Final Fantasy XIII Non-Spoiler Thread


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
I don't really care what outfit they're in, unless they're wearing a potato sack or running around naked ala Umaro.

Its not like Final Fantasy set a consistent precedent of real life fashionable main characters. For Christ's sake, the hero of their most popular franchise goes around kicking ass in purple/black MC-Hammer pants and suspenders. What the fuck?

I'll let the character's actions and portrayal in the actual story/game dictate how memorable their outfit is and if its worth paying attention to. If they suck, they'll suck and no one will care about them or their clothes. If they kick ass while looking silly in an outfit, well that'll make their outfit even more hilarious and memorable.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
I don't really care what outfit they're in, unless they're wearing a potato sack or running around naked ala Umaro.

Its not like Final Fantasy set a consistent precedent of real life fashionable main characters. For Christ's sake, the hero of their most popular franchise goes around kicking ass in purple/black MC-Hammer pants and suspenders. What the fuck?

I'll let the character's actions and portrayal in the actual story/game dictate how memorable their outfit is and if its worth paying attention to. If they suck, they'll suck and no one will care about them or their clothes. If they kick ass while looking silly in an outfit, well that'll make their outfit even more hilarious and memorable.

Save your shit excuses for poor costume design for yourself you big girl.

BAWWWW I'M MAKO AND CHARACTER DESIGN DOESN'T MATTER BECAUSE I SAY SO. Stop crying because someone doesn't like something in your precious Final Fantasy you massive homosexual. Good story will never fix a shitty character design, way to speak absolute nonsense. Ashe is a prime example.
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Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Save your shit excuses for poor costume design for yourself you big girl.

BAWWWW I'M MAKO AND CHARACTER DESIGN DOESN'T MATTER BECAUSE I SAY SO. Stop crying because someone doesn't like something in your precious Final Fantasy you massive homosexual. Good story will never fix a shitty character design, way to speak absolute nonsense. Ashe is a prime example.

lol okay Tyra Banks

You go play the FFXIII fashion show, I'm more interested in how much ass they can kick in their Limit Breaks. I could give a shit if one of them wears a school uniform. What bearing does that have at all regarding the plot or story? Barring some unforeseen design where a character wears a fecal matter hat, who cares? Again. No one gave a shit Cloud comes into town wearing 80's MC Hammer pants, or Lulu's wearing a belt buckle dress. Big deal.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
lol okay Tyra Banks

You go play the FFXIII fashion show, I'm more interested in how much ass they can kick in their Limit Breaks. I could give a shit if one of them wears a school uniform. What bearing does that have at all regarding the plot or story?

It doesn't have any nigger, we said we didn't like it and you had to have your monthly and go on about plot and all this other bullshit completely irrelevant to people's opinions on the designs. Your feeble attempts at somehow demeaning people's opinions has failed miserably, AGAIN.

Way to go Nancy!


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
I don't need to try to demean your opinions. I just do. :awesome:

I just don't get why you people are watching the designs of these characters as if this the next new reality show buzz or something. Some are gonna look cool, some are gonna look less than cool, and some will make you turn your head to the side in shock.

But will any of that really keep you from enjoying the game? I mean is it really worth crying over?

Of course it is, why did I even ask?

Btw, my monthly was two days ago. Lrn my cycle moar, stupid.


I... think she looks fine. I think she's actually one of the lesser visually offensive characters of the game so far (which really isn't saying alot but hey :|).

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
I don't need to try to demean your opinions. I just do. :awesome:

I just don't get why you people are watching the designs of these characters as if this the next new reality show buzz or something. Some are gonna look cool, some are gonna look less than cool, and some will make you turn your head to the side in shock.

But will any of that really keep you from enjoying the game? I mean is it really worth crying over?

Of course it is, why did I even ask?

Btw, my monthly was two days ago. Lrn my cycle moar, stupid.

Yeah we'll have to look out for it seeing as how you're so prone to bleeding all over the threads with your illogical horse shite. LOL @ you pretending you never dissected character design before a game was ever released. Who was it that likened the Versus crew to Nsync? HMMMMMM?

