Final Fantasy XIII-2


Pro Adventurer
Shiala, Bulma, Choco-Lightning
That Blue Chocobo why are you so hard to tame?! I bet I jinxed myself.

And that metal cactuar...I actually encountered it without expecting it and it promptly killed me before I could realize what he was about to do.


Great Old One
Does the metal cactuar actually do 10,000 damage with that 10,000 needles? Because I encoutered one and was dead within half a second.

Also, I encoutered a Red Chocobo again, it was easier killing it this time, but it didn't want to come with me this time either :( Isn't there something like a Chocobo Lure in this game? Or can I choose Item --> Gysahl Green? :P

Also, I ran around in the lake for half an hour but no Blue either. Does it have to be rainy or something? (Don't know if this should be in spoiler tags)


Pro Adventurer
Shiala, Bulma, Choco-Lightning
Does the metal cactuar actually do 10,000 damage with that 10,000 needles? Because I encoutered one and was dead within half a second.

Also, I encoutered a Red Chocobo again, it was easier killing it this time, but it didn't want to come with me this time either :( Isn't there something like a Chocobo Lure in this game? Or can I choose Item --> Gysahl Green? :P

Also, I ran around in the lake for half an hour but no Blue either. Does it have to be rainy or something? (Don't know if this should be in spoiler tags)
IDK if my posts should be spoilered either lol but I'll do it just in case.
It definitely does. I had Noel at over 5000HP when I encountered him and both Serah and Noel went down as soon as 10,000 Needles went off. Either it's split between them or it's 10,000 points of damage to each character. Didn't touch the chocobo at all...but not like that mattered.

I have no idea if it has to be rainy but I can attest to encountering the Blue Chocobo in the Steppe during rainy weather. He doesn't seem to have a great encounter rate though. I'm 0/4 at the moment.

So far I have Purple, Yellow, Red, Black and Green. I will capture blue if it's the last thing I do. Does anyone know where the others can be found?


unsavory tart
So I bought the DLCs for Noel's costume and the Amodar/Lightning fight.
Oh crap, I didn't know it was out yet. brb, buying at the speed of light.

Also, Serendipity fragments will be the death of me. Is there a trick to Casino? Because I did was tie a rubber band to it and then walk away for about an hour to clean and stuff. Now I have to go for winning 10,000 in one go. I dunno if I can handle that >___>


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
Chocobos are rare! So... yeah, it takes a while.
Reds seem to come easier than blues. Keep running around the cactuar waystone for a blue. Reds seem to come around the yellow (to the Marshlands) cactuar waystone. Regular, yellow, seem to come closer to the camp. Greens are found in Yaschis Massif 100 AF.

I figured it out. First off, you have to guess what number to start on. That's the tricky part. It does help to think this way: What number does/does not multiply into the number of circles on the board? For instance, if there's 12, you may want to try 6 or 2... Then again, you may want to try three, or five. It's really... guessing.

But after that, it's easier. The number you are on is the number of spaces each way the hands will move. If you are on number three, the hands will move three spaces each way. If you are on a space with the number two, the hands will move two spaces each way. You usually have two choices, but if you already erased a number, then you have one. After this, it all comes down to the process of elimination to get all the numbers off the board.

Not sure if this is common knowledge. The book (guide) makes no sense at all to me. I read it, and unless not closely enough... Yeah, it makes noooo sense.
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Great Old One
I figured it out. First off, you have to guess what number to start on. That's the tricky part. It does help to think this way: What number does/does not multiply into the number of circles on the board? For instance, if there's 12, you may want to try 6 or 2... Then again, you may want to try three, or five. It's really... guessing.

But after that, it's easier. The number you are on is the number of spaces each way the hands will move. If you are on number three, the hands will move three spaces each way. If you are on a space with the number two, the hands will move two spaces each way. You usually have two choices, but if you already erased a number, then you have one. After this, it all comes down to the process of elimination to get all the numbers off the board.

