Final Fantasy XIII Spoiler Thread (SPOILERS)


Double Growth
Maybe if they had been more like XII's Hunts and offered more of a reward than just the sense of accomplishment alone.

Which reward was that? The 0 Experience or the 200 gil and a Potion for a giant, extra lethal monster?
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You get Genji Gloves for the higher mark missions in XIII, which is nice :monster:

Although words cannot express how much I hate those two Raktavija. I just did it with a fully maxed team, maxed weapons and almost maxed accessories and it still took me longer to kill them than a Toise. Even a Shaolong Gui.


Great Old One
Although words cannot express how much I hate those two Raktavija. I just did it with a fully maxed team, maxed weapons and almost maxed accessories and it still took me longer to kill them than a Toise. Even a Shaolong Gui.
I'm so glad Splintered was in #tls when I was doing those missions. I would never had five starred it (no Gold Watch) without the Witch Bracelets and Magus Bracelet. Plus Lightning was so kind to Instant Stagger one of them for me. I HATED that battle in my last playthrough, it was the battle I hated the most, and I was dreading it immensely. Thankfully I got lucky this time.

Also I got the Adamant Trophy - I killed the Long Gui on my first try ever!


^I also just realised that you can use an elixir to spam summons if you have to stagger it twice.


unsavory tart
I'm so glad Splintered was in #tls when I was doing those missions. I would never had five starred it (no Gold Watch) without the Witch Bracelets and Magus Bracelet. Plus Lightning was so kind to Instant Stagger one of them for me. I HATED that battle in my last playthrough, it was the battle I hated the most, and I was dreading it immensely. Thankfully I got lucky this time.

Also I got the Adamant Trophy - I killed the Long Gui on my first try ever!
My first playthrough I absolutely got demolished anytime I tried and I noticed a lot of the youtube videos had magical resistance accessories. So I was like POUR ALL RESOURCES INTO MAGIC RESISTANCE and holycrap it was a lot of difference.

I never tried InstaStagger though. If I ever do another playthrough (which I will probably before LR comes out) I'll remember that because my life would be made a hell of a lot easier.

If it was up to me I think I could have kept going for a few more hours, but my bf told me to go to bed as I was looking really sad and my voice had turned kinda high-pitched and according to him I was using only 40% of my vocabulary :monster:
lame. That's what made it fun.

You get Genji Gloves for the higher mark missions in XIII, which is nice :monster:
You do get some nice things for a lot of the marks. Some fantastic accessories like growth Egg, extra areas/chocobos, and high level components. I think a lot of the issue with the marks is that I kind of missed the personality in it, it just felt like a long list of stuff to do.

XIII-2's sidequests were a lot less creative, but for some reason they were just more fun to do, probably because there was more variety, and the info that came from them was fun to read.


Great Old One
My first playthrough I absolutely got demolished anytime I tried and I noticed a lot of the youtube videos had magical resistance accessories. So I was like POUR ALL RESOURCES INTO MAGIC RESISTANCE and holycrap it was a lot of difference.
Regarding this, I can also thank you for killing Long Gui on my first try: I equipped my Stiltstone and Gaian rings to reduce the Earth damage from his stomps, but I also kept the magic equipment on for Ultima. Worked like a charm. Ultima only almost killed me once, Fang (leader) only had a little bit of HP left but Renew took care of that. It was two staggers and he was dead. No summons.

I also have a feeling magic defense helps with debuffs too, because Shaolong Gui's Bay and Long Gui's Roar very rarely managed to hit all 3 with daze. Mostly just 1 or 2 of the characters, which makes a HUGE difference.

I never tried InstaStagger though. If I ever do another playthrough (which I will probably before LR comes out) I'll remember that because my life would be made a hell of a lot easier.
How the hell did you do Gigantuar without Instant Chain??

lame. That's what made it fun.
I had to spend 4 hours this afternoon to get the damn Platinum, BUT I GOT IT AND IT IS NOW MINE FOREVER

I srsly broke my back getting it though


unsavory tart
I meant for Raktavija. Having instantstagger for them would have been awesome, especially since I was using Fang and didn't have tridisaster.

