Final Fantasy XIII-2


Double Growth
A lot of the roles would be rendered kinda useless without l'Cie powers, so it'll be intersting to see how they handle that.


Yes, l'Cie are enhanced physically, that's stated quite clearly. And how do you mean you are sure Lightning taught Serah swordfighting? Sure because of what? The fact that the only reason she ever became a soldier is to put Serah through school in the first place?


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
Judging by Cie'th Stones and stuff, it doesn't seem like Pulse Fal'cie actually l'cie-ify anyone that can't fight. Now Dahj was made one of course, but that was a Cocoon Fal'cie, so maybe that was different?

Also, I thought all being l'Cie gave you was magic, not any other kind of fighting ability, was that wrong?

My opinion is that the fal'Cie enhance their l'Cie's natural abilities as well as give them abilities not their own (magic.)

As for people who can and can't fight, well - if Hope has a boomerang, I'm going to guess that most people know some form of self-defense...

Then again,
in one of the first chapters of Episode 0, Fang beats up two or three guys for insulting Pulse and Pulsians. The young men had not-a-clue what they were getting themselves into

Soooo... Then again, maybe not.

Oh yeah, Noel is a l'Cie. He uses Ruin.


Forgot the cutesy in my other pants. Sorry.
Mama Dragon
On the subject of Serah fighting: I'm sure Light taught her some form of self defense, and if we're still getting some sort of sphere grid like the first game, then what she's starting out as isn't entirely unrealistic for her character. Low level commando usually just means you're competent at hitting something til it dies. Her gaining more fighting experience as she goes on, then, would work out.

Of course with this game being in Pulse and more of a focus (lolol) on the Pulse gods she might get powers again, who knows. It'd be cool if she did (also I always wondered what summon she'd have -- Leviathan? idk speculatin)

It sais that several years have gone by, what if her friends of NORA taught her how to fight? Besides, it would be natural to begin as a lv. 1 character, as you say, so nothing would be wrong with Serah fightning. After all, Hope was a kid of 14 with zero combat experience. He was given magic power and enhanced strength, but that didn't imply that he knew how to use them, he needed to be trained.

I'd put her with a summon like Starlet, Unicorn or Siren, but mostly Unicorn. You know Serah is made for that :awesome:


It sais that several years have gone by, what if her friends of NORA taught her how to fight? Besides, it would be natural to begin as a lv. 1 character, as you say, so nothing would be wrong with Serah fightning. After all, Hope was a kid of 14 with zero combat experience. He was given magic power and enhanced strength, but that didn't imply that he knew how to use them, he needed to be trained.

I'd put her with a summon like Starlet, Unicorn or Siren, but mostly Unicorn. You know Serah is made for that :awesome:

Wait, SEVERAL years?! She's like 22 in that screencap? And still look 13 years tops? And Serah doesn't get trained by Noel, she gets handed a sword because she alone out of the doubtless dozens of civlians that are getting attacked wherever they are "can fight". She's no Hope, who first gets clearly established as a total pussy, then gets forced into fighting but Snow decides to stay behind to take care of along with Vanille when they run into Cieth, blabla Taking care of poor, young and helpless Hope was the only real goal the l'Cie had at various times prior to meeting the Cavalry.

So in short, we only knew three things about Serah in FF XIII, she's Lightnings sister, Snow's fiancee and an ordinary Cocoon citizen. One screenshot into FFXIII-2 and it's already failed to maintain 1/3 things the audience knows about it's seeming main character. May not be an outright retcon, but I have to say, bravo, we're off to a great start.


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
I'm just hoping for fal'Cie.

Lindzei. Learn more about Barthandelus and Minrva, also Orphan.

Yeah, fal'Cie.

Am I the only fan of the fal'Cie?!

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
It sais that several years have gone by, what if her friends of NORA taught her how to fight? Besides, it would be natural to begin as a lv. 1 character, as you say, so nothing would be wrong with Serah fightning. After all, Hope was a kid of 14 with zero combat experience. He was given magic power and enhanced strength, but that didn't imply that he knew how to use them, he needed to be trained.

Only in fucking final fantasy land is this shit acceptable and believable


alex is dead
Alex, Ashes, Pennywise, Bill Weasley, Jack's Smirking Revenge, Sterling Archer
Say what you want about Hope's 'skills and training', the dude still fought with a boomerang./


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
And how do you mean you are sure Lightning taught Serah swordfighting? Sure because of what? The fact that the only reason she ever became a soldier is to put Serah through school in the first place?

I don't think he means "sure" as in he's trying to state it as fact. He means it's perfectly conceivable that Lightning would have taught Serah some basic skills for self-preservation. Is that certain? No. But it's a reasonable explanation should they choose to go that route.

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
Only in fucking final fantasy land land of enchantment is this shit acceptable and believable


and didn't like Lightning already went to this distant land according to the novels or some shit? how would've serah undergone training? curiouser and curiouser...


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
I don't think he means "sure" as in he's trying to state it as fact. He means it's perfectly conceivable that Lightning would have taught Serah some basic skills for self-preservation. Is that certain? No. But it's a reasonable explanation should they choose to go that route.

Well, Snow and NORA too. I mean, it may not have taught her sword-fighting, but definitely some sort of self-defense. If Serah's the adventurous type (and according to Episode 0, she is), she might have gone on some missions.

Dark and Divine

Pro Adventurer
I'm just hoping for fal'Cie.

Lindzei. Learn more about Barthandelus and Minrva, also Orphan.

Yeah, fal'Cie.

Am I the only fan of the fal'Cie?!

