Final Fantasy XV (was Versus XIII)


Yeah aside from some info on the other cast there's nothing else I didn't know before.

I just want a release date, Square.


I've just realised Gladiolus is really fucking hot.



I think I might be in love. And also, I smell a new ship. Noctis/Gladiolus? What the fuck would that ship name be? Noctolus? Gladis? Gladitis?


Double Growth
Why do they all need such stupid portmanteaus? (not yelling at you at all, you're right, there will be one. Just talking about the practice in general :monster:)
I've just realised Gladiolus is really fucking hot.



I think I might be in love. And also, I smell a new ship. Noctis/Gladiolus? What the fuck would that ship name be? Noctolus? Gladis? Gladitis?

It sounds like a plant to me.

Gladius is latin for sword so Gladiolus would be "Little Sword" or "Swordling".

Maybe Gladnight would be the most fitting smoosh for those two.


Shipping names are dumb but unless this character turns out to be an asshole (and he very well might) there might actually be something from an FF game I ship for the first time in years. Well, the only thing I really "ship" is mShenko.

I've just realised I'm a shipper. I am actually a shipper. OMG. How the fuck did this happen.

Anyway, this whole thing came about today because I watched a compilation of all the previously released footage on youtube (I was procrastinating studying this vaccine development stuff) and it made me excited for the game again. I know it's not going to be the FF return to form we're all waiting for, but I remember the excitement I first felt about this game when it was originally announced and I felt some of that again today.

Even though it's nothing like any other FF, I still think there's a chance it could be totally amazing. I remember reading years ago that there was going to be a world map of sorts in this game, and I'm wondering if they're still planning on doing that? It would be totally epic. I can see it being similar in progression to FF7 actually - starting out in the city then maybe having to leave and go on a journey for some reason. Wow we still know nothing about this game, it's insane. Hopefully E3 will shed some light on it all.

Also, I love Stella's design too. There's something about the aesthetic of this game I really like.


Double Growth
Not only that, they said once long ago that there would actually be a fly-able airship. Now THAT would blow my damn mind. It's been so long I have no idea if they even remember they said it, but man I can dream.


AI Researcher
i am posting a rushed comment to say that if they have controllable airships, please don't do it like type-0's

it isn't a faster way to travel when i keep having to turn around because i missed where i wanted to land because your crazyass controls are ass

Celes Chere

GLADNOCT I'M SAILING THAT SHIP and omg I'm really glad that Prompto and Noctis are revealed to be opposite in personalities and as rivals? Everyone was assuming that they were best friends so this is awesome.


That Man
FFXV Wishlist:

---Throwing Swords and swinging from Building to Building ala Spider-Man.
---Bullet Proof Swords Mode all day every day.
---You can choose to date the "girl with black hair" if you want.
---Pilot Magitech Armors all day every day.
---Smash Soldiers heads in cars all day.
---Sword Climbing ala Metal Gear Rising (MG Ray battle).
---Bullet Time with swords (slow mo).
---Summon/Rename your Aeons/Eidolons/Espers/FrostedLuckyCharms and control them directly.
---Have that "Dragoon Lady with white hair" join your party (either during game or post-game).
---Triple Triad (or equivalent card game) and cards that can be refined in to items.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Are we sure this is for real? I would expect gaming news sites to be ablaze if it were, but the only other article I'm finding about it is this one from the same site:

Both articles have really clunky wording, and the quotes don't make sense:

Shinji Hashimoto teased fans of a "surprise" that is waiting to be unveiled on E3 2014.

"We would like to keep it secret. It just only a few months from now. I'm pretty sure you will be surprised."

"A few months"? No, E3 is in a few days at this point.

And it's odder still that the article from two days ago I just linked says definitively that "Final Fantasy XV will be showcased at E3 2014" while the article from today says "It was during the Thailand Comic-Con that Square Enix featured new footage from the original trailer of Final Fantasy XV which led to the speculation that the company will likely showcased another trailer on E3 2014."

The articles also can't seem to make up their minds whether a PC version has been confirmed or only "hinted."

I'm not convinced. This is somebody trolling poorly.


I'm 100% certain it's nonsense. That site is known for false reporting and shoddy titles. They're on the rise as my most hated gaming reporters.

Oh who am I kidding, no one's ever beating Shui Ta from the Examiner.


That Man
I tend to follow Siliconera news, myself.... they'd tell us if something's up and they're usually one of the first to catch wind of it.


While Siliconera are fine, you can't rely on one source for everything. That's how you miss information :monster:


This sucks. My bad for getting too excited.

Seriously though I am expecting SE to finally announce it this coming E3.


That Man
Considering we got a few free mp3s out of it and plenty of cgi videos over the years... yeah I'd say they're almost done.


(No more jokes about this please.)


You really can't dictate what people post. If the jokes annoy you that much, ignore them. It's not like they're breaking the rules.
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