Final Fantasy XIII-2


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
my opinion

Novella > Omega > costumes/weapons

but I really want omega too :sadpanda: I could live without costumes and weapons.


Forgot the cutesy in my other pants. Sorry.
Mama Dragon
I'm perfectly fine with the fan translated version of Episode i. What I want is those videos being subbed! D:

Having Hope's render in one of the disks means that he's going to play a major part in the story? (I don't mind at all if he does).


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
I think Hope will be a party guest.

(EDIT: That's just my speculation, btw)


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
Oh I didn't mean to imply that he wouldn't be XD


a pokémon.
Bayleef, Jessica
I will just say one thing. Why put Hope behind Noel, when they know Hope is a better character than Noel... No me gusta SE...No me gusta.


Great Old One
Final Fantasy- games always have like 3-8 playable characters, right? So far we only know of 3
maybe 4 with Snow.

Hope is on the disc. Mark my words: He will be playable.



unsavory tart
Hope at least plays an important role since he's researching and messing with time.

I'm hoping at least all of the characters are playable and not just have some small cameos like it's a checklist or anything.


Great Old One
I'm curious about Noel. I mean I don't know enough about him to judge him yet. His VA sounds okay, and at least it doesn't look like he's the type to be as annoying as *ahem* Hope and Vanille was at times in the first game... oh lord. Cute, yes. But damn annoying.

And this one has a proper Villain, which I lurve.

I'm more anxious about Fang. If there is like only 4 seconds of Fang I will get seriously mad. I don't mind it just being flashbacks though. I'm okay with her being a goner... but I do want to see more of her past.


Pro Adventurer
I will just say one thing. Why put Hope behind Noel, when they know Hope is a better character than Noel... No me gusta SE...No me gusta.

Because when FF13 first came out everybody hated Hope and thought that he was whiny brat that deserved to be chucked off a cliff. Actually, people still dislike Hope, even though he's grown up and matured.... sigh. ):


Great Old One
I only liked the Hope scenes with Hope and Lightning in them. (And in a sisterly-brotherly way, and never never never never never in any other way.)

But I think it was the way the story was told that worked against him for me. He was after Snow, Snow didn't realize and kept winking and talking about not dying, blah blah. It was a bit too slow to get really interesting.


a pokémon.
Bayleef, Jessica
No matter how many peer pressire I get, I will always ship Serah with Snow. I just can't see her with no one else... Yes I am a romantic sometimes! I ship them as hard as I ship Tidus and Yuna. And Noel well.. Just watching his scenes bored me enough to dislike him... And I'm sorry but once I dislike a character us really weird I change my opinion.
I also enjoyed the LightningxHope scenes. they looked cute and I even thought Hope liked her (Like when little kids are in love with their teachers) But after seeing some HopexLight fanart.... Its just plain disgusting.

And I ship Hope with no one but myself. I'm that-a-bitch lawl. I will poke the bitch who takes him away from me.


unsavory tart
If I had to sit through an entire game of "SERAH" then he should damn well get the girl. I don't even care about pairings in this game, but don't tell me I suffered through Snow/Serah in game 1 only to have some random dude get her in the second game. Hell no.


a pokémon.
Bayleef, Jessica
If I had to sit through an entire game of "SERAH" then he should damn well get the girl. I don't even care about pairings in this game, but don't tell me I suffered through Snow/Serah in game 1

OMG OMG TRUE LOL. And don't forget "THE HERO IS HERE BABEHHH", and shit like that. You made my day man xDDDD.


wangxian married
If I had to sit through an entire game of "SERAH" then he should damn well get the girl. I don't even care about pairings in this game, but don't tell me I suffered through Snow/Serah in game 1 only to have some random dude get her in the second game. Hell no.

I would look forward to his delicious tears

but i also ship serah/noel on a very superficial level


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
I hope it turns out that Noel is a descendent of Serah's. :monster: I will laugh so hard at all you incestuous shippers X'D
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