I remember being impressed by Tenebrae in the World of Wonder video and it being one of the locations I most wanted to visit.
You pass through on a train and get to see it from veeeeeery far while it's burning.
Fantastic. =/
Very disappointed.
And is Ravus really dead? Dude had like, one or two scenes only! What was even the point of him?
I guess that's why they said they're gonna add cutscenes in further updates regarding him. Not sure that's gonna help much, you can't fix the fact that his presence in this game had no meaning.
There's quite a few characters that seem to barely be present in XV.
Ravus, Verstael, Aldercapt...and of course the artist formerly known as Stella.
Ah well.
Man, the mood was frosty in chapter 10. Made camp at the mines and all that jolly roadtrippy feeling was gone. =(
...the canned food was the saddest thing of all
Poor Ignis. Was he blind in the prologue then? I missed that...