Alright, guys, now that I've seen the entirety of the game -- albeit in Japanese -- I feel ready to discuss a few things. First of all, I want to see what everyone's disappointed with in FFXIII.
We've talked a bit about the things we feel it's done well, but what's something you don't like? I'm not looking for objective responses to this. If you don't like something, you don't like it.
But I do want to know why!
I'll go first:
1) Minimal travel - While the linearity of the game doesn't bother me, the fact that you could summarize everywhere the team goes fairly quickly does. Even FFXII had a lot of places to visit. FFXIII is pretty slim in this respect.
Still, at least it has a fairly substantial story.
2) Battle music - Most of the boss themes are great, but the standard music is uninspiring. The music for the final boss battle is a let-down as well.
3) Loose ends much? - What the hell happened to Rygdea after he shot Cid? How about the fal'Cie Anima?
I suppose Anima may have been undone given that it was inside Cocoon when the place was crystallized, but still -- a little clarification couldn't have hurt. Of course, it might have been a deliberate measure to not touch upon this again, leaving Anima around for later use. Maybe even as a means of uncrystallizing Fang and Vanille.
4) Poor use of Sanctum members - No boss fight with Rygdea? Or especially Jihl? When she was ready to take on the whole team by herself? What the
I can only figure that the developers were trying to subvert expectations a bit with Jihl, but, still -- that's an expectation that doesn't need subverting. They could have easily still had Galenth blast her, just after the fight and failing to defeat the heroes.
Cid gets brought back for all of 10 minutes -- and why exactly? I grant you, I didn't understand everything that was said on the matter, and I haven't attempted to translate much of it.
I still know unrealized potential and wtf-ery when I see it, though -- and bringing back this guy that Nomura was involved in the design of, only to have him appear in two scenes before getting voluntarily shot in the head by his former subordinate qualifies. He doesn't even so much as
talk to the party again.
5) Weak-ass final dungeon - For real, what the hell? Not that Sky Fortress Bahamut was anything special in XII, but I consider the Pharos Lighthouse to be the final dungeon there -- and it was hardly weak-ass.
What we're basically dealing with here is a short, floating hallway. With no walls. So a platform or something. That floats. And is short. And stupid.
6) Lame-ass main villain - Galenth Dysley. Really? Somebody a bullet in this guy's head.
Oh, that's right, the guy who would have made for a more interesting main villain got one put in his after becoming a slave to the lame-ass Pope.
Seriously, when you've got characters like Jihl, Rygdea and Cid, why would you make the obvious guy who was the main villain all along be the real main villain? No switch like with Gestahl and Kefka? Teh hell?
I'd like to have seen Jihl become the main villain, honestly. She's such a bitch. Plus, we could use more main villains who are female.
But, still, I could have settled for Cid or even Rygdea. What the hell, people?
Alright, so that's my rant.
Post yours!
Up next, I have a list of FFVII parallels to point out:
FFVII/FFXIII Parallels List
1) The basis for Lightning's design was that she be a "female version of Cloud." Not only does this hold true in general demeanor and naming scheme, but she's also a former soldier of the Sanctum, whereas Cloud was a former soldier -- and, as far as he knew, an ex-SOLDIER -- of Shin-Ra
2) Sazh Katzroy could be seen as analogous to Barret, as both lost their wives three years before the game, both are single parents, and both are "the black guy"
3) The Sanctum could be seen as analogous to Shin-Ra
4) Team Nora could be seen as analogous to AVALANCHE
5) Both games begin with two of the game's resistance fighters (the Cloud character and the Black Guy) launching an attack on the establishment from a train
6) Both games end with a large, meteor-like object falling toward the planet, threatening imminent catastrophe, only for it to be averted by something rising out of the planet to prevent it. In both cases, female party members who fell in service to the cause are responsible for saving everyone
7) Snow talks about being a hero, as Zack did
8) Snow fights like Tifa, using only his gloved fists
9) There's a date scene involving fireworks
10) There's a highway chase scene
11) There's a scene where one character suggests a journey to see a lost second character again, while a third confirms that they can go do this
Anyone think of any others?