Who said ANYTHING about playing or not playing because of the designs? HURRRRRRRR DURRRRRRRR. Costume design is part of what defines a character, just like the plot, and if it looks stupid, THEN PEOPLE AREN'T GOING TO LIKE IT. Good development won't save a character from looking stupid, and cool character design won't change shit development.

So take your notes sonny, because I won't be schooling you again on this.



Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Yeah we'll have to look out for it seeing as how you're so prone to bleeding all over the threads with your illogical horse shite. LOL @ you pretending you never dissected character design before a game was ever released. Who was it that likened the Versus crew to Nsync? HMMMMMM?

...Oh shit, you remembered that. :monster:

Well still, I'm not that vexed by it. They look alright in their own way, I guess. I just am not in it for all the looks.

Who said ANYTHING about playing or not playing because of the designs? HURRRRRRRR DURRRRRRRR. Costume design is part of what defines a character, just like the plot, and if it looks stupid, THEN PEOPLE AREN'T GOING TO LIKE IT. Good development won't save a character from looking stupid, and cool character design won't change shit development.

Look at Vaan. He's liked by a lot of people, and he has the weirdest abs and dress choice I've ever seen in FF. It was only til' FF TA2 that he finally started looking cool.

So take your notes sonny, because I won't be schooling you again on this.


Guess I should tell you I sleep during the classes I find boring, tedious and useless. :awesome:

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
...Oh shit, you remembered that. :monster:

Well still, I'm not that vexed by it. They look alright in their own way, I guess. I just am not in it for all the looks.


Look at Vaan. He's liked by a lot of people, and he has the weirdest abs and dress choice I've ever seen in FF. It was only til' FF TA2 that he finally started looking cool.

Vaan's hated by more folks than he is liked, and that's got a lot less to do with the Aladdin esque outfit than it does with his outfit. A case of bland design and development.
Guess I should tell you I sleep during the classes I find boring, tedious and useless. :awesome:

Then you shouldn't be so surprised when you don't learn anything sonny.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Well I'm not critiquing every outfit that comes my way. I didn't even bring up the topic of their outfits, I was just merely passing a comment :monster:

And again, if they're cool enough and interesting, I'll forgive the outfit and just accept it. I mean, it's not that big a deal to me.

Vaan's hated that much? Really? I hear how they say he's not important and all, but hated? Eh, well whatever. Lots of FF characters have some bizarre senses of fashion but people still eat em up because the characters themselves are awesome and make the outfit awesome. Again. MC Hammer pants on a SOLDIER? Seriously?

And please, as if you could teach me anything. I got the cliffnotes already :awesome:

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Well I'm not critiquing every outfit that comes my way. I didn't even bring up the topic of their outfits, I was just merely passing a comment :monster:

YEAH RIGHT. You're bullshitting if you're saying you haven't had thoughts about each outfit as each character was revealed. Because there's only so much you can do with one character render and a handful of sparse information.
And again, if they're cool enough and interesting, I'll forgive the outfit and just accept it. I mean, it's not that big a deal to me.
That still won't stop you from thinking it looks stupid if it looks bad enough and you know it.
Vaan's hated that much? Really? I hear how they say he's not important and all, but hated? Eh, well whatever.
You must be blind.

Lots of FF characters have some bizarre senses of fashion but people still eat em up because the characters themselves are awesome and make the outfit awesome. Again. MC Hammer pants on a SOLDIER? Seriously?
Oh come on, lose the MC Hammer bullshit, it's not even applicable anymore. Big pants does not make MC hammer pants. They need to be silky smooth and incredibly thin. Large pants does not a bizarre outfit make. Cloud's outfit went well together and the colors didn't clash, and it's not like they were incredibly impractical, it was just weird, but not so much that it was distracting.

And no character makes a shit outfit awesome. I mean come on, Auron would have been nowhere near as badass if he was walking around in briefs and high heels. He'd be a joke. Just like a lot of people had problems with Ashe's weird ass hot pink skirt that completely clashed with the rest of her design.

