Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
- Smooth Criminal
.....Damn you, Square. Goddamn you to hell. How the hell...are you interesting me in this now?
Tch, I'm way too gullible.
Tch, I'm way too gullible.
Perhaps they did not travel to Cocoon of the present, but Cocoon of an alternate reality. Atlas - who looks a lot like a fal'Cie; Titan plus horns - is causing (or helping to cause) the disruptions.
Game Informer scans, credit to Second_Chances at Gamefaqs
we get a higher res of the Light/Serah picture
I read it on
To be honest, if done correctly, I love having multiple endings. Hell, I'm one HUGE fan of Baldur's Gate, and Ar Tonelico series also have multiple endings (8 endings or so, the last of them?), so yeah. However, if they base their endings on Serah-Snow... you know, I'm just not amused.
To be honest I don't dislike Serah; it's just that I quite like Lightning, to be honest...
Isn't that what happened withJames SawyerRygdea in the first XIII? Came off looking a lot better there, though.
So, Chie - maybe you are seeing Rosch of an alternate reality; or, perhaps that's not Rosch, because Rosch is not born - or old enough?
.....Damn you, Square. Goddamn you to hell. How the hell...are you interesting me in this now?
Tch, I'm way too gullible.
Depends how easily amused one is I guess
Depends how easily amused one is I guess
Sounds to me like a good way to wear out your controller
Mostly Alliance
Before the ability to fly in Azeroth I would spam the space bar and jump everywhere I went on my mount. It made grinding a bit more bearable.
The more I think about this crystal-monster summons during battle, the more pleased I am. Some of the most painful parts in XIII was when you had only 2 people (especially with no Commando /shootsself), so the monsters should help relieve that.
Fuck yes, you could explore the most awesome places with enough time, patience, and jumping prowess. Back in the day me and a friend got into Mount Hyjal while it was still under development after four hours of very specific jumping. And it was FUCKING FUN.
I dunno, they could've put in the real victory theme the bastards.
What is Hamauzu's problem with recurring themes, anyway? (Not that I know if Hamauzu is even doing this game, but the question still stands!)