I was fully maxed with at least tier 2 weapons and Gigantaur still kicked my ass without instant stagger. It's an asshole of a mark.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
I said:
Maybe if they had been more like XII's Hunts and offered more of a reward than just the sense of accomplishment alone.
Which reward was that? The 0 Experience or the 200 gil and a Potion for a giant, extra lethal monster?

I was actually referring to the Clan Primer's Bestiary entries. :monster:

But, since I brought up the sense of satisfaction, XIII's Missions didn't feel all that special either. I know from watching videos on YouTube that Vercingetorix got a special death cutscene, but it seems like most of the Cie'th Stone Missions don't even involve so much as a unique death animation.

To say nothing of the problem in your ultimate boss being a pallette swap of a dozen weaker enemies the player has already beaten.


Double Growth
As I said in the other thread I love XII's bestiary, but the hunts still piss me off. They're double tough, which would be fine but, NO experience?! And then, with a few exceptions, the piddly rewards you get don't come close to covering the items I often had to expend to win the battle. In a game that required so much grinding, having the hunts give you experience would have been a great way to mask some of it by doing something productive.

XIII's hunts give you some great stuff, and I don't recall having to level grind very much for it, because the hunts give you plenty, especially after you get the Growth Egg. How could XII's have required less level grinding for you? (I assume since you said the level grinding that would be required for XIII's turned you off.)


XIII's Missions didn't feel all that special either. I know from watching videos on YouTube that Vercingetorix got a special death cutscene, but it seems like most of the Cie'th Stone Missions don't even involve so much as a unique death animation.

Here's my favourite XIII mark mission:



Great Old One
^ I wish the title of the video didn't give it away :lol: But yeah I remember getting to that mission mark, and going all 'wtf?!' My bf was watching and he was like 'it's HIM you're gonna fight!'

I'm having a hard time thinking of a Mission Mark in XIII I like better than said mission. Maybe Mithridates or Vercingetorix, but that's just because they can be quite tough and require some strategizing with SABs. I love SABbing. Geiseric was also quite pleasing to beat.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
XIII's hunts give you some great stuff, and I don't recall having to level grind very much for it, because the hunts give you plenty, especially after you get the Growth Egg. How could XII's have required less level grinding for you? (I assume since you said the level grinding that would be required for XIII's turned you off.)

Oh, XII's required it, to be sure. I just didn't feel as compelled to do it all in XIII as I had with XII.

Felt more like I was experiencing and fleshing out the world in XII -- and I honestly didn't mind the leveling as much in that one for some reason.

XIII's just never convinced me it was "necessary." I also didn't feel convinced I was having much impact on the setting by knocking off monsters that a fal'Cie surely could have taken care of themselves, all hopefully to give peace to a person who is still just as screwed whether I succeed or no in these desolate, forgotten corners of nowhere.

That all sounds a lot more spiteful than it really should. :monster:

Selphie Tilmitt

Pro Adventurer
Wait ... I thought I was setting them free, putting their souls to rest or something :monster: It'd be sad if they were still trapped, I'd prefer to think they weren't :( Speaking of which I like the scene where Snow gets upset about them and refuses to leave them like that :monster:

Wow Fangu! Well done on the Plat. Congrats :monster:

I have also platted this game, then on a replay I racked up over another hundred hours just because I like the game and the fighting so much ^_^


Pro Adventurer
The side-quests in XIII have no connection to the narrative. There is a small moment when Titan appears I suppose you might say is relevant to understanding Pulse politics, since it's the only Pulse Fal'cie you speak to. The other face of Barthandelus.
In previous games including 'XII' all of the side-quests could fit somewhere into the storyline and in XII I believe you're hunted at some point by Ba'gamnan and his crew.
Right at this moment I'm playing VIII, which i have previously argued is the spiritual predecessor of XIII. And I'm at Centra Ruins, unlike XIII it's sidequests play out as mysteries to be uncovered whereas the interpretation of the ruins of XIII's past civilisation are found via scrolls.With that said XIII felt like such a microcosm in general that I wanted to get the most out of it, however most of the routes led to dead-ends. FFXIII-2 was worse as it's dead-ends only became something after you paid for it (the coliseum).


