Final Fantasy XIII-2


The Black Swordsman
Aithex, Atom
We'd like to make another game to expand on Lightning!

Game has nothing to do with her in a leading role.



Forgot the cutesy in my other pants. Sorry.
Mama Dragon
Rygdea & Bartholomew: The creation of a provisional government, and the secret history of the founding of the Academy.

So, Rygdea is alive and well! *squeals*


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
ok this is crucial -

will I be able to race a purple chocobo?


AI Researcher
Is there somewhere that's compiled all the stuff about this together without reading 100s of pages of thread? I've missed so much and now there's names and books and videos and chocobo racing.

I'll probably just end up reading this later anyway so never mind :sadpanda:


The Black Swordsman
Aithex, Atom
Ain't nothing like actualy playing a game instead of reading about it second hand. More to experience yourself, right? Unless you're bent on not getting it, totally understandable after XIII.


AI Researcher
I meant the news on it. I didn't think it was released yet?

But since Type-0 seems to have come out and I knew nothing about it, it wouldn't surprise me :sadpanda: If it's out then ignore me and I'll wait until I can get it like Type-0.


Great Old One
Ain't nothing like actualy playing a game instead of reading about it second hand. More to experience yourself, right? Unless you're bent on not getting it, totally understandable after XIII.
You. You don't belong here. Get out.


To sum up XIII-2 very shortly -
it's going to be less linear, more mini-games and puzzles. Most characters from XIII returns, though most likely not as playable characters (save for Serah and Lightning). The game has a time element (like Chrono Trigger) and the new protagonist, Noel, is from the future Cocoon. Random encounters is replaced with a Mog Clock. You can recruit monsters. The battle system is pretty much the same. You now get Gil for fights. Not sure if there is a Crystarium this time. Oh and Hope is 24.

Think that sums it up.


Forgot the cutesy in my other pants. Sorry.
Mama Dragon
Is there somewhere that's compiled all the stuff about this together without reading 100s of pages of thread? I've missed so much and now there's names and books and videos and chocobo racing.

I'll probably just end up reading this later anyway so never mind :sadpanda:

The quickest way is going to the FFwikia.


SAUCE (Here's also the Xbox360 one, but I cba to spam you with so many big pictures).


unsavory tart
Why Squeenix,do you put Lightning's image on the cover when she's only playable, for like, 10% of the game?

Why do you do these terrible things to me and raise my hopes?


a pokémon.
Bayleef, Jessica
excuse my lack of enthusiasm but I saw this coming. I am bleh about this (my copy's) cover xD. Why they are making them so simple T_T


The Black Swordsman
Aithex, Atom
So long as it doesn't have Noel's derpy ass face all over it I'll take anything.


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
To sum up XIII-2 very shortly -
it's going to be less linear, more mini-games and puzzles. Most characters from XIII returns, though most likely not as playable characters (save for Serah and Lightning). The game has a time element (like Chrono Trigger) and the new protagonist, Noel, is from the future Cocoon. Random encounters is replaced with a Mog Clock. You can recruit monsters. The battle system is pretty much the same. You now get Gil for fights. Not sure if there is a Crystarium this time. Oh and Hope is 24.

Yes, there is a Crystarium in XIII-2; but, it will be different from the original game's version.

The characters who are not main characters but who were in the original game will most likely be non-playable guests. Like Hope.

Is it just me or does Lightning look blonde in that pic instead of pink-haired?

Honestly, it looks like as the game progresses, both Lightning and Serah's hair starts to change color. They get streaks of silver/grey/white/blonde/whichever-it-will-be. Interesting.
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