Final Fantasy XV (was Versus XIII)


If the sky comes falling down
I'm gonna say he's one of those types who thinks it's a "pain" to do evil bad guy stuff... So he might end up helping you later. :)

I hope not because imo that would be too much like Axel from the Kingdom Hearts series and not really all that original. And having the same VA wouldn't help.


That Man
Honestly the guy gives me more of an older Irvine Kinneas vibe...than anything else.


If the sky comes falling down
Honestly the guy gives me more of an older Irvine Kinneas vibe...than anything else.

So Edgar Figaro basically ? :lol:

About Marluxia I think that judging by a Japanese culture view that he isn't all that feminine. Pink being girly is a Western thing as far as I know and blossoms are seen as a symbol of death I was told hence why Marluxia wields a scythe like the grim reaper. Not a expect on this though. I know shit all about Japan to be honest. Same with Kuja. I heard that Kuja was meant to be like a "rebel " type character and his clothes are meant to show his rebellion. And it's only by Western eyes that he looks feminine.


Double Growth
Well they obviously are more accustomed to such things as what we regard as feminine looking guys is considered attractive there. But Kuja's wearing a bra and a thong, there's no getting around that :monster:


Ooooh Salty!
roxas9001, Krat0s9001, DarkSlayerZero
Honestly I want this game to flop since its Nomura related but I also want it to succeed.


It doesn't get much more flop than your icon, son. Given the shit we've been fed, I'd very much like this game to do well. Or at least not make me grind my teeth with every sequence/dialogue.

I hope 13 and 14 taught them a lesson, but I know they haven't :(

Honestly the guy gives me more of an older Irvine Kinneas vibe...than anything else.
Basically what I came in here to say.


Ooooh Salty!
roxas9001, Krat0s9001, DarkSlayerZero
It doesn't get much more flop than your icon, son. Given the shit we've been fed, I'd very much like this game to do well. Or at least not make me grind my teeth with every sequence/dialogue.

I hope 13 and 14 taught them a lesson, but I know they haven't :(

Basically what I came in here to say.

I'm afraid because of the compilation and most of KH.


If the sky comes falling down
Honestly I want this game to flop since its Nomura related but I also want it to succeed.

Why the Nomura hate ? Just curious ?

Final Fantasy XV is going to have a open world map like ye olden days, controllable airship, party that feels like a party and not just you controlling Lightning and if she dies it's Game Over, a epic storyline, and is not going to feel linear like FF XIII and FF X

I don't think a game that shows all that should be wished anything negative. Noruma or not.


Why the Nomura hate ? Just curious ?

Final Fantasy XV is going to have a open world map like ye olden days

I'm pretty sure it's gonna have an open world but I doubt it's gonna be an oldschool world map.
That'd be pretty backwards anyways.


Ooooh Salty!
roxas9001, Krat0s9001, DarkSlayerZero
Why the Nomura hate ? Just curious ?

Final Fantasy XV is going to have a open world map like ye olden days, controllable airship, party that feels like a party and not just you controlling Lightning and if she dies it's Game Over, a epic storyline, and is not going to feel linear like FF XIII and FF X

I don't think a game that shows all that should be wished anything negative. Noruma or not.

All FF games are linear they just give the illusion of freedom.

I don't care about Nomura because he helped destroy VII(far from my fav) with the compilation and destroyed/is destroying KH with all the bridge games(KH will never have those moments found in KH1 ever again), can't create characters without them being a clone of a previous character.


Double Growth
Some dramatic terminology there. But Tets is right. He was the director of Advent Children, but had nothing to do with Dirge and little to do with Crisis Core. To wish for this game to fail is stupid. Also, Birth By Sleep had the best gameplay since Kingdom Hearts 1, and the rest of the game was pretty good too. You're aware he created KH in the first place, right?

I assume what Dagger is referring to, Tets, is that interview from a long time ago where Nomura implied that Versus was gonna have a world map and a fly-able airship. I kinda doubt that's still the case though.

