Final Fantasy XIII Non-Spoiler Thread


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
No he really doesn't. Not past the first scene in the game. Steiner eventually begrudgingly follows him around to keep his eye on him. He never openly challenges, fights, or opposes you in the game, at all. Save for that ONE fight. He's nothing close to an antagonist. Hell, Amarant is more of an antagonist than him.


No he really doesn't. Not past the first scene in the game.

That a pretty giant scene you have there.

Steiner eventually begrudgingly follows him around to keep his eye on him. He never openly challenges, fights, or opposes you in the game, at all. Save for that ONE fight. He's nothing close to an antagonist. Hell, Amarant is more of an antagonist than him.

I missed this, from what I can tell he joins you with every intention of getting Garnet back to the castle, something Zidane is directly opposed to and doesn't change his mind about this for quite a while. Looking at the definition of an antagonist that Terra put forward there being antagonist doesn't require direct challenge and combat.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
That a pretty giant scene you have there.

Not...really. It's pretty comical. And again, right after it, he helps you and works with you in getting out of the Evil Forest alive. Then you go to Dali Village, where he too, helps you. He helps you because Garnet wants to follow Zidane and go to Lindblum, and as per duty, he has to safe guard her, even if she does something he doesn't want her to do. And when he tries to go off on his own, to find a way back to Alexander, guess what? He sees the truth of whats going on and still opts to help her and begrudgingly, Zidane too. He "opposes" Zidane for a very small part of the story. You can't call him an antagonist.

I missed this, from what I can tell he joins you with every intention of getting Garnet back to the castle, something Zidane is directly opposed to and doesn't change his mind about this for quite a while. Looking at the definition of an antagonist that Terra put forward there being antagonist doesn't require direct challenge and combat.

That's true, BUT his overall duty and desire is to protect Garnet, and because SHE doesn't want to leave, he doesn't either, and he accepts that he's gonna be following Zidane. Being an antagonist means that a significant portion of the character's time and energy is spent in direct opposition to the protagonist. Not only that, but that their main role in the story is that of, antagonist. Saying Steiner is an antagonist of FFIX because in the first few minutes you have to fight him, is taking his role in the story completely out of context. It'd be the equivalent of saying Yuffie is an antagonist of FFVII>


Not...really. It's pretty comical. And again, right after it, he helps you and works with you in getting out of the Evil Forest alive. Then you go to Dali Village, where he too, helps you. He helps you because Garnet wants to follow Zidane and go to Lindblum, and as per duty, he has to safe guard her, even if she does something he doesn't want her to do. And when he tries to go off on his own, to find a way back to Alexander, guess what? He sees the truth of whats going on and still opts to help her and begrudgingly, Zidane too. He "opposes" Zidane for a very small part of the story. You can't call him an antagonist.

That's true, BUT his overall duty and desire is to protect Garnet, and because SHE doesn't want to leave, he doesn't either, and he accepts that he's gonna be following Zidane. Being an antagonist means that a significant portion of the character's time and energy is spent in direct opposition to the protagonist. Not only that, but that their main role in the story is that of, antagonist. Saying Steiner is an antagonist of FFIX because in the first few minutes you have to fight him, is taking his role in the story completely out of context. It'd be the equivalent of saying Yuffie is an antagonist of FFVII>

Yuffie actually klike the main character. It takes Steiner a Looooong while to admit that Zidane is even remotely doing the right thing. I agree, it i pretty comical, FFIX is a very funny game and a the smartass hero Zidane ha the ability to pretty much trick Steiner into being his complete loyal ally every other moment. But whenever he actually gets a line in it's in diagreement with whatever Zidane says.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Yuffie actually klike the main character. It takes Steiner a Looooong while to admit that Zidane is even remotely doing the right thing. I agree, it i pretty comical, FFIX is a very funny game and a the smartass hero Zidane ha the ability to pretty much trick Steiner into being his complete loyal ally every other moment. But whenever he actually gets a line in it's in diagreement with whatever Zidane says.

She may like the main character, but you get her to join you buy beating her up, and then saying the right words to placate her ego. And even then, she's still plotting to steal your shit, and then she does and you have to chase her around Wutai to get it back. If you're gonna call Steiner an antagonist because in the beginning of the game, you fight him, and then after that, Zidane and him have a tense little rivalry between them, then Yuffie would fit the bill to a T. But that's not true.

And yeah, Steiner disagreed with Zidane a lot, but that doesn't make him a storyline antagonist. That just shows them having differing viewpoints which makes all the sense in the world. One's a carefree thief, the other an austere knight. Of course their viewpoints would clash. But in the end, they become good friends and Steiner respects Zidane.


I really see Zidane and Steiner more as teeth-clenched teamwork/allies of convenience then any kind of rivalry.


Well yeah, that's true. But they don't stay that way forever. They end up being good friends.

