Final Fantasy XIII-2


Great Old One
Oh man, thank you for the link to the new trailer (I was going to post the link to it but I need 5 posts first). I've been having mixed feelings about this game for a while now (though I was overjoyed when I first found out there would be a sequel as I was finishing XIII.) Now I'm getting more and more sure this will actually be quite enjoyable.

Wow - Hope doesn't look like Michael Jackson any more - he now looks good!! And they brought back the same voice actor (which has also gotten older I guess) and I can hear he has lowered his voice. That guy does an awesome job. I'm very very glad there will be some Fang and Vanille in it as well, even though it might be flashbacks to earlier days.
And also, this Kaius - might he be something like Magus in FF6 - that he'll be going through some sort of personality change midways? Iiiiiinteresting!
Also, I just re-experienced my falling in love with Lightning. She is just the awesomest character ever. She's worth buying the game alone. Also, Serah is growing on me. I did like her in XIII, but we saw too little of her. I'm glad they chose her as one of the main characters. And this has probably been said before, but Snow looks like he just took off that bandana, like all the time. Thing must have been strapped to his head pretty tight all through FF13...


a pokémon.
Bayleef, Jessica
a.Serah and Snow have become totally my OTP for this game.
b.Serah looks absolutely stunning in the paradigms menu.
c. Instead of Noel, they should put on some Hope. And IDK if he's the main character I care more about Hope's pure and precious face :>


a pokémon.
Bayleef, Jessica
Look! Now all we need is Prof. Oak:


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
No more trailers for Japan. Next stop: Release date!


I never noticed it 'til now, and it's true, Snow's hair does resemble a chocobo!


a pokémon.
Bayleef, Jessica
^^LOLOL. Yes they should.
That fucktard. He just needs a good "Lightning" punch and STFU. =3 I hope they bring new pics of Snow soon!


Pro Adventurer
Benoist; Captain Highwind
Vanille and Fang give me hope that they're part of the 100% mission complete, but I was expecting them to have their own story if they decide to go through with XIII-3. I can see them getting tacked on like Tidus did in X-2.


Pro Adventurer
Vega, Kyle Hyde
They also touched upon the recently revealed Kaias character, calling him the strongest enemy in Final Fantasy series history.

Kinda late but


Yeah, I just wanted to comment on that. Also, SAZH! ;_; But that scene isn't enough. We need more. MORE SAZH.


unsavory tart
I think my internet broke my funny because I keep laughing at this stupid shit








I have a thing for terrible puns I think.


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
I think my internet broke my funny because I keep laughing at this stupid shit








I have a thing for terrible puns I think.

You know what's interesting - Galenth probably would look something like that, younger. Only with his yellow-blond, wavy hair though.

Hopefully Lighting comes in and gives him a good whacking <3


Somebody needs to edit this, with Noel's face on Snow's xD

As a deviantArt member (Dilly-Shilly, I believe, is her name; not the same as Lissar) said:

Snow: "What was that for?!"
Lightning: "Existing! Stop doing it!"


Great Old One
OMG. I knew WAY too many answers to those questions!! :lol:

I love the picture in the background on the second image, that's Lightning, right? Looks like she and Serah, eh, share some bodily features after all... :P


a pokémon.
Bayleef, Jessica
Why are Serah and Noel behind the bar? OHOHO looks like someone likes to take a few drinks :monster: I just found that interesting xDDDDD. Way to call people to see the game.


unsavory tart
Complete the quote by Sazh: &#8220;You think you die an&#8217; everything&#8217;ll be&#8230;&#8221;

Peaches and Cream
Cookies and Milk
Sugar and Rainbows
Puppies and Candycanes
ahaha, I can't believe they went there.


Great Old One
That should be Lightning, yes. We're told that there's where she had her l'cie mark. Although we had never seen it before :monster:
When she summons Odin for the first time (or, rather when Odin summons her...?), we find out that's where she has it, isn't it so? I seem to remember it was something like that...

And doesn't her English VA have a tattoo like that? Or was that just a removable one?


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
yes, but we've never actually seen it on Lightning :monster: They just told us where it was :3

No I think it was a real one. Just like Lightning's!


hng yeah
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