Well, I'm also interested in the mithology between Pulse, Lindzei and Ethros. But by the look of things, apparently, we'll learn more of Ethros, which is good, since Versus aparrently fell in the same dark world that Lightning traveled too. :monster:


Forgot the cutesy in my other pants. Sorry.
Mama Dragon
So in short, we only knew three things about Serah in FF XIII, she's Lightnings sister, Snow's fiancee and an ordinary Cocoon citizen. One screenshot into FFXIII-2 and it's already failed to maintain 1/3 things the audience knows about it's seeming main character. May not be an outright retcon, but I have to say, bravo, we're off to a great start.

Life in Pulse might have forced her to learn something about defending herself. Have in mind that time has passed (or so they said). But anyway, I think I'll wait until the game is out and someone spoils me the whole story so I can draw any conclusion about her or anyone in the game.


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
Well, I learned Muin is actually Celtic. Same with Lindzei. Not sure about Pulse ; and, Buniberzei seems to be totally made up from somewhere. Etro seems to come from the last name of an Italian clothing designer.

Muin is the thirteenth letter of the Celtic alphabet. Also, it is an astrological sign in Celtic beliefs. Animal is the white swan, and the plant is the (grape?) vine. The Greek and Roman equivalents to Muin's goddess would be Aphrodite (Venus). The name means 'neck'.

Lindzei seems to be the same as Lindsay or Linsey. This name comes from 'Linden' as in the Linden tree, also known as the lime tree. It means, in it's various forms, "From the Linden Tree Isle" (which means either Britain or Ireland, I am guessing). Various European countries had pre-Christian beliefs about the tree. The gods were said to live in the Linden tree, especially the goddess of love. Also dragons and dwarves are said to live there. In Roman beliefs, it was the tree of love and fidelity between a married couple.

Interesting... Buniberzei seems to keep being reminded of his mother, even if he doesn't realize it. :P


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
No one has to draw any conclusions, but it's also ok to have a healthy speculative discussion on various scenarios and possibilities. It's part of the fun. We don't have to jump on each other over it.

and didn't like Lightning already went to this distant land according to the novels or some shit? how would've serah undergone training? curiouser and curiouser...

I suspect he meant prior to the events of FFXIII. And I don't think he's insinuating massive training, but some very basic skills like possibly how to hold a sword and hit stuff.

And anyway, remember Tidus? I don't think he held a sword prior to FFX, as Auron says to him "hope you know how to use it".

Well, Snow and NORA too. I mean, it may not have taught her sword-fighting, but definitely some sort of self-defense. If Serah's the adventurous type (and according to Episode 0, she is), she might have gone on some missions.

Hmm, it's possible that she could have gotten into missions with NORA post-FFXIII. But it didn't seem to me she was part of their operations prior to that.

So like Glauring said, if there are supposed to be a couple years in between games, she could have learned some sort of battle skills.

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
They did hunt with a boomerang, but they did it in a badass fashion. And they carried it like men.


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
They did hunt with a boomerang, but they did it in a badass fashion. And they carried it like men.

I will have to YouTube it, 'cause I don't know how all of what you said is done. :P lol But, the point is, it can do damage.


alex is dead
Alex, Ashes, Pennywise, Bill Weasley, Jack's Smirking Revenge, Sterling Archer
Yeah but I bet it wasn't banana coloured.


Double Growth
And anyway, remember Tidus? I don't think he held a sword prior to FFX, as Auron says to him "hope you know how to use it."

This. She would be FAR from the first RPG character to have no previous combat skills and go on to become a premier fighter. Since when is this such a huge taboo?

It's a hell of a lot more reasonable then turning Yuna into a gunslinging pop star.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
This. She would be FAR from the first RPG character to have no previous combat skills and go on to become a premier fighter. Since when is this such a huge taboo?

It's a hell of a lot more reasonable then turning Yuna into a gunslinging pop star.

It's not reasonable at all no matter who it fucking is. At least Tidus was a goddamn athlete and was learning by example from Auron and the other guardians. Fucks sake people.

You can't just pick up a fucking weapon and be a badass just cause you can. HERP DERP SOMEONE ELSE DID IT SO IT'S OK. Christ.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
As long as they start out shitty in combat I don't really see the problem with it. And the whole point of RPG game mechanics is that characters start out pretty shitty in combat compared to how they get later. It's the whole point of levelling up. Of course, if there are other characters with more combat experience they should obviously start out being better at combat, but as long as that rule is adhered to I don't really see the problem.


Auron didn't just randomly pick Tidus out of the crowd, he had this line ready for ten years. Those monsters were there for the specific reason of giving Tidus a fight before he gets charted of the Spira. As for Hope, do you remember XIII? Where he initially says no to the gun and clings to his mommy, the hundreds of times he sits down to take a nap after a fight? All the lines of take care of Hope, leave the fighting to me, gotta look after the kids, they never allowed us to make the mistake that Hope was remotely competent outside of gameplay. And even in gameplay, they couldn't actually implement the running away element they wanted but they didn't even make him available until the Vile Peaks when no one else could be found. And threw right out of the party again whenever there were three people.

This, where Serah is just randomly singled out and gets the line "you can fight, can't you?" Sends a different message to me then Hope and Tidus. She earns the sword because she's just a fighter like that.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
As long as they start out shitty in combat I don't really see the problem with it. And the whole point of RPG game mechanics is that characters start out pretty shitty in combat compared to how they get later. It's the whole point of levelling up. Of course, if there are other characters with more combat experience they should obviously start out being better at combat, but as long as that rule is adhered to I don't really see the problem.

That shit doesn't work out at all in any story context.

It is nonsense.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Are you seriously saying people don't gain competence at activities by repeatedly practising at them?
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