And please, as if you could teach me anything. I got the cliffnotes already :awesome:
Yet you keep losing the game.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
YEAH RIGHT. You're bullshitting if you're saying you haven't had thoughts about each outfit as each character was revealed. Because there's only so much you can do with one character render and a handful of sparse information.
That still won't stop you from thinking it looks stupid if it looks bad enough and you know it.

It'd have to be pretty damn shit-tastic to make me think its that bad. And yeah I think about it, but not too hard. I mean, it either has to be really good looking, or really bad, for me to really zero in on it. Aside from Team Nora, I haven't seen any designs that just..made me really want to rage over the clothing designs.

And well I guess I just don't see all the Vaan hate. Lucky me.

Oh come on, lose the MC Hammer bullshit, it's not even applicable anymore. Big pants does not make MC hammer pants. They need to be silky smooth and incredibly thin. Large pants does not a bizarre outfit make. Cloud's outfit went well together and the colors didn't clash, and it's not like they were incredibly impractical, it was just weird, but not so much that it was distracting.

LOL, I'm just callin' it like I see it. They made that outfit look cooler with the subsequent Compilation and various artwork, but looking at the game, that's what he looked like. :wacky:

And no character makes a shit outfit awesome. I mean come on, Auron would have been nowhere near as badass if he was walking around in briefs and high heels. He'd be a joke. Just like a lot of people had problems with Ashe's weird ass hot pink skirt that completely clashed with the rest of her design.

Okay...Auron in BRIEFS and HIGH HEELS is something that's so shit-tastic you can't ignore. I'm not saying they could wear anything and be badass, but let's look at it within reason.

....And what? Her skirt was cute. You tripped over that too? Damn, man. C'mon.

Yet you keep losing the game.

LOL, no.


just a fleeting memory
M-Mira, crackitlackin, Izaya Orihara, SAILOR NARU, Sharon Rainsworth, Mara, Brosuke Hanamura, Commissioner Gordon, Santa Claus, Lenneth Valkyrie
I saw more FFXII hate than Vaan hate. And sorry to be superficial, but in the world of fiction... were you only get to know a character through a few cut scenes and text, looks do make a difference. I haven't met a single person who liked Seymour's character designs or the character himself. Ever. But if you don't have that, good dialogue can help to a certain extent.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
It'd have to be pretty damn shit-tastic to make me think its that bad. And yeah I think about it, but not too hard. I mean, it either has to be really good looking, or really bad, for me to really zero in on it. Aside from Team Nora, I haven't seen any designs that just..made me really want to rage over the clothing designs.

Well no one here is "RAGEING" over Serah's design. It just looks lame to me and completely inappropriate. I'm more indifferent to her character as a whole, but I will say what I think on the design itself.
And well I guess I just don't see all the Vaan hate. Lucky me.
It's pretty generic on a lot of message boards. It's a common complaint in the list of "reasons" that FFXII sucks.
LOL, I'm just callin' it like I see it. They made that outfit look cooler with the subsequent Compilation and various artwork, but looking at the game, that's what he looked like. :wacky:
Yeah, no.

Okay...Auron in BRIEFS and HIGH HEELS is something that's so shit-tastic you can't ignore. I'm not saying they could wear anything and be badass, but let's look at it within reason.
Oh bullshit, that is within reason. A character has to mesh on both fronts or it's going to fail for a lot of people. Looking like a retard for 90% of the game IS going to distract people.

....And what? Her skirt was cute. You tripped over that too? Damn, man. C'mon.
I didn't "trip" over anything Cinderella, but there's no denying that it's a ridiculously stupid choice given the setting, and the overall design of the world. Hell it clashes with the rest of her own outfit and looks weird. Especially for a warrior princess who is supposed to be keeping a low profile. A hot pink miniskirt practically screams PAY ATTENTION TO ME.

You just lost again.

Dark and Divine

Pro Adventurer
So, is Serah really fifteen while Snow is twenty eight?

That's kind of creepy.

I bet that the PSICOM Soldiers are after Snow not because
he's a Pulse L'Cie
, but because he's a pedophile, stalking innocent school girls who dress themselves like
Britney Spears.

"Hit me, baby, one more time!" :monster:
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