Right at this moment I'm playing VIII, which i have previously argued is the spiritual predecessor of XIII.

I'm interested to hear why you think this. The first time I saw a trailer for XIII I stylistically linked it to VIII but other than that I don't see much of connection. The futuristic design is probably about the only thing I could pinpoint.


Pro Adventurer
I'm interested to hear why you think this. The first time I saw a trailer for XIII I stylistically linked it to VIII but other than that I don't see much of connection. The futuristic design is probably about the only thing I could pinpoint.

Well the final(?) game of the XIII series is set in the time compressed world :D

The magic of both universes are created naturally but only can be utilised by rules that I think complement each other.
Both have creator myths, Hyne, and Bhunivelze, who leave a part of themselves behind on the planet before going back to sleep.
The junction system seemingly works the same as L’cie, and L’cie are reminiscent of Sorceresses who are chosen and marked by their predecessors. L’cie and sorceresses are feared throughout the worlds, Rinoa and Adel are sealed away.
The GF or Eidolons seemingly emerge from within the characters after being junctioned to them rather than being summoned. IX has this connection as well as does VI although in VI it’s more so using their corpses to battle. I think IX has a more primitive outlook than both XIII and VIII with only a summoners tribe being able to utilise them, I don’t think the how of IX was ever tackled other than they’re faraway and foreign and so have this ability (I understand what the IX eidolons were though).
I had more notes originally, but I haven’t played both games in a long while, and I’m only on Disk 2 of Viii.I don't want to force piece of a jogsaw in where they don't fit so I'm not going to mention the thematic stuff.


Ooooh Salty!
roxas9001, Krat0s9001, DarkSlayerZero
Playing for the first time, yesterday I whooped the Fal'Cie ontop the tower on Pulse, whooped Bart in Oerba(almost lost), and has just landed in Eden.


unsavory tart
Playing for the first time, yesterday I whooped the Fal'Cie ontop the tower on Pulse, whooped Bart in Oerba(almost lost), and has just landed in Eden.
You played XIII-2 first then XIII? Out of curiosity, how do you feel about the gameplay and story coming into it? I like XIII a lot but it's probably incredibly frustrating stepping down into such a linear, controlled game after XIII-2.


Ooooh Salty!
roxas9001, Krat0s9001, DarkSlayerZero
You played XIII-2 first then XIII? Out of curiosity, how do you feel about the gameplay and story coming into it? I like XIII a lot but it's probably incredibly frustrating stepping down into such a linear, controlled game after XIII-2.

Love the gameplay and story/lore. I like the challenge, raged a lot yesterday when fighting one of the bosses in the Fal'Cie tower.

I honestly don't care about the extreme linear structure.


Ooooh Salty!
roxas9001, Krat0s9001, DarkSlayerZero
Just severely f*cked up Rosch. My lady Fang did it with Highwind.


Ooooh Salty!
roxas9001, Krat0s9001, DarkSlayerZero
Just brutally destroyed Orphan, Fang+99,999 per hit=me:excited::excited::excited::excited::excited::excited:

Whooped two turtles way before fighting Orphan.

Edit: had a rage moment occur earlier, Orphan had 9800+ Hp left, Fang was the only one standing with like 140+ Hp left so I prep Highwind and just as Fang gets to the peak of the jump, she gets shot down lol.
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unsavory tart
Is someone interested in translating the deleted scenes of FFXIII?
Which scenes?