Not sure if this is common knowledge. The book (guide) makes no sense at all to me. I read it, and unless not closely enough... Yeah, it makes noooo sense.
It didn't take me long to figure out how the clock puzzle works, but the 4th stage I encountered (and apparently, each encounter is never the same for two different players - but of course once a clock is created for you, you get to retry the same one) and I think I must have spent 20 minutes trying to figure that one out. It had three 1's and two 2's, and next to two of the 1's were 9's. I must have tried like 15 times. But I did manage to solve it. And it's one of the puzzles I've actually liked. The first ones were just flat out annoying (especially "tie the dots").

Found this interesting quote here:

"I heard if you defeat a monster with Synchronized Action (Feral Link) as finishing moves, the chances of getting Crystal will further heightened. -- Yep its about another 20% added I believe but it has to be the kill move." I don't remember that being mentioned in the tutorial, but apparently it is...

Apparently there's also a white chocobo.
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So defeating monsters with a feral link (including chocobos) has absolutely no effect on the rate of getting their crystals, thats utter rubbish.

Also, the Blue Chocobo from the Archylte Steppe is one of the, if not THE best Ravager in the game. Weather plays a role in their appearance rate. The purple chocobo is the rarest (you can only get it in the outside areas of Bresha Ruins (300AF) and it has a really low spawn rate. It's the best SYNERGIST in the game).

There is a silver chocobo, not a white one. To catch it, you have to go to Academia (4XXAF) with the Improved Moogle throw you get from the Mystic the first time you enter serendipity and throw the moogle into the hologram plate holding Cocoon.

It's a one of a kind crystal. There are about 6 monster crystals like that in the game, that are just completely invisible. You literally just have to throw mog into certain places and hope it works. Theres "Cactuarina" from New Bodhum (003AF), you need to throw mog in the crater underneath the gate, there's another one in 003AF where you need to throw Mog east off the pier across from Serah's house.

The good thing about the silver chocobo (sentinel) is that you can easily max it out and infuse it with a LV.1 Cactuar and you'll basically never lose a race. Casino coins ^_^.

Phew. I've still not completed it, but I really like the story so far. I had the ending slightly spoiled on another forum but I don't know anything story related so I'm still happile plodding along!

Trying to get as many fragments as possible before I complete chapter 4.

Time to go to uni :( I'm so annoyed, I'm hunting cactuars and uni is getting in the way. Rage.


a pokémon.
Bayleef, Jessica
Ok so, I received my Collector's Guide yesterday and after reading a few parts.... I don't hate Alyssa so much. In fact I also understand her:

Alyssa died on the Purge but because of the time distortion she was brought to life (Like the reason why her name was on the Bresha Ruins grave). I understood the reason why she betrayed everyone else...she didn't wanted to die and be erased from history. If I knew I would disappear under her me I would be scared as hell and would consider the option. She was scared so when Caius offered her an opportunity of being alive she didn't waste it. Everyday we meet people who would do anything for the gift of life. SO I don't blame her.

You guys have so much free time, I'm jealous :sadpanda:
I want to thank this post so many times as possible. Totally true :(.

Also, @Sami:
How much was it? I need to buy a PSN card soon :(


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
I shall be buying the Lightning/Amodar battle as well as Noel's new outfit tonight. I finally imputed the code for the Genji bow and Serah's outfit early this morning.

As for Alyssa,
I feel really sorry for her. Same with demi/proto fal'Cie Adam. As the paradoxes to the correct timeline, they shouldn't exist; well, as far as Alyssa is concerned we know she is, I'm not sure if it's revealed Adam is or not later in the game via a fragment or something. They want to survive, and Caius seems to exploit that survival instinct all life has towards his own ends.
So yeah, I don't hate her, etiher.

Alyssa died on the Purge ... (Like the reason why her name was on the Bresha Ruins grave).

Her name wasn't on the gravestone. Unless that changes in another spacetime Bresha Ruins. I've only been to 005 AF so far.

Actually, I like the collecting crystals puzzles and the connect the crystals puzzles more so than the time clock. :P

Chcoobo wise, I have: Regular, Red, Blue, Green. I tried racing. I suck for now. I wish it was possible to get one of the multicolored chocobos. :D

Just random stuff:

I am somewhat sorry to say, I am actually starting to like the crazy chocobo song. :P

I got two Paradox Endings last night: A Giant Mistake and Mog's Flan Plan. ^_^
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I only have about 8 hours in or so.
Monday night when I played, I fought and defeated (although it took an embarrassingly long time) Faeryl in the Steppe
but I guess I didn't save before I quit the game because when I downloaded my save file from the cloud storage it started me BEFORE the battle. Which I tried twice. And completely and soundly got my ass handed to me. So now I'm grinding a little before attempting it again. le sigh.
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Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.