It takes a lot more then Yuffie though.

EDIT: Well never mind it all now, new scans are out and if Fang was to be a conflicted character then they've decided against it. She's already sown to be buddy buddy with Lightning.
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The Wanderer of Time
Bahamut's Gestahlt mode revealed - the giant flying dragon we know and love.



Pro Adventurer
Bahamut's Gestahlt mode revealed - the giant flying dragon we know and love.


That's good, but also confuses me. If the dragon is his Gestahlt mode, what does he usually look like? He looks like a dragon in the scan a few pages back, at least to me. Also, where did you hear this?


The Wanderer of Time

Normal Bahamut -

And I know for certain I saw a scan of Bahamut with wings flying, which is Gestahlt Mode. Lemme dig it up.

EDIT - Damn, it was posted on FF Wiki, but now the link doesn't work. But I swear on my grandmother's grave, it showed a flying version of Bahamut with the typical Gestahlt mode interface in the lower-left.
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Pro Adventurer

Normal Bahamut -

And I know for certain I saw a scan of Bahamut with wings flying, which is Gestahlt Mode. Lemme dig it up.

EDIT - Damn, it was posted on FF Wiki, but now the link doesn't work. But I swear on my grandmother's grave, it showed a flying version of Bahamut with the typical Gestahlt mode interface in the lower-left.

It's alright, I believe you. Honestly I'm just happy for the pic you provided! Now I'm a little bit closer to actually have a vague goddamn idea if Bahamut is interesting or not :awesome:


The Wanderer of Time

FF13 Interview
- Fang is physically stronger the Lightning and more strong-willed than Snow.
- (Other main characters?) An FF mainstay (laughs) coughCidcough
- Bahamut's element is not specified
- Conceptually, Bahamut's style can be considered "Aerial Raver" (probably referring to the 2d fighting game style) in which using great mobility and power, he launches opponents into the air and juggles the crap out of them.
- Sazh's summon is female. She has fun while fighting casually.
- Palmpolm (location in trailers?) is crystallized because a battle between Snow + Shiva and a certain other individual took place previously.

Nomura (FFXIII)
- Before the scenario was complete, Fang was a male character.
- After making her female, in order to avoid too much similarities with Lightning, they made Lightning less sexy and Fang more sexy. Damn you Fang!
- (Nomura himself?) has nothing to do with character weapons. ambiguous Japanese pronouns ftl
- For FFXIII, transforming weapons are also a key concept as well as summons.
- Ultimate decisions for voice casting was up to Toriyama.
- Sazh was originally intended to wear a hat over his afro.

- Footage at TGS was for internal previewing purposes, so there's not actually a character that is shimmering white, it just didn't have textures. Behemoth was also displaying without textures.
- (w/ regard to the ginormous monsters seen in the trailers) they were testing to see the limit of how big the monsters could be I imagine they're referring to hardware testing
- (Q: Can we really fight enemies like that? It's hard to imagine) I can see how it's hard to imagine. Even I'm wondering if it can be done, which is why we're trying to do it.
- Playstyle can be categorized as an extension of the Kingdom Hearts system, but we're trying to make it feel like the nostalgia of traditional FF mixed with something new.
- Heavy focus on level design.
- Experimenting with having a portrait window of Noct at the bottom right so that you can see his emotions all of the time, but when the other party members are on the screen it feels weird, so we're probably going to remove this.
- Window idea was brought up because they wanted it to be a way to understand what your other party members are doing on their own
- Aiming for the type of buddy A.I. such as in western FPSs, where they act on their own but you get the feeling that they're teammates working in unison with you.
- All clothing is asymmetrical
- Noct doesn't wear a necklace or earrings, the ring he wears on his right hand (which is story related) is his only accessory.
- The ring is important, so on his left hand he wears an open fingered glove.
- Noct maybe rides a bike.
- In order to make it difficult to tell the difference between pre-rendered CG and real-time footage, they pay attention to the most minute details down to the wrinkles in boots.
- Stuff that wasn't in the test will be revealed bit by bit next year, perhaps as early as E3

- The multiplayer shown at TGS was mostly legitimate battle footage
- Very difficult at the moment
- Constantly updating the battle with new short missions is a key point to Agito
- Up to you to decide whether or not to accept the new objectives. If you don't respond within a certain amount of time, it will assume you accepted them.
- Next year is the year to start looking forward to stuff. Media blitzing like this year was XIII's year, I imagine.

So Fang Spear-chick is a Dragoon, summons Bahamut, AND she's confirmed to be sexy and flirty. I think I'm love.
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Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Pretty sure we knew all about Brunhilde already.

I hope they incorporate CO-OP into Versus like they are in the Kingdom Hearts games.

Burning through the game with friends would be awesome.


