Final Fantasy XIII-2

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
You mean Sazh's token best damn story in the game and one of the most real characters in the series?

You can still be the token black guy and be a good character. You're pretty much saying nothing of substance in response to his post.

Red Dead Redemption...

What influences would Square take from that?

What is that game about, and what kind of game is it?

RDR has a huge open world, with HD towns and a world that's actually alive. So probably that.


wangxian married
"When it comes to actual movie files, which was very heavy, the compression capacity of the two consoles was quite visible. In the meantime, we are now capable of event scenes/drama scenes as real time graphics rather than movies.

Real time graphics rather than movies? So they're gonna stop slapping us in the face with pointless FMVs every five seconds? Halle-fuckin-lujah

Alex Strife

So apparently the game has multiple endings, and they will approach "Snow and Serah's love story"; you know what this basically means. You've surely got the chance of having her dump Snow for Noel, or stay faithful to her hero, or probably... dump them both?

Seriously, I never thought they could mess up even more... the game was looking good, and now I hear they've got multiple endings approaching a supposedly closed love story, and I read the game will be player-centred. Well, you know, I LIKE STORIES, TOO.

And it seems "you can control Lightning sometimes", which implies she won't be controlled often.

Seriously, S-E, what the hell?


Double Growth
You can still be the token black guy and be a good character. You're pretty much saying nothing of substance in response to his post.

And yet his post was about how Serah was a better character than Hope, Lightning, and Sazh by virtue of their whininess, angstiness, and tokenness, respectively. I didn't get the impression he was calling him token-but-a-good-character.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
And yet his post was about how Serah was a better character than Hope, Lightning, and Sazh by virtue of their whininess, angstiness, and tokenness, respectively. I didn't get the impression he was calling him token-but-a-good-character.

Except he has said Sahz is a good character before.


wangxian married
So apparently the game has multiple endings, and they will approach "Snow and Serah's love story"; you know what this basically means. You've surely got the chance of having her dump Snow for Noel, or stay faithful to her hero, or probably... dump them both?

Actually they explained there's various ways of approaching the main villain -- by attacking directly if you feel you're strong enough or doing side quests to find alternate ways to disable/weaken him. So while relationships might be a part of the multiple endings I really doubt that's all it's gonna boil down to (it might not even be that big a thing).

idk i'm starting to think snow is just dead
probably ran at a behemoth screaming about how heroes didn't need plans


Forgot the cutesy in my other pants. Sorry.
Mama Dragon
So apparently the game has multiple endings, and they will approach "Snow and Serah's love story"; you know what this basically means. You've surely got the chance of having her dump Snow for Noel, or stay faithful to her hero, or probably... dump them both?

Seriously, I never thought they could mess up even more... the game was looking good, and now I hear they've got multiple endings approaching a supposedly closed love story, and I read the game will be player-centred. Well, you know, I LIKE STORIES, TOO.

Having multiple endings that depend on your choices throughout the game is not that bad. It worked quite well since Baldur's Gate to the current Dragon Age series. And... sorry, but I missed the part where they say said endings revolve around Serah's and Snow's love story (please, tell me where did you read it).

And it seems "you can control Lightning sometimes", which implies she won't be controlled often.

Seriously, S-E, what the hell?

Well, that will spur you on playing those parts where she's not around with more energy to pass them :monster:

(I would have also liked a Lightning-only game. Lucky me that I don't dislike Serah much :awesome: )

Alex Strife

I read it on

To be honest, if done correctly, I love having multiple endings. Hell, I'm one HUGE fan of Baldur's Gate, and Ar Tonelico series also have multiple endings (8 endings or so, the last of them?), so yeah. However, if they base their endings on Serah-Snow... you know, I'm just not amused.

To be honest I don't dislike Serah; it's just that I quite like Lightning, to be honest...

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Jesus, it's like FFX-2 without a soul...

Well, that took longer than expected. Even for His Royal Lateness.

I certainly don't recall any mention of granted powers other than magic. I mean I could certainly see how it might enhance someone physically as well, but nothing like that was ever mentioned or alluded to.

Becoming a l'Cie definitely enhances people physically. Remember when the team woke up right after Anima marked them and Snow punched that Cie'th to protect Lightning?

If they are redoing this purely to use serah then it seems a bit inept, they should at least attempt to make changes to the gameplay that they were slandered for the first time around. Look at FFX-2, even then they tried to re-do the battle system just to make it slightly different from the last.