For anyone interested in a laugh, in case you didn't pick this yourself...



AI Researcher
I'm sure I've heard Sazh's (and I only have the Omega DLC). But maybe it's just really rare/I'm not remembering right.


Great Old One
Okay. Overall I am loving this game, but I have a couple of cons.

- The enemies are either too easy or too hard, and there aren't enough boss fights. The latter really annoys me. I want to fight big things! Also, most fights are just about having enough HP. The strategic element isn't as much present as it was in 13, where you basically had to do Libra --> R1 --> decide strategy --> Retry --> Set up paradigm deck --> Go again.
- No weapons upgrade (as of yet for me anyway). (Don't tell me if there actually is, then it'll be a great surprise ;))
- Related to point above - the game is less complex than 13. So far I haven't had to look up a single thing - the one or two times I did, was because I was too lazy to figure out where I was supposed to go. With 13 I had to google like hell (especially with the weapons/ accessory upgrade, and with the various missions).

So right now it's tied with 13. It might be slightly above 13 because of the pace and the fact that you have more choices. But even though 13 was complex and messy, it had its charms.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good

For anyone interested in a laugh, in case you didn't pick this yourself...

Well, that alone took strides toward making me like this game more. XD That is epic.

On a related note, thought I'd say that Serah seems much less annoying in the English version. The voice is much better suited. She seems more grounded and less airy, which alone goes great lengths toward reducing the intensity of anime cliche about her.

Actually, everyone in the English cast is fantastic. Noel especially. Very impressed with him. His Japanese VA was good too, but I may like this one better.

Alex Strife

I CHOSE THAT ANSWER!! And I was laughing out so much. That was just great.

I'm liking the VA, too, in fact.

Also, Fangu. If you find fights too easy, do what I do. Don't ever use libra. Right, I'm still on my first visit to Academia, but... I just don't use libra, and have to work my strategies on the go. It's proven quite a lot of fun, so far.


wangxian married
i didn't even get that live trigger at all

it's like the game knew how many fucks i didn't give about snow :monster:


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
i didn't even get that live trigger at all

Actually, I think you can go right past those points, but I'm not sure. You have to look for the icon in the upper left corner of the screen as well as the speech bubble above either Noel or Serah's head.

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
On a related note, thought I'd say that Serah seems much less annoying in the English version. The voice is much better suited. She seems more grounded and less airy, which alone goes great lengths toward reducing the intensity of anime cliche about her.

Actually, everyone in the English cast is fantastic. Noel especially. Very impressed with him. His Japanese VA was good too, but I may like this one better.
yeah it seems like serah's va can do a lot of girls pretty well i mean obviously she CAN go squealing fangirl on you (see rise kujikawa freaking out about senpai in anything really) but then on the other hand she can be kind of scary and evil (catherine) or like totally normal (kira from swtor)

good voice actors nowadays are nice


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
Does anyone know the name of Serah's voice actress; also, was she the same actress that voiced the character in XIII? (I'm going to presume yes to the latter question, but correct me if I'm wrong. I don't notice any voice changes, but then again - there wasn't much Serah in the first game.)


Double Growth
Just started, only played for about an hour. Pretty cool so far, definitely a more promising opening than X-2's :awesome:

I know quick time events got old very quickly in games, but I do kinda like that they give you options sometimes of what you want to do. Also, wow Serah's boobs got bigger.

Tres, which version of XIII did you play, because I'd venture to say English had the edge on the Japanese in that one too, but admittedly that's based almost entirely on Sazh.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Tres, which version of XIII did you play, because I'd venture to say English had the edge on the Japanese in that one too, but admittedly that's based almost entirely on Sazh.

I played the English version (on the 360, if anyone's curious), though I did also watch a stream of XIII in Japanese in its entirety. The English version definitely had the edge there as well, though the Japanese cast by and large did an excellent job also. The English version of XIII, though, was just undoubtedly the best overall cast of VAs Final Fantasy has ever had.
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