Pro Adventurer
I think Oerba Yun Fang might be my favourite character so far, but I am a bit of a spear-whore. And I noticed she's wearing furs somewhat similar to Vanille, so that might mean they have more in common than just names.


it's me in a labyrinth
spirit chaser
Despite what everyone says, I still think Lightning is much better looking than Fang.


The Minish Elf
Not sure if anyone knew about this, and I'm sorry I double posted in this thread. I'll put it in spoiler encase it was already posted some place.
Final Fantasy XIII Summary~
- Final Fantasy XIII will support trophies.
- Oerba Yun Fang was originally planned to be male.
- Lightning was originally planned to be sexy.
- The sex appeal was taken from Lightning and put into Oerba Yun Fang.
- Sazh was originally going to have a hat on top of the 'fro.
- Cid will most likely be the character revealed to have a major role.
- Final Fantasy XIII will not be able to be installed onto the console hard drive.
- Loading times will be almost non-existent.

Tetsuya Nomura and Motomu Toriyama have dished out the latest on Final Fantasy XIII in this week's Famitsu. For those who've been keeping up with the game, the comments from the two are particularly revealing this time.

Let's start off with some character trivia. Recently, we shared details on Oerba Yun Fang, the sexy black haired girl from the Tokyo Game Show trailer who, although a l'Cie like Snow and the rest of the main cast, appears to support the government. It turns out that she wasn't so sexy when the FF project began. According to Nomura, she was originally scheduled to be a male character. When they switched her to female, they decided to give her a sexy quality, which they removed from Lightning in order to differentiate the two. So remember -- Lightning originally had sex appeal, Fang was originally a guy.

In other character trivia, Nomura revealed that Sazh's character setting was originally going to be even more ridiculous. How can you get more ridiculous than having a baby Chocobo residing in your 'fro? How about by placing a hat on top of that 'fro? Let's hope we'll get to see some concept art for this one!

Toriyama didn't really share anything in the way of trivia, but he did give us one big hint on a future character reveal. What's the one character name you always see in a Final Fantasy game? If you answered Cid, pat yourself on the back (and somewhere else if you like). While not specifically mentioning Cid's name, Toriyama did say that a familiar Final Fantasy character will have a major role in FFXIII.

Toriyama also shared some technical details on the game. Save data will take up 500KB. Trophy data takes up 3,080KB (yes, it looks like the game supports Trophies!). In case you were stocking up munitions for a big system wars battle, there won't be a hard disk installation.

Worried about load times? Don't be. The only time you'll see load times is when you transition from town to field. Once you're out on the field, the game is seamless. Toriyama explained that the game's tech staff tackled loading early on in order to keep the experience as smooth as possible.

Nomura also shared some details on some of his other projects, including Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Final Fantasy Agito XIII, and The 3rd Birthday.

Visitors to Square Enix's Tokyo Game Show booth were shown what looked like first gameplay footage of Versus XIII. This footage, Nomura stressed in the interview, was just test footage.

Towards the end of the footage, we got to see main character Noctis running about an expansive open field with giant dinosaur-like creatures roaming about. The giant beasts had no textures, explained Nomura. The staff put the creatures in as a means of testing how large they could make them (they were pretty big!).

A town sequence shown prior to the field sequence featured some human characters who shined with a white color. There won't be any such characters in the actual game, Nomura revealed.

The actual Versus XIII gameplay experience, explained Nomura, will be an extension of Kingdom Hearts, but blended with the "newness" and "nostalgic feel" of Final Fantasy. The development staff is placing a particular emphases on the game's level design.

There will be some sort of partner system, with characters moving independently of one-another, but always connected. The TGS footage apparently had a window in the lower right of the screen displaying the position of your partner characters. This window probably won't make it in, as it gets in the way of making players feel like they're in the game.

We'll get our first real look at non test footage for Versus XIII some time next year. At earliest, we'll have to wait until E3.

On Agito, Nomura said that the Tokyo Game Show battle footage represented something close to the final form of the battle system. The game is, at present, quite difficult, he said. Expect Agito to enter the spotlight more next year.

Finally, Nomura touched just a bit on The 3rd Birthday. This PSP sequel to Parasite Eve was shown minimally during the Square Enix TGS video reel. The blurred bits of gameplay shown during the reel made it look like a third person shooter. The footage was blurred, explained Nomura, because there were some areas that the staff did not want to show. We'll get updates on the game starting next year.

That's from IGN.


it's me in a labyrinth
spirit chaser
So remember -- Lightning originally had sex appeal, Fang was originally a guy.

I love how Lightning turned out to be. She's a tough no-time-for-flirt girl, and I don't care that Fang could possibly kick her arse.
Srsly, I'm not a fan of femme fatale type characters.

And so far it's Vanille who intrigues me the most. I thought she was another mary sue character at first, but now I think she's a rather bright character with an interesting background story. -_-
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