Final Fantasy XIII Spoiler Thread (SPOILERS)


Ooooh Salty!
roxas9001, Krat0s9001, DarkSlayerZero
Huge update

1. Finished every Cie'th Stone w/5 Stars.

2. Whooped a Long Gui.

3. 1 trophy away from Plat

4. I'm setting at 100+ hrs played(104-5 ish).


I remember doing the Plat. I'd already played the game twice. I think I was one trophy away from the platinum at about 80-90 hours ish, and I spent 3 solid days farming gil for treasure hunter. Killing adamantoises over and over and over. At a certain point it become strangely addictive when you've got a really fast strategy down (I think I was killing the Eden one in about 70-90 seconds without summons in the end). When I turned it off for the night I was glad but when I woke up the next day I just wanted to keep doing it for some reason.


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
With my recent play through of XIII, I am in Chapter 11 (Gran Pulse). I'm working on getting my crystarium maxed out, and gaining gil to level up weapons and accessories. I would like to Platinum it... I've been working on running around the Massif and Steppe, fighting what I know (or think) I can win. Very low level right now; been working on the secondary roles for characters, instead of maxing out the primary ones.


AI Researcher
I wanted to replay the previous games before LR comes out. I've got all the trophies for FFXIII-2 (which puts it in a rare category of games I got platinum trophies for, alongside Bayonetta and Uncharted 2), but I'm missing three trophies for FFXIII excluding the platinum: the one for having obtained all the weapons and accessories, one for defeating the Long Gui, and the one for getting 5 stars on all the missions. The latter two I might just use my completed saves for, but maybe I'll try to get the first one on a new file if it turns out I missed something or made a mistake along the way.


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
I want to Platinum XIII-2 as well. I think I have most of the trophies... I'm at 95% or something like that for XIII-2, whereas with XIII I'm around 75%.

Biggest issue with me in regards to XIII is that I get bored with the chocobo treasure hunting, trying to get the gil to advance the weapons and the items.

Honestly, It's a pain in the ass. This is where the linearity issue comes in for me, but otherwise that was never much of a complaint.

Still, this time around, that's what I'm trying to do. I've been so far successful, but the boredom issue has been creeping up more so in this late hour of the game.

I'm trying to get the battles to gain the trust of the chocobos; first Cie'th Stone mission. It's kicking my butt.

For those of you who have five-starred the missions: did you have to do them over again, or are you miracle workers and 5-starred them in the first go?


unsavory tart
I'm not even going to bother getting the treasure hunter achievement, I can barely fully upgrade my weapons without growing crazy (and I don't even have all the weapons either, I'm missing Snow and Vanille's)
For those of you who have five-starred the missions: did you have to do them over again, or are you miracle workers and 5-starred them in the first go?
Did them over again, I wasn't even sure I was going to do 5 stars until I already fully upgraded my shit and completely leveled my stuff.

It was a mistake though, 5 stars take in account your stats, and even with the golden clock, or whatever accessory allows for more time, I was having serious trouble with a lot of different fights because they required seconds.


Great Old One
Ugh, the legendary XIII Platinum. Broke my back on that one. Couldn't play the game for months after that. I did have some fun with it though, including the 25 hour marathon where Splint kept me company all night. I was on Skype with Lex a lot when I did that trophy, grinding toises until I was green in the face. I suggest having a plan for how you spend your gil. I had written down how many Platinum Ingots I needed, but I always ended up needing 5 more, and 5 more, and 5 more... that's because I brainfarted on a few things, plus I got this insane wish for leveling 2 of someone's weapons, probably Vanille. 'Ohey I'm already so much into this I can do one more Tier 3!' No. Don't do that. X) Also there are smart ways of selling stuff you no longer need, like dismantling some Tier 3 weapon into other weapons, or how that was. The downside is you'll no longer have a Tier 3 weapon for one of your characters. But that won't be a problem as you'll not want to play the game for some time anyway after popping the trophy. X)

Some fights I had to redo several times, others I got on my first try. Beating the final target gives you a Gold Watch which lets you 5 star more easily, so if you're having problems I suggest go do that. You need the Gold Watch for Treasure Hunter anyway, and you can't 5 star the last mission without it. (Or, I guess there is a way, but most people can't.) One of the hardest mission is those two floating shielded fuckers on top of a rock on the Steppe. I'm just saying, regarding that fight, and a lot of other fights too: Equip magic resistant accessories! And look into which element spells/ moves are based on. (Hint: Earth.) I could never have beaten Long Gui on my first try if I didn't dodge Ultima the way I did.

I did Treasure Hunter as my second to last trophy. I saved the final hunt so I could have the hunts (hunts? this is XIII Fangu; missions, yes) be the last thing I did. So when I finally 5 starred him, both trophies popped. And then I could climb out of my sofa and go back to having a life.


Ooooh Salty!
roxas9001, Krat0s9001, DarkSlayerZero
I 5 starred most of the Titan Trials on my first try, thanks to items.

I saved the "invincible Cie'th" for last once I maxed out my grid.


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
Did you know each character has his or her own entry and exit dialogue to the Titan Trials?

I 5 starred most of the Titan Trials on my first try, thanks to items.

I saved the "invincible Cie'th" for last once I maxed out my grid.

Invisible Cie'th?


Ooooh Salty!
roxas9001, Krat0s9001, DarkSlayerZero
Invincible Cie'th?



Great Old One
I think I remember their name now - Raktavija? Yeah I remember that fight being a total pain in the lower abdomen until Splint told me to use Witches Bracelets and the likes. If you're gonna take them down with 5 stars without the Gold Watch, you need to be able to be offensive. Also debuff debuff debuff iirc (Smart Bomb, Tri-Disaster etc).


Ooooh Salty!
roxas9001, Krat0s9001, DarkSlayerZero
I think I remember their name now - Raktavija? Yeah I remember that fight being a total pain in the lower abdomen until Splint told me to use Witches Bracelets and the likes. If you're gonna take them down with 5 stars without the Gold Watch, you need to be able to be offensive. Also debuff debuff debuff iirc (Smart Bomb, Tri-Disaster etc).

My first test fight was about 23 mins

The second fight was about 8 mins


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
I just noticed it Kuja, sorry... You said "Invincible Cie'th" and I read it as "Invisible Cie'th". :P


Ooooh Salty!
roxas9001, Krat0s9001, DarkSlayerZero
I wish I knew about the upgrade calculator a long time ago.

Got Light and Vanille's tier 2 weapons at Max, and 2 traps.


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
Nobody knows the trouble I see...
Nobody knows the sorrow...

Sounds of the country night permeate the darkness.


Ooooh Salty!
roxas9001, Krat0s9001, DarkSlayerZero

I upgraded most of the weapons to 3x experience so I just have to use a ultra reactor thing to max it.

Update 7/21

Used 2,000,000 Gil to upgrade 98% of my weapons.

Got a platinum inget pretty much after every fight :)

Need 2,000,000 more to max everything.
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