII was so ahead of its time, it has aged pretty well. Thumbs up for the re-orchestration and the high-res textures. Good to be wandering Ivalice again.


The Sublimely Magnificent One
Still don't know what the fuck a chop is.
A type of currency?
No it's how the high society of Archades flaunt their social status. Doing people favors is rewarded with a chop and the more chops you have the bigger bragging rights you have as a good upstanding member of the society/ elite.

No, that's what a chop does.

I'm talking about, literally, what (physically) is a chop? :P All the game tells us is that they are made of wood.


Great Old One
Yes they're made of wood.

No they're not currency.

As far as we know it gave us a ride to Draklor. That's all we know.

More questions?
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