But I don't understand why it would be so hard. Even if the characters never walk around on an 'old-school world map', why can't there be something similar just used for when you're flying the airship.


That Man
It's a mistake to assume an FF game is all about characterization. It's about playing a ROLE (as with any RPG). So gameplay is just as important.

And people whining about how "they ruined ____ character" doesn't help matters.

I say get over it and be more optimistic.


But I don't understand why it would be so hard. Even if the characters never walk around on an 'old-school world map', why can't there be something similar just used for when you're flying the airship.

Why not just have the airship fly over the open world? :comedian:

Monolith Soft does it on Wii U with flying mechs after all. :awesome:


I swear if the word "gripe" starts getting thrown about in here I'm going to lose my shit again


That Man
I'm going to lose my shit again



If the sky comes falling down
All FF games are linear they just give the illusion of freedom.

I disagree with that alot. Have you played Final Fantasy I ? That is pretty damn open. Plus most games basically say that you don't have to go down that certain path. You can visit a certain town again, go and play cards with people, and sometimes go around the world searching for Blue Magic spells.

At my playthrough of Final Fantasy IX at the moment I'm going around the world Chocobo Treasure Hunting while the game is saying that I should be in Terra saying hi to Garland

I don't care about Nomura because he helped destroy VII(far from my fav) with the compilation and destroyed/is destroying KH with all the bridge games(KH will never have those moments found in KH1 ever again), can't create characters without them being a clone of a previous character.

Oh him ! :@
And people whining about how "they ruined ____ character" doesn't help matters.

I say get over it and be more optimistic.

Clearly you are not a Cloud or Terra fan, otherwise you wouldn't be thinking this. Bartz felt different in Dissidia as well. Treasure Hunter my ass, he was a Adventurer. Treasure Hunter was Locke Cole. I grew up with Terra, Bartz and Cloud. So seeing them not being the same characters that I grew up with is painful. These are more than just characters, these are our memories, our heroes.

If they ever put Locke, Setzer, Sabin or Rydia in a Dissidia and they're different I won't shy away from putting a bomb up Square- Enix's assholes. :@
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Double Growth
Now, I liked FFXIII and I do agree with the statement that "All [well, most] FF games are linear they just give the illusion of freedom." However, when people call XIII linear, what they really mean is a lack of distraction. There was absolutely nothing else to do but fight for 20 straight hours. And even after that the only optional things are more fighting, but at least there was exploring to do.


Yanno, I actually like Nomura as game director. KH spin-off spam aside, his games are usually fun to play. :P


That Man
See, Dagger, you're wrong about something regarding me.

I am a fan of Cloud. Okay maybe I don't faithfully follow everything he does in every story he's ever been in... But I know enough about him to like him no matter what they do to him as a character.

Which is my point. No matter how a character changes depending on the author of a story, so long as the original character retains itself for the most part, you can't really complain. Minor changes and contrivances to side stories don't really "ruin" a character if you ask me. They're just a slightly altered interpretation designed to squeeze said character into said story better.

Of course Cloud will always be his BEST in Final Fantasy VII. That's his origin. That won't ever change. And even if they do a remake there will always be people who don't like said remake for that simple reason, because they thought he was always best in his original form.


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
Honestly I want this game to flop since its Nomura related but I also want it to succeed.

I thanked this comment because I am sick of hearing Toriyama's name over and over and over again, seconded by how people think how horrific or how great he is (due to Lightning, due to Final Fantasy XIII.)

Though the Toriyamad (for trolled) joke is hilarious to me.

I'm also sick of hearing how horrible XIII is, though I personally hate XIII-2; and, I don't believe XIII was a bad game. XIII-2 needed a lot more fleshing out to be good, in my opinion. Granted, everyone has opinions, and that's fine.

Overall, people have been saying XV (previously Versus XIII) is going to be so much better because of Nomura. A part of me would like it to flop, just to prove the problem is not one man alone. The stories have been complex, but there has to be time to explain characters and points in the story. They don't know this, or they don't want to do this.
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