In all honesty, the battle system was the one thing XIII probably got blasted for the least.

omg that sword looks awful

lol, what the hell is keeping Noel's sword together? None of its features look connected. I think some people get annoying when they bitch about unrealistic weapons in Final Fantasy, but that's on a different level.

Yeah, whatever boundary had not yet been crossed by ridiculous weapon designs now has been.

Worst FF weapon design ever? I think so.

Noel could have just stolen a section of wrought iron fence and had a more sensible looking weapon.

Well when you have one person designing the head and other people designing the rest of him, what do you expect? :awesome:

Isn't that what happened with James Sawyer Rygdea in the first XIII? Came off looking a lot better there, though.

Speaking to Nowgamer on the E3 show floor, producer Yoshinori Kitase, explained that he felt the universe of XIII was complete, but saw huge potential for it.

There you have it, people: confirmation that Versus XIII is never coming. :monster:

Kagari's interview, link:


RPGSite: One of the deepest criticisms that has been made was the lack of the traditional Final Fantasy town. In response in interviews, it was said by someone in the development team that making towns on a high definition system is actually quite difficult. So is that something that has finally gotten easier now? Have they developed ways to make it a quicker process? To make it a more painless process? Or can we still expect the towns to be smaller than what you would have found in games like Final Fantasy VII-IX.
Toriyama: Like Kitase said earlier, we did take it seriously that there was a huge criticism over no towns—we know people didn’t like it and so we took that and have towns in the new one. And you can explore the town and you can talk to all the people, and that will lead to other situations. Shops, as well now in XIII-2 you can find certain characters you can talk to and they can sell things to you and you can make purchases. I think if we created towns in the same way as we did for Final Fantasy VII-IX, it would be quite boring, and so it is very difficult. So with that we put an AI in every single person living in the town so they can do their own things. They may sit down and chat, or they may talk to their family members, or somebody they want to talk to, so they do their own actions. In that sense, it’s a quite different type of town you would find in a Final Fantasy [game].

Is it me or were the questions there ("Are towns easier to make/were you just lazy before?" and "How big can we expect towns to be?") not really answered? This is way too common in SE interviews.

Serah Farron said:
Kitase: ... What do you think of the music in XIII-2?


Toriyama: ... Red Dead Redemption.


Kitase: ... we are now capable of event scenes/drama scenes as real time graphics rather than movies.

What's this? They're ... asking people what they thought? Acknowledging that games like "Red Dead Redemption" exist? Rendering major scenes with the in-game engine?

I dare say this sounds like hope for improvement may not have been in vain.

But she's cute and also she'd look good in my living room Tres's bed

Fixed that for you.

Luck and persistence won't work forever. :wacky:

I see what you did there. =)


Joe, Arcana
By having read his posts on the board.

And everything is better than Serah.
Now wait, careful with your 'everything' there. I understand Serah is pretty crap and my liking is only down to personal preference, but there was still a lot worse than her in that game.

And yeah. Sazh was probably the better character of the main party you got to choose from. Unfortunately, that isn't saying much, and he only measures up in comparison to the shit characters he is in the running with.


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
Okay, I've been thinking for a while. That 14 and a half minute gameplay video showed Serah and Noel, plus Moogle, going through a gate to get to Cocoon.

The story is supposed to feature time travel, yes?

Perhaps they did not travel to Cocoon of the present, but Cocoon of an alternate reality. Atlas - who looks a lot like a fal'Cie; Titan plus horns - is causing (or helping to cause) the disruptions.

Any thoughts?

So, Chie - maybe you are seeing Rosch of an alternate reality; or, perhaps that's not Rosch, because Rosch is not born - or old enough?


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
Real time graphics rather than movies? So they're gonna stop slapping us in the face with pointless FMVs every five seconds? Halle-fuckin-lujah

What does all this mean? :huh:

Real time graphics rather than movies? So they're gonna stop slapping us in the face with pointless FMVs every five seconds? Halle-fuckin-lujah

Thank you!

RDR has a huge open world, with HD towns and a world that's actually alive. So probably that.

Didn't someone say they misinterpreted the bit about time travel?

Could be wrong :monster:

:offended: :catfight:

I misread the article... Damn, you're right.

Is there time travel in this game or what?!

*sigh* Me confused meself.

:desu: :doh: :'( :faint: :wacky:
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Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.





Thank you for that.

Well, one thing learned: Atlas is not a fal'Cie.
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