Final Fantasy XIII-2


Pro Adventurer
Vega, Kyle Hyde
It would be cool if LORD Gilgamesh graced this game with his presence.

There are way too many bishonen in this game, we need him here to balance things out.

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
Lord Gilgamesh and some manly troops like Golbez, Basch or something similar to them. This prepubescent sausage fest is ill for my health.


a pokémon.
Bayleef, Jessica
^ This

Kaias is Final Fantasy's best villian because of this fact now ! (=
cheered when Noel got stabbed by him

Well I don't know much about Kain and his voice xDDDD. I played only Dissidia, though his voice was actually kind of sexy :awesome: They also look kind alike...and I got only two words for that....


a pokémon.
Bayleef, Jessica
24 year old Hope?!

Me gusta :monster:

This woman should stop posting so many amazing news vefore I fuckin dieee! 24 Year Old Hope + Head Investigation + Voice = Legal Hope. Me gusta!!!. And nice about Party Members, I think noel as Party Leader will be limited :|

Sorry I kind of blacked out the rest :D


Forgot the cutesy in my other pants. Sorry.
Mama Dragon
Noel’s memories are vague because of a time paradox
I sense a big reveal near the end.


So, Yuru was the seeress from the Analects? Aww, there goes my wish that both she and Kaias were the result of an alternate timeline on which Lightning and Rosch were together and had children :(
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Sheva Alomar

I'm Alive and on Fire
Adri, Sir Integra, Fiona, Sango
The worst part is, even though this games looks like utter shit, I'm still probably going to get it.


Forgot the cutesy in my other pants. Sorry.
Mama Dragon
How'd you find out?

On this post:

Rumors of the Xbox 360 version being on multiple discs once again have now been proven false.

Famitsu shares some new information regarding FINAL FANTASY XIII-2′s disc count.

The PlayStation 3 version will of course be on one Blu-ray disc. The Xbox 360 version, however, will ship on one DVD. Quite the difference from FINAL FANTASY XIII, which required three discs on Microsoft’s system.

Director Motomu Toriyama cites increased use of real time event scenes, which has lead to a decrease in the game’s data volume.

Aside from the bit about FINAL FANTASY XIII-2′s disc space, Famitsu has even more information on the game.

The version of Hope seen in the TGS trailer is from 10 years after the end of FINAL FANTASY XIII. He is 24 years old, and the head of a scientific investigation group.
Caius, the game’s main villain, has an evil influence on both Valhalla and Serah’s world. In the Promise trailer, the black smoke emitting from Lightning is called “Chaos.”

FINAL FANTASY XIII-2 will have some intense scenes as well, although not on the same level as FINAL FANTASY Type-0. QTEs will be a big part of the game, but failing them doesn’t necessarily penalize you. Clearing them will net you at least something, however.

By far the greatest addition is party switching. In FINAL FANTASY XIII-2, you’ll be able to switch out party leaders in real time during battle. This also means that, when your party leader dies, you will no longer game over. Other things of note, the silver-haired girl traveling with Caius is known as Yeul. Noel’s memories are vague because of a time paradox. The game will include Easy Mode, and changeable costumes visible in event scenes.

UPDATE: FROM FAMITSU AS WELL. - unlike 13 where the crystarium system is gradually unlocked along with the story progress, the growth system will be fully open from the beginning this time


Either Yeul is a very popular name, or she's Paddra Nsu-Yeul, seeress from Pulse. It makes sense, according with pulsian naming: Yeul, of the Nsu clan, from Paddra.


unsavory tart
I sense a big reveal near the end.


So, Yuru was the seeress from the Analects? Aww, there goes my wish that both she and Kaias were the result of an alternate timeline on which Lightning and Rosch were together and had children :(
Holy shit that's a great eye. I barely skimmed the analects but wikia proves otherwise.

So these are her sermons

IV. The Heavenly Deceit Edit

Obtain: Clear Mission 28: Faded Glory
Ragnarok took wing; made to smite Cocoon, and thereby deliver us our everlasting peace. But Her Providence would not let it be.
The Goddess pitied the fools who so blindly bowed to Lindzei's will, and so She robbed Ragnarok of power, putting the l'Cie to an early crystal sleep, Focus yet incomplete.
-- Sermons of the seeress Paddra Nsu-Yeul

IX. Her Providence Edit

Obtain: Clear Mission 58: The Culler of Many
Her Providence sought nothing.
Her Providence made nothing.
She but looked on, silent in Her sorrow.
The Goddess pitied mortals, destined as they were to die, and so She deigned to intervene in the hour of their greatest peril. She averted cataclysm that was to be, and put to rest the ones who would have robbed so many of what time fate had ordained.
Her compassion did not end at this.
The Goddess pitied also those subjected to that fate of Focus, crueler still than death. To them She sent Her messengers, to deliver hope when all was lost.
-- Sermons of the seeress Paddra Nsu-Yeul
I threw it out there on gamefaqs that I thought she was from pre destruction timeline because she sort of dress like she's from Vanille's tribe. But the trailer clearly shows destroyed Cocoon.

I want to see past Oerba D<


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
On this post:

Either Yeul is a very popular name, or she's Paddra Nsu-Yeul, seeress from Pulse. It makes sense, according with pulsian naming: Yeul, of the Nsu clan, from Paddra.

Thank you very much. I only saw her called Yuru, so I never made the connection.


a pokémon.
Bayleef, Jessica
Ok ok, so guys please help me out on something. After re-reading one of Lightning's lines I got all confused...yet again....
"This is the future I cannot/couldn't save"

Ok, so I got confused as in...Is the Lightning shown from the future too? Or is the current Lightning? For some reason Family Guy(*) came to my mind and I got all confused.

*On Family Guy there's an episode where Stewie time travels and, after realizing a few things...he comes back in time and gets killed by Stewie from the present. I have difficulty explaining stuff but yes, that's most like it.


unsavory tart
lol at the Lightning/Hope wangst on tumblr. Now that he's 24 people are all like NOW IS THE TIME.

I'll never support them, but I'm thankful that now when I look at tumblr and the eventual L/H fanart, I don't feel like the internet is putting me on a watch out registry.


unsavory tart
The time paradoxes began happening at the ending of FFXIII. Because of this, you won't be able to going back in time to before that point.

I only wanted to see past Vanille/Fang in Oerba. Godamnit.


Forgot the cutesy in my other pants. Sorry.
Mama Dragon
So, no child!Serah and no child!Lightning?


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