There are some translations over here that expand on Serah and Snow go to the Pulse Vestige if that helps.

First page:

Scene: 1

A military grade airbike stops by Snow and Serah.

Lt. Amodar: This place is closed to civilians, you can’t come in here.

Amodar makes them remember Light. He seems to remember Snow’s face.

Lt. Amodar: What? Ah, Snow. What are you doing here?

He jumps out of the airbike.

Snow: What happened here?
Amodar: Hm? That’s, well... (looks to the side) Anyway, this is no place for NORA.

Scene: 2

Serah: Is it a fal’Cie?

Amodar looks surprised, but relents.

Lt. Amodar: Yeah, I guess it’s already been revealed on the news? Damn. Yes, it’s a Pulse fal’Cie. We thought that Vestige was nothing but a pile of junk, but a fal’Cie was sleeping in it.

Scene: 3

He looks back towards the fal’Cie, and looks ill.

Lt. Amodar: Don’t tell anyone else this, but it seems some PSICOM went in there to investigate and never came out. Seriously. And the thing was asleep.

Snow: What’s going to happen? Are they going to destroy it?

Lt. Amodar: Honestly? I hardly know anything. As soon as PSICOM got here, they took complete control. We haven’t even got a scrap of information coming down the line. But from the little I’ve heard, it seems they’re planning on taking that thing out of here.

Scene: 4

A rumbling coming from the fal’Cie cuts Amodar off mid-sentence.

It seems it’s calling its l’Cie.

Scene: 5

Amodar doesn’t seem fazed by it, but Serah has a completely different reaction. Her brand burned against the bandages covering it. Then Snow sees it.

Snow: Serah!?
Serah: I don’t know what’s happening... is it calling me?
Snow: The fal’Cie is calling you?

Scene: 6

Snow, realizing there was no time, took a step towards a very surprised looking Amodar.

Snow: I’m sorry!

He was down with one punch. Snow stole his airbike, and holding Serah, went towards the fal’Cie.

Snow: I’ll get you there, don’t worry.

Second page:

The 12th Day Rosch’s Streetside Exposition----Bodhum.

Scene Setting

The city of Bodhum. Military fighting machines and airbikes fly through the skies. Crowds gather to hear about the barricading of Bodhum and to find out more information.

Scene: 1

Serah had just exposed the truth about her being a l’Cie and had dashed out of the house. Now Light is searching for her. Light looks up at the airbikes in the sky.

Light: Damn it. Damn it!

Scene: 2

Two military vehicles stop near where Light is standing. Light is walking through the crowds. Rosch from PSICOM is making announcements to the crowds of people. He is trying to suppress their panic. He has a very businesslike manner.

Scene: 3

Citizen A: All you have to do is destroy it, right!?

(People talking)

Rosch: Of course that is our plan, but cleaning up this fal’Cie problem isn’t the only one we have. We must take countermeasures.

Citizen B: What do you mean by that!?

(People talking)

Scene: 4

Rosch: Soon The Sanctum will be making an announcement. It is very important for the protection of Cocoon, and I hope that you all will cooperate.

One of Rosch’s subordinates comes up and whispers in his ear. Rosch nods towards the crowd and takes his leave.

Citizen C: But when will you lift the barricade on the station?

(People talking) I want to go home!

Citizen A: Why won’t you tell us what’s going on?

As Rosch leaves the TV that stands above the street began broadcasting. Light looks up at the TV.

Scene: 5

Primarch Dysley: Citizens of Cocoon. Since The War of Transgression our beloved world has been fending off an invasion from Pulse. Even now, we must take a stand and make any sacrifice to protect Cocoon. For the sake of safety and peace, we of The Sanctum have come to a very difficult decision. We will now commence with the Purge.

At the word Purge, all the people begin speaking. They do not yet know what the Purge entails.
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